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  DOI PRM - Outcome Measures
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  DOI PRM - Outcome Measures
 Count: 205
End Outcome Code Outcome Name Outcome Type Intermediate Outcome Measurement Code Description
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Percent of DOI stream/shoreline miles that have achieved desired conditions where condition is known and as specified in management plans
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Percent of DOI acres achieving desired conditions where condition is known and as specified in management plans
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Number of non-DOI stream/shoreline miles achieving watershed and landscape goals as specified in watershed or landscape management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Number of non-DOI acres achieving watershed and landscape goals as specified in watershed or landscape management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Number of Federal, private and tribal land and surface water acres reclaimed or mitigated from the effects of natural resource degradation from past coal mining
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Number of treated burned acres that achieve the desired condition
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Percent of treated burned acres that have achieved the desired condition
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM.1.0.8A.0412 Percent of surface water miles (stream/shoreline) managed by DOI that meet State (EPA approved) Water Quality Standards
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM.1.0.8B.0412 Percent of surface water acres managed by DOI that meet State (EPA approved) water quality standards.
PEO.1 Healthy watersheds and landscapes END PEM. Number of surface and ground water systems directly managed or influenced by DOI that are protected and/or restored, as specified in management plans, by working with State and local resource managers, as appropriate, to meet ecological needs.
PEO.2 Sustain biological communities END PEM.2.0.1A.0712 Percent of fish species of management concern that are managed to self-sustaining levels, in cooperation with affected States and others, as defined in approved management documents
PEO.2 Sustain biological communities END PEM.2.0.1B.0712 Percent of all migratory bird species that are at healthy and sustainable levels
PEO.2 Sustain biological communities END PEM. Percent of threatened or endangered species that are stabilized or improved
PEO.2 Sustain biological communities END PEM. Percent of candidate species where listing is unnecessary as a result of conservation actions, including actions taken through conservation agreements
PEO.2 Sustain biological communities END PEM. Percent of baseline acres infested with invasive plant species that are controlled
PEO.2 Sustain biological communities END PEM. Percent of invasive animal species populations that are controlled
PEO.3 Protect cultural and natural heritage resources END PEM. Percent of archaeological sites on DOI inventory in good condition
PEO.3 Protect cultural and natural heritage resources END PEM. Percent of historic structures on DOI inventory in good condition
PEO.3 Protect cultural and natural heritage resources END PEM. Percent of cultural landscapes in DOI inventory in good condition
PEO.3 Protect cultural and natural heritage resources END PEM. Percent of collections in DOI inventory in good condition (i.e., maintained according to DOI museum property management)
PEO.3 Protect cultural and natural heritage resources END PEM. Percent of paleontologic localities in DOI inventory in good condition.
PEO.3 Protect cultural and natural heritage resources END PEM.3.0.6A.0712 Percent of acres of Wilderness Areas and other Special Management Areas under DOI management meeting their heritage resource objectives under the authorizing legislation
PEO.3 Protect cultural and natural heritage resources END PEM.3.0.6B.0712 Percent of miles of National Historic Trails, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and other linear Special Management Areas under DOI management meeting their heritage resource objectives under the authorizing legislation
PEO.4 Integrated interdisciplinary assessment END PEM. % of targeted science products that are used by partners for land or resource management decisionmaking
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI riparian (stream/shoreline) miles restored to the condition specified in management plans
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI wetland acres restored to the condition specified in management plans
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI coastal and marine acres restored to the condition specified in management plans
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI upland acres restored to the condition specified in management plans
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI riparian (stream/shoreline) miles restored, including miles restored through partnerships, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI wetland acres restored, including acres restored through partnership, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOIs
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI coastal and marine acres restored, including acres restored through partnerships, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI upland acres restored, including acres restored through partnerships, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of natural ignitions, occurring in areas designated for wildland fire use or consistent with wildland fire use strategies, that are managed for resource protection benefits (i.e., allowed to burn )
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of acres treated which are moved toward desired condition
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of acres treated which are maintained in desired condition
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of known contaminated sites remediated on DOI-managed land
PIO.1.1 Restore Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Tons of salt loading prevented
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI riparian (stream/shoreline) miles managed or protected to maintain desired condition as specified in management plans
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI wetland acres managed or protected to maintain desired condition as specified in management plans
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI coastal and marine acres managed or protected to maintain desired condition as specified in management plans
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of DOI upland acres managed or protected to maintain desired condition as specified in management plans
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI riparian (stream/shoreline) miles managed or protected to maintain desired condition, including miles managed or protected through partnerships, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI wetland acres managed or protected to maintain desired condition, including acres managed or protected through partnerships, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI coastal and marine acres managed or protected to maintain desired condition, including acres managed or protected through partnerships, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PIO.1.2 Manage and Protect Watersheds and Landscapes INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of non-DOI upland acres managed or protected to maintain desired condition, including acres managed or protected through partnerships, as specified in management plans or agreements that involve DOI
PIO.2.1 Provide Habitat for Biological Communities to Flourish INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of acres of habitat restored or enhanced that directly support ESA-listed and Bureau sensitive species conservation or recovery
PIO.2.1 Provide Habitat for Biological Communities to Flourish INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of stream/shoreline miles of habitat restored or enhanced that directly support ESA-listed and Bureau sensitive species conservation or recovery
PIO.2.2 Manage populations to self-sustaining levels INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of populations of species of management concern that are managed to desired condition
PIO.2.2 Manage populations to self-sustaining levels INTERMEDIATE PIM. Number of international species of management concern whose status has been improved in cooperation with affected countries
PIO.3.1 Improve the Condition of Cultural and Natural Heritage Resources INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of participating cultural properties owned by others in good condition.
