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Business Area (FEA) Line of Business (FEA) Description SubFunction (FEA) Description
Management of Government Resources Administrative Management Administrative Management involves the day-to-day management and maintenance of the internal infrastructure. Facilities, Fleet And Equipment Management Facilities, Fleet, And Equipment Management – involves the maintenance, administration, and operation of office buildings, fleets, machinery, and other capital assets that are possessions of the federal government.
Management of Government Resources Administrative Management Administrative Management involves the day-to-day management and maintenance of the internal infrastructure. Help Desk Services Help Desk Services – involves the management of a service center to respond to government and contract employees' technical and administrative questions.
Management of Government Resources Administrative Management Administrative Management involves the day-to-day management and maintenance of the internal infrastructure. Security Management Security Management involves the physical protection of an organization’s personnel, assets, and facilities (including security clearance management). Note: Activities related to securing data and information systems are addressed under the Information Systems Security Sub-function.
Management of Government Resources Administrative Management Administrative Management involves the day-to-day management and maintenance of the internal infrastructure. Travel Travel – involves the activities associated with planning, preparing, and monitoring of business related travel for an organization’s employees.
Management of Government Resources Administrative Management Administrative Management involves the day-to-day management and maintenance of the internal infrastructure. Workplace Policy Development and Management Workplace Policy Development and Management – includes all activities required to develop and disseminate workplace policies such as dress codes, time reporting requirements, telecommuting, etc.
Management of Government Resources Financial Management Financial Management is the use of financial information to measure, operate and predict the effectiveness and efficiency of an entity’s activities in relation to its objectives. Accounting Accounting – entails accounting for assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenues and expenses associated with the maintenance of federal funds and expenditure of federal appropriations (Salaries and Expenses, Operation and Maintenance, Procurement, Workin
Management of Government Resources Financial Management Financial Management is the use of financial information to measure, operate and predict the effectiveness and efficiency of an entity’s activities in relation to its objectives. Asset and Liability Management Asset and Liability Management – provides accounting support for the management of assets and liabilities of the federal government.
Management of Government Resources Financial Management Financial Management is the use of financial information to measure, operate and predict the effectiveness and efficiency of an entity’s activities in relation to its objectives. Funds Control Funds Control includes the management of the federal budget process including the development of plans and programs, budgets, and performance outputs as well as financing federal programs and operations through appropriation and apportionment of direct and reimbursable spending authority, fund transfers, investments and other financing mechanisms.
Management of Government Resources Financial Management Financial Management is the use of financial information to measure, operate and predict the effectiveness and efficiency of an entity’s activities in relation to its objectives. Collections and Receivables Collections and Receivables – includes deposits, fund transfers, and receipts for sales or service.
Management of Government Resources Financial Management Financial Management is the use of financial information to measure, operate and predict the effectiveness and efficiency of an entity’s activities in relation to its objectives. Payments Payments – includes disbursements of federal funds, via a variety of mechanisms, to federal and private individuals, federal agencies, state, local and international governments, and the private sector, to effect payment for goods and services, or distrib
Management of Government Resources Financial Management Financial Management is the use of financial information to measure, operate and predict the effectiveness and efficiency of an entity’s activities in relation to its objectives. Reporting and Information Reporting and Information – includes providing financial information, reporting and analysis of financial transactions.
Management of Government Resources Financial Management Financial Management is the use of financial information to measure, operate and predict the effectiveness and efficiency of an entity’s activities in relation to its objectives. Cost Accounting / Performance Measurement Cost Accounting / Performance Measurement is the process of accumulating, measuring, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting cost information useful to both internal and external groups concerned with the way in which an organization uses, accounts for, safeguards, and controls its resources to meet its objectives. Cost accounting information is necessary in establishing strategic goals, measuring service efforts and accomplishments, and relating efforts to accomplishments. Also, cost accounting, financial accounting, and budgetary accounting all draw information from common data sources.
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Benefits Management Benefits Management – designs, develops, and implements benefit programs that attract, retain and support current and former agency employees. This sub-function includes: establishing and communicating benefits programs; processing benefits actions; and i
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Separation Management Separation Management conducts efficient and effective employee separation programs that assist employees in transitioning to non-Federal employment; facilitates the removal of unproductive, non-performing employees; and assists employees in transitioning to retirement.
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Employee Performance Management Employee Performance Management -designs, develops, and implements a comprehensive performance management approach to ensure agency employees are demonstrating competencies required of their work assignments. Design, develop and implement a comprehensive performance management strategy that enables managers to make distinctions in performance and links individual performance to agency gomission accomplishment. This sub-function also includes managing employee performance at the individual level and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the agency’s employee development approach.
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Labor Relations Labor Relations manages the relationship between the agency and its unions and bargaining units. This includes negotiating and administering labor contracts and collective bargaining agreements; managing negotiated grievances; and participating in negotiated third party proceedings.
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Compensation Management Compensation Management designs, develops, and implements compensation programs that attract, retain and fairly compensate agency employees. In addition, designs, develops, and implements pay for performance compensation programs to recognize and reward high performance, with both base pay increases and performance bonus payments. This sub-function includes: developing and implementing compensation programs; administering bonus and monetary awards programs; administering pay changes; managing time, attendance, leave and pay; and managing payroll.
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Employee Relations Employee Relations designs, develops, and implements programs that strive to maintain an effective employer-employee relationship that balance the agency’s needs against its employees’ rights. This sub-function includes: addressing employee misconduct; addressing employee performance problems; managing administrative grievances; providing employee accommodation; administering employees assistance programs; participating in administrative third party proceedings; and determining candidate and applicant suitability.
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Organization and Position Management Organization and Position Management – designs, develops, and implements organizational and position structures that create a high-performance, competency-driven framework that both advances the agency mission and serves agency human capital needs.
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Staff Acquisition Staff Acquisition – establishes procedures for recruiting and selecting high-quality, productive employees with the right skills and competencies, in accordance with merit system principles. This sub-function includes: developing a staffing strategy and p
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. HR Strategy HR Strategy – develops effective human capital management strategies to ensure federal organizations are able to recruit, select, develop, train, and manage a high-quality, productive workforce in accordance with merit system principles. This sub-function
Management of Government Resources Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves all activities associated with the recruitment and management of personnel. Human Resources Development Human Resources Development designs, develops, and implements a comprehensive employee development approach to ensure that agency employees have the right competencies and skills for current and future work assignments. This sub-function includes conducting employee development needs assessments; designing employee development programs; administering and delivering employee development programs; and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the agency’s employee development approach.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. Information Management Information Management – involves the coordination of information collection, storage, and dissemination, and destruction as well as managing the policies, guidelines, and standards regarding information management.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. IT Infrastructure Maintenance IT Infrastructure Maintenance – involves the planning, design, and maintenance of an IT Infrastructure to effectively support automated needs (i.e. platforms, networks, servers, printers, etc.).
