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Training Presentation > Slide 64 Link to Printing InstructionsPrinting Instructions | Text Version
Slides 1-10
Slides 11-20
Slides 21-30
Slides 31-40
Slides 41-50
Slides 51-60
Slide 61
Slide 62
Slide 63
Slide 64
Slide 65
Slide 66
Slide 67
Slide 68
Slide 69
Slide 70
Slides 71-72
Slide 64


    Title: 1904.32 – Annual Summary
    Type: Text Slide

    • Federal agency certification (1960.67)
      - Senior establishment management official
      - Head of the Agency for which the senior establishment management official works, or
      - Any management official who is in the direct chain of command between the senior establishment management official and the head of the agency
    • Must post for 3-month period from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the year covered by the summary

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