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. % of river basins that have streamflow stations
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. % of the Nation's 65 principal aquifers with monitoring wells used to measure responses of water levels to drought and climatic variations to provide information needed for water-supply decisionmaking
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of U.S. land surface area with contemporary land cover data available for major environmental monitoring and assessment programs
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent of the surface area in the conterminous United States for which high resolution geospatial data sets are cataloged, managed, and available through The National Map
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. % of North American migratory birds for which scientific information on their status and trend are available
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. % of targeted fish and aquatic populations for which information is available regarding limiting factors
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. % of targeted invasive species for which scientific information and decision support models are available to improve early detection (including risk assessments) and invasive species management
PIO.4.1 Ensure information, data and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE PIM. % of targeted contaminants for which methods are developed to assess potential environmental health significance
PIO.4.2 Ensure the quality and relevance of science Information and data to support decision making INTERMEDIATE PIM. % of studies validated through appropriate peer review and independent review
PIO.4.2 Ensure the quality and relevance of science Information and data to support decision making INTERMEDIATE PIM. Percent satisfaction with scientific and technical products and assistance for environment and natural resource decisionmaking
REO.1 Improve the quality and diversity of recreation experiences END REM. Percent of visitors satisfied with the quality of experience
REO.2 Expand seamless recreation opportunities with partners END REM. Number of non-DOI acres made available for recreation through financial support and technical assistance
REO.2 Expand seamless recreation opportunities with partners END REM. Number of non-DOI river, shoreline and trail miles made available for recreation through financial support and technical assistance
REO.2 Expand seamless recreation opportunities with partners END REM. Number of waters where recreational fishing opportunities are provided
RIO.1.1 Provide recreational opportunities INTERMEDIATE RIM. Percentage of recreation units with current management plan
RIO.1.2 Improve capacities to provide access to recreation INTERMEDIATE RIM. Overall condition of trails and campgrounds as determined by the Facilities Condition Index.
RIO.1.2 Improve capacities to provide access to recreation INTERMEDIATE RIM. Percent of priority recreation facilities that meet applicable accessibility standards
RIO.1.3 Provide Interpretation and Education Programs INTERMEDIATE RIM. Percent satisfaction among visitors served by facilitated programs
RIO.1.4 Manage and protect recreational resources and users INTERMEDIATE RIM. Number of serious injuries per 100,000 visitors
RIO.1.4 Manage and protect recreational resources and users INTERMEDIATE RIM. Number of fatalities per 100,000 visitors
RIO.1.4 Manage and protect recreational resources and users INTERMEDIATE RIM. Percent of visitors satisfied with services provided by commercial recreational operations
RIO.1.5 Provide for and receive fair value in recreation INTERMEDIATE RIM. Percent of customers satisfied with the value for fee paid
RIO.1.5 Provide for and receive fair value in recreation INTERMEDIATE RIM. Percent of recreation fee program receipts spent on fee collection
SEO.1 Improve protection of lives, resources and property END SEM. Percent of change from 10-year average in the number of acres burned by unplanned and unwanted wildland fires on DOI lands.