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. Information Security Information Systems Security involves all functions pertaining to the securing of federal data and systems through the creation and definition of security policies, procedures and controls covering such services as identification, authentication, and non-repudiation.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. Lifecycle/Change Management Lifecycle/Change Management – involves the processes that facilitate a smooth evolution, composition, and workforce transition of the design and implementation of changes to agency resources such as assets, methodologies, systems, or procedures.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. Record Retention Record Retention – involves the operations surrounding the management of the official documents and records for an agency.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. System Development System Development – supports all activities associated with the in-house design and development of software applications.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. System Maintenance System Maintenance – supports all activities associated with the maintenance of in-house designed software applications.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. Information Sharing Information Sharing relates to any method or function, for a given business area, facilitating: data being received in a usable medium by one or more departments or agencies as provided by a separate document or agency or other entity; and data being provided, disseminated or otherwise made available or accessible by one department or agency for use by one or more separate departments or agencies, or other entities, as appropriate.
Management of Government Resources Information and Technology Management Management Involves the coordination of information and technology resources and systems required to support or provide a service. System and Network Monitoring System and Network Monitoring supports all activities related to the real-time monitoring of systems and networks for optimal performance.
Management of Government Resources Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management involves the purchasing, tracking, and overall management of goods and services. Goods Acquisition Goods Acquisition – involves the procurement of physical goods, products, and capital assets to be used by the federal government.
Management of Government Resources Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management involves the purchasing, tracking, and overall management of goods and services. Inventory Control Inventory Control – refers to the tracking of information related to procured assets and resources with regard to quantity, quality, and location.
Management of Government Resources Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management involves the purchasing, tracking, and overall management of goods and services. Logistics Management Logistics Management – involves the planning and tracking of personnel and their resources in relation to their availability and location.
Management of Government Resources Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management involves the purchasing, tracking, and overall management of goods and services. Services Acquisition Services Acquisition – involves the oversight and/or management of contractors and service providers from the private sector.
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Credit and Insurance Credit and Insurance involves the use of government funds to cover the subsidy cost of a direct loan or loan guarantee or to protect/indemnify members of the public from financial losses. Direct Loans Direct Loans – involves a disbursement of funds by the government to a non-federal borrower under a contract that requires the repayment of such funds with or without interest.
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Credit and Insurance Credit and Insurance involves the use of government funds to cover the subsidy cost of a direct loan or loan guarantee or to protect/indemnify members of the public from financial losses. General Insurance General Insurance – involves providing protection to individuals or entities against specified risks. The specified protection generally involves risks that private sector entities are unable or unwilling to assume or subsidize and where the provision of
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Credit and Insurance Credit and Insurance involves the use of government funds to cover the subsidy cost of a direct loan or loan guarantee or to protect/indemnify members of the public from financial losses. Loan Guarantees Loan Guarantees – involves any guarantee, insurance, or other pledge with respect to the payment of all or a part of the principal or interest on any debt obligation of a non-federal borrower to a non-federal lender, but does not include the insurance of
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Federal Financial Assistance The provision of earned and unearned financial or monetary-like benefits to individuals, groups, or corporations Direct Transfers to Individuals Direct Transfers to Individuals – involves the disbursement of funds from the federal government directly to beneficiaries (individuals or organizations) who satisfy federal eligibility requirements with no restrictions imposed on the recipient as to how
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Federal Financial Assistance The provision of earned and unearned financial or monetary-like benefits to individuals, groups, or corporations Federal Grants (Non-State) Federal Grants (Non-State) – involves the disbursement of funds by the federal government to a non-federal entity to help fund projects or activities. This includes the processes associated with grant administration, including the publication of funds ava
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Federal Financial Assistance The provision of earned and unearned financial or monetary-like benefits to individuals, groups, or corporations Subsidies Subsidies – involves federal government financial transfers that reduce costs and/or increase revenues of producers.
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Federal Financial Assistance The provision of earned and unearned financial or monetary-like benefits to individuals, groups, or corporations Tax Credits Tax Credits – allows a special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or which provide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability designed to encourage certain kinds of activities or to aid taxpayers in spec
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Transfers to States and Local Governments Transfers to States and Local Governments involves the transfer of funds or financial assistance from the Federal government to State and Local governments and Indian tribes. Earmarked Grants Earmarked Grants – involves the distribution of money to state and local governments for a named purpose or service usually specifically noted by Congress in appropriations language, or other program authorizing language.
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Transfers to States and Local Governments Transfers to States and Local Governments involves the transfer of funds or financial assistance from the Federal government to State and Local governments and Indian tribes. Formula Grants Formula Grants – involves the allocation of money to states or their subdivisions in accordance with distribution formulas prescribed by law or administrative regulation, for activities of a continuing nature.
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Transfers to States and Local Governments Transfers to States and Local Governments involves the transfer of funds or financial assistance from the Federal government to State and Local governments and Indian tribes. Project/Competitive Grants Project/Competitive Grants – involves the funding, for fixed or known periods, of projects. Project/Competitive grants can include fellowships, scholarships, research grants, training grants, traineeships, experimental and demonstration grants, evaluation
Mode of Delivery - Financial Vehicles Transfers to States and Local Governments Transfers to States and Local Governments involves the transfer of funds or financial assistance from the Federal government to State and Local governments and Indian tribes. State Loans State Loans – involves all disbursement of funds by the government to a state or local government (or Indian tribe) entity under a contract that requires the repayment of such funds with or without interest.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Direct Services for Citizens The delivery of a good or service to (or on behalf of) the citizenry by the Federal Government with no other intervening persons, conditions, or organizations. Civilian Operations Civilian Operations – describes the direct provision of a nonmilitary service for the citizen by government employees.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Direct Services for Citizens The delivery of a good or service to (or on behalf of) the citizenry by the Federal Government with no other intervening persons, conditions, or organizations. Military Operations Military Operations – TBD
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Knowledge Creation and Management Knowledge Creation and Management involves the programs and activities in which the Federal Government creates or develops a body or set of knowledge, the manipulation and analysis of which can provide inherent benefits for both the Federal and private sector. Advising and Consulting Advising and Consulting – involves the guidance and consultative services provided by the federal government to support the implementation of a specific Service for Citizen.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Knowledge Creation and Management Knowledge Creation and Management involves the programs and activities in which the Federal Government creates or develops a body or set of knowledge, the manipulation and analysis of which can provide inherent benefits for both the Federal and private sector. General Purpose Data and Statistics General Purpose Data and Statistics – includes activities performed in providing empirical, numerical, and related data and information pertaining to the current state of the nation in areas such as the economy, labor, weather, international trade, etc.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Knowledge Creation and Management Knowledge Creation and Management involves the programs and activities in which the Federal Government creates or develops a body or set of knowledge, the manipulation and analysis of which can provide inherent benefits for both the Federal and private sector. Knowledge Dissemination Knowledge Dissemination – addresses those instances where the primary method used in delivering a service is through the publishing or broadcasting of information, such as the Voice of America or web-based museums maintained by the Smithsonian. It is not
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Knowledge Creation and Management Knowledge Creation and Management involves the programs and activities in which the Federal Government creates or develops a body or set of knowledge, the manipulation and analysis of which can provide inherent benefits for both the Federal and private sector. Research and Development Research and Development – involves the gathering and analysis of data, dissemination of results, and development of new products, methodologies, and ideas.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Public Goods Creation and Management The construction, manufacturing, administration, and/or management of goods, structures, facilities, common resources, etc. used for the general well being of the American public or society at large. Construction Construction – involves all programs and activities in which the federal government builds or constructs facilities, roads, dams, etc.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Public Goods Creation and Management The construction, manufacturing, administration, and/or management of goods, structures, facilities, common resources, etc. used for the general well being of the American public or society at large. Information Infrastructure Management Information Infrastructure Management – involves the management and stewardship of a type of information by the federal government and/or the creation of physical communication infrastructures on behalf of the public in order to facilitate communication.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Public Goods Creation and Management The construction, manufacturing, administration, and/or management of goods, structures, facilities, common resources, etc. used for the general well being of the American public or society at large. Manufacturing Manufacturing – involves all programs and activities in which the federal government produces both marketable and non-marketable goods.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Public Goods Creation and Management The construction, manufacturing, administration, and/or management of goods, structures, facilities, common resources, etc. used for the general well being of the American public or society at large. Public Resources, Facilities, and Infrastructure Management Public Resources, Facility, & Infrastructure Management – involves the management and maintenance of government owned capital goods and resources (natural or otherwise) on behalf of the public, usually with benefits to the community at large as well as to
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement involves the direct monitoring and oversight of a specific individual, group, industry, or community participating in a regulated activity via market mechanisms, com-mand and control features, or other means to control or govern conduct or behavior. Inspections and Auditing Inspections & Auditing – involves the methodical examination and review of regulated activities to ensure compliance with standards for regulated activity.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement involves the direct monitoring and oversight of a specific individual, group, industry, or community participating in a regulated activity via market mechanisms, com-mand and control features, or other means to control or govern conduct or behavior. Permits and Licensing Permits and Licensing – involves activities associated with granting, revoking, and the overall management of the documented authority necessary to perform a regulated task or function.
