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The FBI has many ways of solving these crimes and finding the criminals. One of them is through fingerprint identification.

fingerprintFingerprints are a great way to tell people apart because everyone's fingerprints are unique. This means that no two people in the world have the same fingerprints! Other ways of identifying people (hair color, height, weight, and eye color) may change as a person gets older, but fingerprints stay the same.

Darrell - This is what my fingerprints look like.There are over 250 million sets of fingerprint records on file. If all of the fingerprint cards on file were stacked on top of one another, they would equal one hundred and thirty three stacks, each the size of the Empire State Building! Finding space to keep all of these fingerprint cards is difficult! This is one of the reasons that the FBI is now putting the cards in digital format so that the images can be stored on computers. All fingerprint cards at the FBI are eight-inch squares (a little smaller than a piece of notebook paper) and are thinner than a piece of cardboard. The FBI gets over 37,000 of these fingerprint cards each day, seven days a week! Thirty-two percent of these cards now come to the FBI as digital images. Here's an example of a FBI applicant fingerprint card. You can click on the picture and print it out.

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