SEO.1 Improve protection of lives, resources and property END SEM. Percent of facilities meeting the minimum Departmental security guidelines
SEO.1 Improve protection of lives, resources and property END SEM. Level of emergency preparedness as measured by the Interior Readiness (I-READ) Index
SEO.1 Improve protection of lives, resources and property END SEM. Percent change in Part I offenses that occur on DOI lands or under DOI jurisdiction
SEO.1 Improve protection of lives, resources and property END SEM. Percent change in Part II offenses (excluding natural, cultural, and heritage resource crimes) that occur on DOI lands or under DOI jurisdiction
SEO.1 Improve protection of lives, resources and property END SEM. Percent change of natural, cultural and heritage resource crimes that occur on DOI lands or under DOI jurisdiction
SEO.2 Improve understanding, prediction, and monitoring of natural hazards END SEM. Percent of communities/Tribes using DOI science on hazard mitigation, preparedness and avoidance for each hazard management activity
SEO.3 Fulfill Indian fiduciary trust responsibilities END SEM. Percent of financial information accurately processed in Trust beneficiary accounts.
SEO.3 Fulfill Indian fiduciary trust responsibilities END SEM. Percent timeliness of financial account information provided to trust beneficiaries.
SEO.3 Fulfill Indian fiduciary trust responsibilities END SEM. Percent of risk mitigated on Corrective Action Plans based on Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act control plans.
SEO.3 Fulfill Indian fiduciary trust responsibilities END SEM. Percent of total annual allowable harvest offered for sale.
SEO.3 Fulfill Indian fiduciary trust responsibilities END SEM. Percent of total acres of agricultural and grazing land that have resource management plans completed.
SEO.3 Fulfill Indian fiduciary trust responsibilities END SEM. Percent of agricultural and range acres leased where lease proceeds exceed administrative cost of the leased-acres base.
SEO.4 Quality communities for Tribes and Alaska Natives END SEM. Percent of BIA/BIE funded schools achieving Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
SEO.4 Quality communities for Tribes and Alaska Natives END SEM. Part I violent crime incidents per 100,000 Indian Country inhabitants receiving law enforcement services.
SEO.4 Quality communities for Tribes and Alaska Natives END SEM. Percent of teachers that are highly qualified in select subject areas.
SEO.4 Quality communities for Tribes and Alaska Natives END SEM. Percent of miles of road in good or better condition based on the Service Level Index.
SEO.4 Quality communities for Tribes and Alaska Natives END SEM. Percent of bridges in good or better condition based on the Service Level Index.
SEO.5 Economic self-sufficiency of insular areas END SEM. Ratio of Federal revenue to total revenues in insular areas
SIO.1.1 Improve fire management INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of unplanned and unwanted wildland fires on DOI land controlled during initial attack.
SIO.1.1 Improve fire management INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of acres treated which achieve fire management objectives as identified in applicable management plans
SIO.1.1 Improve fire management INTERMEDIATE SIM.1.1.3A.0712 Number of treated Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) acres that are identified in Community Wildfire Protection Plans or other applicable collaboratively developed plans.
SIO.1.1 Improve fire management INTERMEDIATE SIM.1.1.3B.0712 Percent of treated Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) acres that are identified in Community Wildfire Protection Plans or other applicable collaboratively developed plans.
SIO.1.1 Improve fire management INTERMEDIATE SIM. Number of acres in WUI treated per million dollars gross investment
SIO.1.2 Public safety and security INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of physical and chemical hazards mitigated in appropriate time to ensure visitor or public safety
SIO.1.2 Public safety and security INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent change in physical security vulnerabilities identified at DOI facilities
SIO.1.2 Public safety and security INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of Incidents/Investigations closed for Part I, Part II and natural, cultural and heritage resource offenses.
SIO.1.2 Public safety and security INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of DOI public lands management units where travel management plans or equivalent regulatory or policy documents are completed.
SIO.1.3 Promote respect for private property INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of open complaints received from property owners, concerning DOI actions affecting status of their private property, resolved within one year
SIO.1.4 Provide prompt response to requests for administrative action INTERMEDIATE SIM. Number of non-probate cases concluded
SIO.2.1 Assist communities in managing risks INTERMEDIATE SIM. Number of areas for which detailed hazard assessments are completed
SIO.2.1 Assist communities in managing risks INTERMEDIATE SIM. Number of metropolitan regions where Shakemap is incorporated into emergency procedures
SIO.2.1 Assist communities in managing risks INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percentage of potentially hazardous volcanoes with published hazard assessments
SIO.2.2 Ensure availability of tools and methodologies to support decision making INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of studies validated through peer review or other independent review, as appropriate
SIO.2.2 Ensure availability of tools and methodologies to support decision making INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent satisfaction with scientific and technical products and assistance for natural hazard planning, mitigation and emergency response
SIO.3.1 Ownership information that is accurate, timely and reliable INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percentage of estates closed
SIO.3.1 Ownership information that is accurate, timely and reliable INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of Whereabouts Unknown accounts resolved.