Mode of Delivery - Government Service Delivery Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement involves the direct monitoring and oversight of a specific individual, group, industry, or community participating in a regulated activity via market mechanisms, com-mand and control features, or other means to control or govern conduct or behavior. Standard Setting/Reporting Guideline Development Standard Setting / Reporting Guideline Development – involves the establishment of allowable limits associated with a regulated activity and the development of reporting requirements necessary to monitor and control compliance with allowable limits. This
Services for Citizens Community and Social Services Community and Social Services includes all activities aimed at creating, expanding, or improving community and social development, social relationships, and social services in the United States. This includes all activities aimed at locality-specific or nationwide social development and general social services. This Line of Business includes general community development and social services programs, as well as earned and unearned benefit programs that promote these objectives. Community and Regional Development Community and Regional Development – involves activities designed to assist communities in preventing and eliminating blight and deterioration, assist economically distressed communities, and encourage and foster economic development through improved publ
Services for Citizens Community and Social Services Community and Social Services includes all activities aimed at creating, expanding, or improving community and social development, social relationships, and social services in the United States. This includes all activities aimed at locality-specific or nationwide social development and general social services. This Line of Business includes general community development and social services programs, as well as earned and unearned benefit programs that promote these objectives. Home Ownership Promotion Home Ownership Promotion – includes activities devoted to assisting citizens interested in buying homes and educating the public as to the benefits of homeownership. Note: Activities devoted to the provision of housing to low-income members of the public a
Services for Citizens Community and Social Services Community and Social Services includes all activities aimed at creating, expanding, or improving community and social development, social relationships, and social services in the United States. This includes all activities aimed at locality-specific or nationwide social development and general social services. This Line of Business includes general community development and social services programs, as well as earned and unearned benefit programs that promote these objectives. Postal Service Postal Services provides for the timely and consistent exchange and delivery of mail and packages between businesses, organizations, and residents of the United States or between businesses, organizations, and residents of the United States and the rest
Services for Citizens Community and Social Services Community and Social Services includes all activities aimed at creating, expanding, or improving community and social development, social relationships, and social services in the United States. This includes all activities aimed at locality-specific or nationwide social development and general social services. This Line of Business includes general community development and social services programs, as well as earned and unearned benefit programs that promote these objectives. Social Services Social Services – involves activities designed to provide meaningful opportunities for social and economic growth of the disadvantaged sector of the population in order to develop individuals into productive and self-reliant citizens and promote social eq
Services for Citizens Correctional Activities Correctional Activities involves all Federal activities to ensure the effective incarceration and rehabilitation of convicted criminals. Criminal Incarceration Criminal Incarceration – includes activities associated with the housing, custody and general care of criminals serving time in penitentiaries.
Services for Citizens Correctional Activities Correctional Activities involves all Federal activities to ensure the effective incarceration and rehabilitation of convicted criminals. Criminal Rehabilitation Criminal Rehabilitation – includes all government activities devoted to providing convicted criminals with the educational resources and life skills necessary to rejoin society as responsible and contributing members.
Services for Citizens Defense and National Security Protect and advance US national interests and, if deterrence fails, decisively defeat threats to those interests Operational Defense Operational Defense – involves linking tactics and strategy by establishing operational objectives needed to accomplish the strategic objectives, sequencing events to achieve the operational objectives, initiating actions, and applying resources to bring
Services for Citizens Defense and National Security Protect and advance US national interests and, if deterrence fails, decisively defeat threats to those interests Strategic National and Theater Defense Strategic National and Theater Defense – involves establishing national and multinational military objectives; sequencing initiatives; defining limits and assessing risks for the use of military and other instruments of national power; developing global p
Services for Citizens Defense and National Security Protect and advance US national interests and, if deterrence fails, decisively defeat threats to those interests Tactical Defense Tactical Defense – involves focusing on the ordered arrangement and maneuver of combat elements in relation to each other and to the enemy to achieve combat objectives.
Services for Citizens Disaster Management Disaster Management involves the activities required to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and repair the effects of all disasters whether natural or man-made. Disaster Monitoring and Prediction Disaster Monitoring and Prediction – involves the actions taken to predict when and where a disaster may take place and communicate that information to affected parties. Note: Weather forecasting, while central to Disaster Monitoring and Prediction, is mo
Services for Citizens Disaster Management Disaster Management involves the activities required to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and repair the effects of all disasters whether natural or man-made. Disaster Preparedness and Planning Disaster Preparedness and Planning – involves the development of response programs to be used in case of a disaster as well as pre-disaster mitigation efforts to minimize the potential for loss of life and property. This involves the development of emerge
Services for Citizens Disaster Management Disaster Management involves the activities required to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and repair the effects of all disasters whether natural or man-made. Disaster Repair and Restore Disaster Repair and Restore – involves the cleanup and restoration activities that take place after a disaster. This involves the cleanup and rebuilding of homes, buildings, roads, environmental resources, or infrastructure that may be damaged due to a di
Services for Citizens Disaster Management Disaster Management involves the activities required to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and repair the effects of all disasters whether natural or man-made. Emergency Response Emergency Response – involves the immediate actions taken to respond to a disaster. These actions include, but are not limited to, providing mobile telecommunications, operational support, power generation, search and rescue, and medical life saving actio
Services for Citizens Economic Development Economic Development includes the activities required to promote commercial/industrial development and to regulate the American financial industry to protect investors. It also includes the management and control of the domestic economy and the money supply, and the protection of intellectual property and innovation. Business and Industry Development Business and Industry Development – supports activities related to the creation of economic and business opportunities and stimulus, and the promotion of financial and economic stability for corporations and citizens involved in different types of busines
Services for Citizens Economic Development Economic Development includes the activities required to promote commercial/industrial development and to regulate the American financial industry to protect investors. It also includes the management and control of the domestic economy and the money supply, and the protection of intellectual property and innovation. Financial Sector Oversight Financial Sector Oversight – involves the regulation of private sector firms and markets (stock exchanges, corporations, etc.) to protect investors from fraud, monopolies, and illegal behavior. This also includes deposit protection.
