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Chemical Sampling Information
2-Chloro-6-(Trichloromethyl) Pyridine (Total Dust)
 Field Definitions
 Analytical Methods
General Description

NAME: 2-Chloro-6-(Trichloromethyl) Pyridine (Total Dust)

SYNONYM(s): n-Serve; Nitrapyrin; alpha, alpha, alpha-6-Tetrachloro-2-picoline

IMIS: 0684

CAS: 1929-82-4

NIOSH: RTECS US7525000; 70725


MW: 231

Exposure Limits

ACGIH TLV: 10 mg/m3 TWA; 20 mg/m3 STEL; Appendix A4 (Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen) (TLV listed for Nitrapyrin)

NIOSH REL: 10 mg/m3 TWA; 20 mg/m3 STEL

Health Factors

HEALTH EFFECTS: Explosive, Flammable (No adverse effects when Good Housekeeping Practices are used)(HE18)



MEDIA: OSHA Versatile Sampler (OVS-2) - 13 mm XAD-2 tube (270/140 mg sections, 20/60 mesh) with Glass Fiber Filter enclosed
MAX V: 480 Liters   MAX F: 1.0 L/min
ANL 1: High Performance Liquid Chromatography; HPLC/UV or GC/ECD
REF: 2 (OSHA In-House File)
CLASS: Not Validated

COND: Column: Mobile Phase: Detector Wavelength: Detection Limit:

Revision Date: 11/19/1998
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