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Chemical Sampling Information
Trimellitic Anhydride
 Field Definitions
 Analytical Methods
 Health Guidelines
General Description

NAME: Trimellitic Anhydride


IMIS: 2502

CAS: 552-30-7

NIOSH: RTECS DC2050000; 14493


White solid.
MW: 192.12
MP: 165 C

Exposure Limits

ACGIH TLV: 0.04 mg/m3 Ceiling

NIOSH REL: 0.005 ppm TWA; handle in the workplace as an extremely toxic substance

Health Factors



MEDIA: Two Coated Glass Fiber Filters (37 mm) Coating is 10 mg Veratryamine and 10 mg di-n-octylphthalate.
ANL SOLVENT: 0.02 N Ammonium Hydroxide
MAX V: 480 Liters   MAX F: 2.0 L/min
ANL 1: High Performance Liquid Chromatography; HPLC/UV
REF: 2 (OSHA 98)
CLASS: Fully Validated
NOTE: Store filters under refrigeration and use within 1 month. Small interfering peaks start appearing after that time.

COND: Column: Asahipak C4P-50 (C4); Mobile Phase: 25/75/0.1 Acetonitrile/Water/H3PO4; Detector: UV @ 205 or 232 nm; Alt Column: C18; Alt Mobile Phase: 22.5/77.5/0.1 Acetonitrile/Water/H3PO4; Detector: UV @ 205 or 232 nm

Revision Date: 10/10/2002
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