Services for Citizens Economic Development Economic Development includes the activities required to promote commercial/industrial development and to regulate the American financial industry to protect investors. It also includes the management and control of the domestic economy and the money supply, and the protection of intellectual property and innovation. Industry Sector Income Stabilization Industry Sector Income Stabilization – involves all programs and activities devoted to assisting adversely impacted industrial sectors (farming, commercial transportation, etc.) to ensure the continued availability of their services for the American publi
Services for Citizens Economic Development Economic Development includes the activities required to promote commercial/industrial development and to regulate the American financial industry to protect investors. It also includes the management and control of the domestic economy and the money supply, and the protection of intellectual property and innovation. Intellectual Property Protection Intellectual Property Protection – involves all activities to protect and promote the ownership of ideas and control over the tangible or virtual representation of those ideas, including inventions and discoveries; literary and artistic works; and symbols
Services for Citizens Education Education refers to those activities that impart knowledge or understanding of a particular subject to the public. Education can take place at a formal school, college, university or other training program. This Line of Business includes all government programs that promote the education of the public, including both earned and unearned benefit programs. Cultural and Historic Exhibition Cultural and Historic Exhibition – includes all activities undertaken by the U.S. government to promote education through the exhibition of cultural, historical, and other information, archives, art, etc.
Services for Citizens Education Education refers to those activities that impart knowledge or understanding of a particular subject to the public. Education can take place at a formal school, college, university or other training program. This Line of Business includes all government programs that promote the education of the public, including both earned and unearned benefit programs. Cultural and Historic Preservation Cultural and Historic Preservation – involves all activities performed by the federal government to collect and preserve information and artifacts important to the culture and history of the United States and its citizenry and the education of U.S. citize
Services for Citizens Education Education refers to those activities that impart knowledge or understanding of a particular subject to the public. Education can take place at a formal school, college, university or other training program. This Line of Business includes all government programs that promote the education of the public, including both earned and unearned benefit programs. Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education – refers to the provision of education in elementary subjects (reading and writing and arithmetic); education provided by a high school or college preparatory school; and vocational and technical education a
Services for Citizens Education Education refers to those activities that impart knowledge or understanding of a particular subject to the public. Education can take place at a formal school, college, university or other training program. This Line of Business includes all government programs that promote the education of the public, including both earned and unearned benefit programs. Higher Education Higher Education – refers to education beyond the secondary level; specifically, education provided by a college or university.
Services for Citizens Energy Energy refers to all actions performed by the government to ensure the procurement and management of energy resources, including the production, sale and distribution of energy, as well as the management of spent fuel resources. Energy management includes all types of mass-produced energy (e.g., hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, solar, or fossil fuels). Also included in this Line of Business is the oversight of private industry. Energy Conservation and Preparedness Energy Conservation and Preparedness – involves protection of energy resources from over consumption to ensure the continued availability of fuel resources and to promote environmental protection. This Line of Business also includes measures taken to ensu
Services for Citizens Energy Energy refers to all actions performed by the government to ensure the procurement and management of energy resources, including the production, sale and distribution of energy, as well as the management of spent fuel resources. Energy management includes all types of mass-produced energy (e.g., hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, solar, or fossil fuels). Also included in this Line of Business is the oversight of private industry. Energy Production Energy Production – involves the transformation of raw energy resources into useable, deliverable energy.
Services for Citizens Energy Energy refers to all actions performed by the government to ensure the procurement and management of energy resources, including the production, sale and distribution of energy, as well as the management of spent fuel resources. Energy management includes all types of mass-produced energy (e.g., hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, solar, or fossil fuels). Also included in this Line of Business is the oversight of private industry. Energy Resource Management Energy Resource Management – involves the management and oversight of energy producing resources including facilities, dams, land, and offshore resources.
Services for Citizens Energy Energy refers to all actions performed by the government to ensure the procurement and management of energy resources, including the production, sale and distribution of energy, as well as the management of spent fuel resources. Energy management includes all types of mass-produced energy (e.g., hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, solar, or fossil fuels). Also included in this Line of Business is the oversight of private industry. Energy Supply Energy Supply – involves all activities devoted to ensuring the availability of an adequate supply of energy for the United States and its citizens.
Services for Citizens Environmental Management Environmental Management includes all functions required to monitor the environment and weather, determine proper environmental standards and ensure their compliance, and address environmental hazards and contamination. Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting – involves the observation and prediction of environmental conditions. This includes but is not limited to the monitoring and forecasting of water quality, water levels, ice sheets, air quality, regulated and non r
Services for Citizens Environmental Management Environmental Management includes all functions required to monitor the environment and weather, determine proper environmental standards and ensure their compliance, and address environmental hazards and contamination. Environmental Remediation Environmental Remediation – supports the immediate and long-term activities associated with the correcting and offsetting of environmental deficiencies or imbalances, including restoration activities.
Services for Citizens Environmental Management Environmental Management includes all functions required to monitor the environment and weather, determine proper environmental standards and ensure their compliance, and address environmental hazards and contamination. Pollution Prevention and Control Pollution Prevention and Control – includes activities associated with identifying appropriate pollution standards and controlling levels of harmful substances emitted into the soil, water and atmosphere from manmade sources. Environmental mitigation proj
Services for Citizens General Science and Innovation General Science and Innovation includes all Federal activities to meet the national need to advance knowledge in this area. This includes general research and technology programs, space exploration activities, and other research and technology programs that have diverse goals and cannot be readily classified into another Line of Business or Sub-function. Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation –includes all federal activities whose goal is the creation of new scientific and/or technological knowledge as a goal in itself, without a specific link to the other Lines of Business or Sub-functions
Services for Citizens General Science and Innovation General Science and Innovation includes all Federal activities to meet the national need to advance knowledge in this area. This includes general research and technology programs, space exploration activities, and other research and technology programs that have diverse goals and cannot be readily classified into another Line of Business or Sub-function. Space Exploration and Innovation Space Exploration and Innovation – includes all activities devoted to innovations directed at human and robotic space flight and the development and operation of space launch and transportation systems, and the general research and exploration of outer sp
Services for Citizens Health Health involves federal programs and activities to ensure and provide for the health and well being of the public. This includes the direct provision of health care services and immunizations as well as the monitoring and tracking of public health indicators for the detection of trends and identification of widespread illnesses/diseases. It also includes both earned and unearned health care benefit programs. Access to Care Access to Care – focuses on the access to appropriate care. This includes streamlining efforts to receive care; ensuring care is appropriate in terms of type, care, intensity, location and availability; providing seamless access to health knowledge, enro
Services for Citizens Health Health involves federal programs and activities to ensure and provide for the health and well being of the public. This includes the direct provision of health care services and immunizations as well as the monitoring and tracking of public health indicators for the detection of trends and identification of widespread illnesses/diseases. It also includes both earned and unearned health care benefit programs. Health Care Research and Practitioner Education Health Care Research and Practitioner Education – fosters advancement in health discovery and knowledge. This includes developing new strategies to handle diseases; promoting health knowledge advancement; identifying new means for delivery of services, me
Services for Citizens Health Health involves federal programs and activities to ensure and provide for the health and well being of the public. This includes the direct provision of health care services and immunizations as well as the monitoring and tracking of public health indicators for the detection of trends and identification of widespread illnesses/diseases. It also includes both earned and unearned health care benefit programs. Health Care Administration Health Care Administration – assures that federal health care resources are expended effectively to ensure quality, safety, and efficiency. This includes managing health care quality, cost, workload, utilization, and fraud/abuse efforts.
Services for Citizens Health Health involves federal programs and activities to ensure and provide for the health and well being of the public. This includes the direct provision of health care services and immunizations as well as the monitoring and tracking of public health indicators for the detection of trends and identification of widespread illnesses/diseases. It also includes both earned and unearned health care benefit programs. Health Care Delivery Services Health Care Delivery Services – provides and supports the delivery of health care to its beneficiaries. This includes assessing health status; planning health services; ensuring quality of services and continuity of care; and managing clinical information
Services for Citizens Health Health involves federal programs and activities to ensure and provide for the health and well being of the public. This includes the direct provision of health care services and immunizations as well as the monitoring and tracking of public health indicators for the detection of trends and identification of widespread illnesses/diseases. It also includes both earned and unearned health care benefit programs. Population Health Management and Consumer Safety Population Health Management and Consumer Safety – assesses health indicators and consumer products as a means to protect and promote the health of the general population. This includes monitoring of health, health planning, and health management of human
Services for Citizens Homeland Security Homeland Security involves protecting the nation against terrorist attacks. This includes analyzing threats and intelligence, guarding borders and airports, protecting critical infrastructure, and coordinating the response emergencies. The Homeland Security Line of Business is defined by the President’s Strategy on Homeland Security. Note: Some of the Critical Mission Areas from the President’s strategy have already been identified in other Lines of Business in the BRM. Border and Transportation Security Border and Transportation Security – includes appropriately facilitating or deterring entry and exit of people, goods, and conveyances at and between U.S. ports of entry, as well as ensuring the security of transportation and infrastructure networks, faci
Services for Citizens Homeland Security Homeland Security involves protecting the nation against terrorist attacks. This includes analyzing threats and intelligence, guarding borders and airports, protecting critical infrastructure, and coordinating the response emergencies. The Homeland Security Line of Business is defined by the President’s Strategy on Homeland Security. Note: Some of the Critical Mission Areas from the President’s strategy have already been identified in other Lines of Business in the BRM. Catastrophic Defense Catastrophic Defense – involves the development of technological countermeasures (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear [CBRN]) to terrorist threats, conducting laboratory testing on new and promising devices, and conducting basic and applied sci
Services for Citizens Homeland Security Homeland Security involves protecting the nation against terrorist attacks. This includes analyzing threats and intelligence, guarding borders and airports, protecting critical infrastructure, and coordinating the response emergencies. The Homeland Security Line of Business is defined by the President’s Strategy on Homeland Security. Note: Some of the Critical Mission Areas from the President’s strategy have already been identified in other Lines of Business in the BRM. Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protection Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protection – involves assessing key asset and critical infrastructure vulnerabilities and taking direct action to mitigate vulnerabilities, enhance security, and ensure continuity and necessary redundancy in governmen
Services for Citizens Income Security Income Security includes activities designed to ensure that members of the public are provided with the necessary means – both financial and otherwise – to sustain an adequate level of existence. This includes all benefit programs, both earned and unearned, that promote these goals for members of the public. Food and Nutrition Assistance Food and Nutrition Assistance – involves the development and management of programs that provide food and nutrition assistance to those members of the public who are unable to provide for these needs themselves.
Services for Citizens Income Security Income Security includes activities designed to ensure that members of the public are provided with the necessary means – both financial and otherwise – to sustain an adequate level of existence. This includes all benefit programs, both earned and unearned, that promote these goals for members of the public. General Retirement and Disability General Retirement and Disability – involves the development and management of retirement benefits, pensions, and income security for those who are retired or disabled.
Services for Citizens Income Security Income Security includes activities designed to ensure that members of the public are provided with the necessary means – both financial and otherwise – to sustain an adequate level of existence. This includes all benefit programs, both earned and unearned, that promote these goals for members of the public. Housing Assistance Housing Assistance – involves the development and management programs that provide housing to those who are unable to provide housing for themselves including the rental of single-family or multifamily properties, and the management and operation of feder
Services for Citizens Income Security Income Security includes activities designed to ensure that members of the public are provided with the necessary means – both financial and otherwise – to sustain an adequate level of existence. This includes all benefit programs, both earned and unearned, that promote these goals for members of the public. Survivor Compensation Survivor Compensation – provides compensation to the survivors of individuals currently receiving or eligible to receive benefits from the federal government. This includes, but is not limited to, survivors such as spouses or children of veterans or wage
Services for Citizens Income Security Income Security includes activities designed to ensure that members of the public are provided with the necessary means – both financial and otherwise – to sustain an adequate level of existence. This includes all benefit programs, both earned and unearned, that promote these goals for members of the public. Unemployment Compensation Unemployment Compensation – provides income security to those who are no longer employed, while they seek new employment.
Services for Citizens Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations involves collecting and analyzing information and taking action to meet the national security challenges of the U.S. and its allies, when appropriate, by processing foreign and domestic intelligence; disseminating intelligence products to policymakers, military commanders, warfighters and other consumers; and performing activities in support of U.S. policy objectives. Intelligence Dissemination Intelligence Dissemination consists of delivering intelligence products to consumers.
Services for Citizens Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations involves collecting and analyzing information and taking action to meet the national security challenges of the U.S. and its allies, when appropriate, by processing foreign and domestic intelligence; disseminating intelligence products to policymakers, military commanders, warfighters and other consumers; and performing activities in support of U.S. policy objectives. Intelligence Analysis and Production Intelligence Analysis and Production consists of integrating, evaluating, and/or interpreting information from single or multiple sources into intelligence satisfying consumer needs and preparing intelligence products in support of known or anticipated consumers.
Services for Citizens Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations involves collecting and analyzing information and taking action to meet the national security challenges of the U.S. and its allies, when appropriate, by processing foreign and domestic intelligence; disseminating intelligence products to policymakers, military commanders, warfighters and other consumers; and performing activities in support of U.S. policy objectives. Intelligence Collection Intelligence Collection involves acquiring raw data and provisioning the data to processing elements.
Services for Citizens Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations involves collecting and analyzing information and taking action to meet the national security challenges of the U.S. and its allies, when appropriate, by processing foreign and domestic intelligence; disseminating intelligence products to policymakers, military commanders, warfighters and other consumers; and performing activities in support of U.S. policy objectives. Intelligence Planning Intelligence Planning – involves developing strategies focused on intelligence requirements, prioritizing these requirements, and managing these requirements (adding, deleting and modifying).
Services for Citizens Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations involves collecting and analyzing information and taking action to meet the national security challenges of the U.S. and its allies, when appropriate, by processing foreign and domestic intelligence; disseminating intelligence products to policymakers, military commanders, warfighters and other consumers; and performing activities in support of U.S. policy objectives. Intelligence Processing Intelligence Processing involves converting collected raw data into forms suitable for analysis.
Services for Citizens International Affairs and Commerce International Affairs and Commerce involves the non-military activities that promote U.S. policies and interests beyond our national borders, including the negotiation of conflict resolution, treaties, and agreements. In addition, this function includes: foreign economic development and social/political development; diplomatic relations with other Nations; humanitarian, technical and other developmental assistance to key Nations; and global trade. Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs – refers to those activities associated with the implementation of foreign policy and diplomatic relations, including the operation of embassies, consulates, and other posts; ongoing membership in international organizations; the developme
Services for Citizens International Affairs and Commerce International Affairs and Commerce involves the non-military activities that promote U.S. policies and interests beyond our national borders, including the negotiation of conflict resolution, treaties, and agreements. In addition, this function includes: foreign economic development and social/political development; diplomatic relations with other Nations; humanitarian, technical and other developmental assistance to key Nations; and global trade. Global Trade Global Trade – refers to those activities the federal government undertakes to advance worldwide economic prosperity by increasing trade through the opening of overseas markets and freeing the flow of goods, services, and capital.
Services for Citizens International Affairs and Commerce International Affairs and Commerce involves the non-military activities that promote U.S. policies and interests beyond our national borders, including the negotiation of conflict resolution, treaties, and agreements. In addition, this function includes: foreign economic development and social/political development; diplomatic relations with other Nations; humanitarian, technical and other developmental assistance to key Nations; and global trade. International Development and Humanitarian Aid International Development and Humanitarian Aid – refers to those activities related to the implementation of development and humanitarian assistance programs to developing and transitioning countries throughout the world. Development and aid may include t
Services for Citizens Law Enforcement Law Enforcement involves activities to protect people, places, and things from criminal activity resulting from non-compliance with U.S. laws. This includes patrols, undercover operations, response to emergency calls, as well as arrests, raids, and seizures of property. Citizen Protection Citizen Protection – involves all activities performed to protect the general population of the United States from criminal activity.
Services for Citizens Law Enforcement Law Enforcement involves activities to protect people, places, and things from criminal activity resulting from non-compliance with U.S. laws. This includes patrols, undercover operations, response to emergency calls, as well as arrests, raids, and seizures of property. Crime Prevention Crime Prevention – entails all efforts designed to create safer communities through the control and reduction of crime by addressing the causes of crime and reducing opportunities for crimes to occur.
Services for Citizens Law Enforcement Law Enforcement involves activities to protect people, places, and things from criminal activity resulting from non-compliance with U.S. laws. This includes patrols, undercover operations, response to emergency calls, as well as arrests, raids, and seizures of property. Criminal Apprehension Criminal Apprehension – involves activities associated with the tracking, arrest, detention, and transportation of groups or individuals believed to be responsible for committing federal crimes.
Services for Citizens Law Enforcement Law Enforcement involves activities to protect people, places, and things from criminal activity resulting from non-compliance with U.S. laws. This includes patrols, undercover operations, response to emergency calls, as well as arrests, raids, and seizures of property. Criminal Investigation and Surveillance Criminal Investigation and Surveillance – includes collecting evidence required to determine responsibility for a crime and monitoring and questioning affected parties.
Services for Citizens Law Enforcement Law Enforcement involves activities to protect people, places, and things from criminal activity resulting from non-compliance with U.S. laws. This includes patrols, undercover operations, response to emergency calls, as well as arrests, raids, and seizures of property. Leadership Protection Leadership Protection – involves all activities performed to protect the health and well being of the president, vice-president, their families, foreign leaders and dignitaries, and other high-level government officials.
Services for Citizens Law Enforcement Law Enforcement involves activities to protect people, places, and things from criminal activity resulting from non-compliance with U.S. laws. This includes patrols, undercover operations, response to emergency calls, as well as arrests, raids, and seizures of property. Property Protection Property Protection – entails all activities performed to ensure the security of civilian and government property as well as foreign diplomatic missions.
Services for Citizens Law Enforcement Law Enforcement involves activities to protect people, places, and things from criminal activity resulting from non-compliance with U.S. laws. This includes patrols, undercover operations, response to emergency calls, as well as arrests, raids, and seizures of property. Substance Control Substance Control – supports activities associated with the enforcement of laws regarding legal substances (i.e., alcohol and tobacco) and illegal narcotics including trafficking, possession, sale, distribution, and other related activities
Services for Citizens Litigation and Judicial Activities Litigation and Judicial Activities refers to those activities relating to the administration of justice. Judicial Hearings Judicial Hearings – includes activities associated with proceedings (usually by a court of law) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence.
Services for Citizens Litigation and Judicial Activities Litigation and Judicial Activities refers to those activities relating to the administration of justice. Legal Defense Legal Defense – includes those activities associated with the representation of a defendant in a criminal or civil proceeding.
Services for Citizens Litigation and Judicial Activities Litigation and Judicial Activities refers to those activities relating to the administration of justice. Legal Investigation Legal Investigation – includes activities associated with gathering information about a given party (government agency, citizen or corporation) that would be admissible in a court of law in an attempt to determine a legal question or matter.
Services for Citizens Litigation and Judicial Activities Litigation and Judicial Activities refers to those activities relating to the administration of justice. Legal Prosecution and Litigation Legal Prosecution and Litigation – includes all activities involved with presenting a case in a legal proceeding both in a criminal or civil court of law in an attempt to prove guilt/responsibility.
Services for Citizens Litigation and Judicial Activities Litigation and Judicial Activities refers to those activities relating to the administration of justice. Resolution Facilitation Resolution Facilitation – refers to those activities outside a court of law, such as mediation and arbitration that may be used in an attempt to settle a dispute between two or more parties (government agency, citizen, or corporation).
Services for Citizens Natural Resources Natural Resources includes all activities involved in conservation planning, land management, and national park/monument tourism that affect the nation's natural and recreational resources, both private and federal. Note: Energy-related natural resources are covered in the Energy Management line of business. Agricultural Innovation and Services Agricultural Innovation and Services – involves the creation and dissemination of better methods for farming and forestry, including the development of improved and healthier agricultural and forestry products.
Services for Citizens Natural Resources Natural Resources includes all activities involved in conservation planning, land management, and national park/monument tourism that affect the nation's natural and recreational resources, both private and federal. Note: Energy-related natural resources are covered in the Energy Management line of business. Conservation, Marine and Land Management Conservation, Marine and Land Management – involves the responsibilities of surveying, maintaining, and operating public lands and monuments, as well as activities devoted to ensuring the preservation of land, water, wildlife, and natural resources, both
Services for Citizens Natural Resources Natural Resources includes all activities involved in conservation planning, land management, and national park/monument tourism that affect the nation's natural and recreational resources, both private and federal. Note: Energy-related natural resources are covered in the Energy Management line of business. Recreational Resource Management and Tourism Recreational Resource Management and Tourism – involves the management of national parks, monuments, and tourist attractions as well as visitor centers, campsites, and park service facilities.
Services for Citizens Natural Resources Natural Resources includes all activities involved in conservation planning, land management, and national park/monument tourism that affect the nation's natural and recreational resources, both private and federal. Note: Energy-related natural resources are covered in the Energy Management line of business. Water Resource Management Water Resource Management – includes all activities that promote the effective use and management of the nation’s water resources. Notes: Environmental protection of water resources is included in the Environmental Management Line of Business. Hydroelectr
Services for Citizens Transportation Transportation involves all federally supported activities related to the safe passage, conveyance, or transportation of goods and/or people. Air Transportation Air Transportation – involves the activities related to the safe passage of passengers or goods through the air. It also includes command and control activities related to the safe movement of aircraft through all phases of flight for commercial and milit
Services for Citizens Transportation Transportation involves all federally supported activities related to the safe passage, conveyance, or transportation of goods and/or people. Ground Transportation Ground Transportation – involves the activities related to ensuring the availability of transit and the safe passage of passengers and goods over land. Note: The protection of ground transportation from deliberate attack is included in the Transportation
Services for Citizens Transportation Transportation involves all federally supported activities related to the safe passage, conveyance, or transportation of goods and/or people. Space Operations Space Operations – involves the activities related to the safe launches/missions of passengers or goods into aerospace and includes commercial, scientific, and military operations.
Services for Citizens Transportation Transportation involves all federally supported activities related to the safe passage, conveyance, or transportation of goods and/or people. Water Transportation Water Transportation – involves the activities related to ensuring the availability of transit and the safe passage of passengers and goods over sea and water. Note: The protection of maritime transportation from deliberate attack is included in the Trans
Services for Citizens Workforce Management Workforce Management includes those activities that promote the welfare of the Nation’s workforce by improving their working conditions, advancing opportunities for profitable employment, and strengthening free collective bargaining. Labor Rights Management Labor Rights Management – refers to those activities undertaken to ensure that employees and employers are aware of and comply with all statutes and regulations concerning labor rights, including those pertaining to wages, benefits, safety and health, whi
Services for Citizens Workforce Management Workforce Management includes those activities that promote the welfare of the Nation’s workforce by improving their working conditions, advancing opportunities for profitable employment, and strengthening free collective bargaining. Training and Employment Training and Employment – includes programs of job or skill training, employment services and placement, and programs to promote the hiring of marginal, unemployed, or low-income workers.
Services for Citizens Workforce Management Workforce Management includes those activities that promote the welfare of the Nation’s workforce by improving their working conditions, advancing opportunities for profitable employment, and strengthening free collective bargaining. Worker Safety Worker Safety – refers to those activities undertaken to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect the health of America's workers.
Support Delivery of Services Controls and Oversight Controls and Oversight ensures that the operations and programs of the Federal government and its external business partners comply with applicable laws and regulations and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse. Corrective Action Corrective Action – involves the enforcement of activities to remedy internal or external programs that have been found noncompliant with a given law, regulation, or policy.
Support Delivery of Services Controls and Oversight Controls and Oversight ensures that the operations and programs of the Federal government and its external business partners comply with applicable laws and regulations and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse. Program Evaluation Program Evaluation – involves the analysis of internal and external program effectiveness and the determination of corrective actions as appropriate.
Support Delivery of Services Controls and Oversight Controls and Oversight ensures that the operations and programs of the Federal government and its external business partners comply with applicable laws and regulations and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse. Program Monitoring Program Monitoring – involves the data gathering activities required to determine the effectiveness of internal and external programs and the extent to which they comply with related laws, regulations, and policies.
Support Delivery of Services General Government General Government involves the general overhead costs of the Federal Government, including legislative and executive activities; provision of central fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and the provision of services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other Line of Business. As a normal rule, all activities reasonably or closely associated with other Lines of Business or Sub-Functions shall be included in those Lines of Business or Sub-Functions rather than listed as a part of general government. This Line of Business is reserved for central government management operations; agencyspecific management activities would not be included here. Central Fiscal Operations Central Fiscal Operations – includes the fiscal operations that the Department of Treasury performs on behalf of the government. Note: Tax related functions are included within the Taxation Management Sub-function.
Support Delivery of Services General Government General Government involves the general overhead costs of the Federal Government, including legislative and executive activities; provision of central fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and the provision of services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other Line of Business. As a normal rule, all activities reasonably or closely associated with other Lines of Business or Sub-Functions shall be included in those Lines of Business or Sub-Functions rather than listed as a part of general government. This Line of Business is reserved for central government management operations; agencyspecific management activities would not be included here. Central Personnel Management Central Personnel Management – involves most of the operating costs of the Office of Personnel Management and related agencies.
Support Delivery of Services General Government General Government involves the general overhead costs of the Federal Government, including legislative and executive activities; provision of central fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and the provision of services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other Line of Business. As a normal rule, all activities reasonably or closely associated with other Lines of Business or Sub-Functions shall be included in those Lines of Business or Sub-Functions rather than listed as a part of general government. This Line of Business is reserved for central government management operations; agencyspecific management activities would not be included here. Central Property Management Central Property Management – involves most of the operations of the General Services Administration.
Support Delivery of Services General Government General Government involves the general overhead costs of the Federal Government, including legislative and executive activities; provision of central fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and the provision of services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other Line of Business. As a normal rule, all activities reasonably or closely associated with other Lines of Business or Sub-Functions shall be included in those Lines of Business or Sub-Functions rather than listed as a part of general government. This Line of Business is reserved for central government management operations; agencyspecific management activities would not be included here. Central Records and Statistics Management Central Records and Statistics Management – involves the operations surrounding the management of official documents, statistics, and records for the entire federal government. This Sub-function is intended to include the management of records and statist
Support Delivery of Services General Government General Government involves the general overhead costs of the Federal Government, including legislative and executive activities; provision of central fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and the provision of services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other Line of Business. As a normal rule, all activities reasonably or closely associated with other Lines of Business or Sub-Functions shall be included in those Lines of Business or Sub-Functions rather than listed as a part of general government. This Line of Business is reserved for central government management operations; agencyspecific management activities would not be included here. Executive Functions Executive Functions – involves the Executive Office of the President.
Support Delivery of Services General Government General Government involves the general overhead costs of the Federal Government, including legislative and executive activities; provision of central fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and the provision of services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other Line of Business. As a normal rule, all activities reasonably or closely associated with other Lines of Business or Sub-Functions shall be included in those Lines of Business or Sub-Functions rather than listed as a part of general government. This Line of Business is reserved for central government management operations; agencyspecific management activities would not be included here. Legislative Functions Legislative Functions – includes the costs of the Legislative Branch except for the Tax Court, the Library of Congress, and the Government Printing Office revolving fund.
Support Delivery of Services General Government General Government involves the general overhead costs of the Federal Government, including legislative and executive activities; provision of central fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and the provision of services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other Line of Business. As a normal rule, all activities reasonably or closely associated with other Lines of Business or Sub-Functions shall be included in those Lines of Business or Sub-Functions rather than listed as a part of general government. This Line of Business is reserved for central government management operations; agencyspecific management activities would not be included here. Taxation Management Taxation Management – includes activities associated with the implementation of the Internal Revenue Code and the collection of taxes in the United States and abroad.
Support Delivery of Services Internal Risk Management and Mitigation Internal Risk Management and Mitigation involves all activities relating to the processes of analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate counter-measures. Contingency Planning Contingency Planning – involves the actions required to plan for, respond to, and mitigate damaging events.
Support Delivery of Services Internal Risk Management and Mitigation Internal Risk Management and Mitigation involves all activities relating to the processes of analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate counter-measures. Continuity of Operations Continuity of Operations – involves the activities associated with the identification of critical systems and processes, and the planning and preparation required to ensure that these systems and processes will be available in the event of a catastrophic
Support Delivery of Services Internal Risk Management and Mitigation Internal Risk Management and Mitigation involves all activities relating to the processes of analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate counter-measures. Service Recovery Service Recovery – involves the internal actions necessary to develop a plan for resuming operations after a catastrophic event occurs.
Support Delivery of Services Legislative Relations Legislative Relations involves activities aimed at the development, tracking, and amendment of public laws through the legislative branch of the Federal Government. Congressional Liaison Operations Congressional Liaison Operations – involves all activities associated with supporting the formal relationship between a federal agency and the U.S. Congress.
Support Delivery of Services Legislative Relations Legislative Relations involves activities aimed at the development, tracking, and amendment of public laws through the legislative branch of the Federal Government. Legislation Testimony Legislation Testimony – involves activities associated with providing testimony/evidence in support of, or opposition to, legislation.
Support Delivery of Services Legislative Relations Legislative Relations involves activities aimed at the development, tracking, and amendment of public laws through the legislative branch of the Federal Government. Legislation Tracking Legislation Tracking – involves monitoring legislation from introduction to enactment.
Support Delivery of Services Legislative Relations Legislative Relations involves activities aimed at the development, tracking, and amendment of public laws through the legislative branch of the Federal Government. Proposal Development Proposal Development – involves drafting proposed legislation that creates or amends laws subject to Congressional action.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Budget Execution Budget Execution - involves the legal (apportionment) and managerial (allotment and sub-allotment) distribution of budget authority to achieve results consistent with the formulated budget.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Budget Formulation Budget Formulation – involves all activities undertaken to determine priorities for future spending and to develop an itemized forecast of future funding and expenditures during a targeted period of time. This includes the collection and use of performanc
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Capital Planning Capital Planning – involves the processes for ensuring that appropriate investments are selected for capital expenditures.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architecture – is an established process for describing the current state and defining the target state and transition strategy for an organization’s people, processes, and technology.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Management Improvement Management Improvement – includes all efforts to gauge the ongoing efficiency of business processes and identify opportunities for reengineering or restructuring.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Strategic Planning Strategic Planning – entails the determination of annual and long-term goals and the identification of the best approach for achieving those goals.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Workforce Planning Workforce Planning – involves the processes for identifying the workforce competencies required to meet the agency’s strategic goals and for developing the strategies to meet these requirements.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Budget and Performance Integration Budget and Performance Integration - involves activities that align Federal resources allocated through budget formulation, execution, and management actions with examinations of program objectives, performance, and demonstrated results such as Program Performance Assessments, Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) plans and reports, performance-based agency budget submissions, and Financial Management Cost Accounting and Performance Measurement data.
Support Delivery of Services Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting involves the activities of determining strategic direction, identifying and establishing programs and processes, and allocating resources (capital and labor) among those programs and processes. Tax and Fiscal Policy Tax and Fiscal Policy - encompasses analysis of the implications for economic growth and stability in the United States and the world of Federal tax and spending policies. This includes assessing the sustainability of current programs and policies, the best means for raising revenues, the distribution of tax liabilities, and the appropriate limits on debt.
Support Delivery of Services Public Affairs Public Affairs involves the exchange of information and communication between the Federal Government, citizens and stakeholders in direct support of citizen services, public policy, and/or national interest. Customer Service Customer Services – supports activities associated with providing an agency’s customers with information regarding the agency’s service offerings and managing the interactions and relationships with those customers.
Support Delivery of Services Public Affairs Public Affairs involves the exchange of information and communication between the Federal Government, citizens and stakeholders in direct support of citizen services, public policy, and/or national interest. Official Information Dissemination Official Information Dissemination – includes all efforts to provide official government information to external stakeholders through the use of various types of media, such as video, paper, web, etc.
Support Delivery of Services Public Affairs Public Affairs involves the exchange of information and communication between the Federal Government, citizens and stakeholders in direct support of citizen services, public policy, and/or national interest. Product Outreach Product Outreach – relates to the marketing of government services products, and programs to the general public in an attempt to promote awareness and increase the number of customers/beneficiaries of those services and programs.
Support Delivery of Services Public Affairs Public Affairs involves the exchange of information and communication between the Federal Government, citizens and stakeholders in direct support of citizen services, public policy, and/or national interest. Public Relations Public Relations – involves the efforts to promote an organization’s image through the effective handling of citizen concerns.
Support Delivery of Services Regulatory Development Regulatory Development involves activities associated developing regulations, policies, and guidance to implement laws. Policy and Guidance Development Policy and Guidance Development – involves the creation and dissemination of guidelines to assist in the interpretation and implementation of regulations.
Support Delivery of Services Regulatory Development Regulatory Development involves activities associated developing regulations, policies, and guidance to implement laws. Public Comment Tracking Public Comment Tracking – involves the activities of soliciting, maintaining, and responding to public comments regarding proposed regulations.
Support Delivery of Services Regulatory Development Regulatory Development involves activities associated developing regulations, policies, and guidance to implement laws. Regulatory Creation Regulatory Creation – involves the activities of researching and drafting proposed and final regulations.
Support Delivery of Services Regulatory Development Regulatory Development involves activities associated developing regulations, policies, and guidance to implement laws. Rule Publication Rule Publication – includes all activities associated with the publication of a proposed or final rule in the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations.
Support Delivery of Services Revenue Collection Revenue Collection includes the collection of Government income from all sources. Note: Tax collection is accounted for in Tax Collection Sub-Function in the General Government Line of Business. Debt Collection Debt Collection – supports activities associated with the collection of money owed to the U.S. government from both foreign and domestic sources.
Support Delivery of Services Revenue Collection Revenue Collection includes the collection of Government income from all sources. Note: Tax collection is accounted for in Tax Collection Sub-Function in the General Government Line of Business. Federal Asset Sales Federal Asset Sales – encompasses the activities associated with the acquisition, oversight, tracking, and sale of non-internal assets managed by the federal government with a commercial value and sold to the private sector.
Support Delivery of Services Revenue Collection Revenue Collection includes the collection of Government income from all sources. Note: Tax collection is accounted for in Tax Collection Sub-Function in the General Government Line of Business. User Fee Collection User Fee Collection – involves the collection of fees assessed on individuals or organizations for the provision of government services and for the use of government goods or resources (i.e. National Parks).

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