SIO.3.1 Ownership information that is accurate, timely and reliable INTERMEDIATE SIM. Number of fractionated interests acquired
SIO.3.2 Land and natural resources management that maximizes return INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of revenue recorded in the Trust Financial Accounting System within 24 hours of receipt.
SIO.4.1 Improve education for Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of BIA/BIE school facilities that are rated as good or fair, as measured by the Facilities Condition Index.
SIO.4.1 Improve education for Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of BIA/BIE schools not making AYP that improved in reading proficiency
SIO.4.1 Improve education for Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of BIA/BIE schools not making AYP that improved in math proficiency.
SIO.4.2 Enhance public safety INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of BIA-funded Tribal judicial systems receiving an acceptable rating under independent Tribal judicial system reviews.
SIO.4.2 Enhance public safety INTERMEDIATE SIM. Percent of law enforcement detention facilities that are in acceptable condition as measured by the Facilities Condition Index.
SIO.5.1 Insular government financial management INTERMEDIATE SIM. Total average months late for all insular general fund financial statements
SIO.5.2 Increase economic development INTERMEDIATE SIM. Ratio of private sector jobs to total employment
SIO.5.3 Increase federal responsivene to islands INTERMEDIATE SIM. Numerical improvement in insular areas satisfaction with and confidence in Interior responsiveness to their needs
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. Percent of fluid mineral leases with approved applications for permits to drill.
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. Number of onshore federal acres under lease for coal development
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. Number of offshore lease sales held consistent with the Secretary's 2007-2012 Five Year Program
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. Average acreage disturbed per permitted energy exploration or development activity
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. Percent of active coal mining sites that are free of off-site impacts
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. Percent of mined acreage reclaimed
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. Number of acres reclaimed to appropriate final land condition
UEO.1 Manage energy use (Fossil Fuels) END UEM. % of federal and Indian revenues disbursed on a timely basis per statute.
UEO.2 Manage energy use (Renewables) END UEM. Number of megawatts of installed capacity authorized on public land. for renewable energy development.
UEO.2 Manage energy use (Renewables) END UEM. Percent of wind farms incorporating best management practices (BMP) for protecting raptors, and other birds and bats.
UEO.3 Manage energy use (Hydropower) END UEM. Number of megawatts of hydropower delivered annually.
UEO.3 Manage energy use (Hydropower) END UEM. Percent of time in forced outage
UEO.3 Manage energy use (Hydropower) END UEM. Percent of base Operation and Maintenance cost for power compared to the 5-year rolling average cost expressed as $/MW.
UEO.4 Deliver water END UEM. Acre-feet of water delivered consistent with applicable substantive and procedural requirements of Federal and State water law.
UEO.4 Deliver water END UEM. Amount of acre-feet of restricted capacity
UEO.4 Deliver water END UEM. Percent of water facilities that do not receive Federal or State notices of violation under environmental requirements as defined by Federal and State law.
UEO.4 Deliver water END UEM. Percent change in cost to operate and maintain water storage infrastructure compared to the five-year rolling average.
UEO.5 Manage forage use END UEM. Percent of grazing permits and leases processed consistent with applicable resource management plans
UEO.5 Manage forage use END UEM. Cost per grazing permit/lease for processing and issuing grazing permits/leases
UEO.6 Manage forest products END UEM. Percent of allowable sale quantity timber offered for sale consistent with applicable resource management plans
UEO.6 Manage forest products END UEM. Volume of wood products offered consistent with applicable management plans.
UEO.6 Manage forest products END UEM. Administrative cost per thousand board feet of timber offered for sale
UEO.7 Manage Non-Energy Minerals END UEM. Number of onshore federal acres under lease or contract for non-energy mineral exploration and development (leasable and saleable minerals).
UEO.7 Manage Non-Energy Minerals END UEM. Number of acres reclaimed to appropriate land condition and water quality standards.
UEO.8 Improve understanding of energy and mineral resources END UEM. % of targeted science products that are used by partners and customers for land or resource management decisionmaking
UIO.1.1 Effectively manage energy access, development. INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of fluid mineral permit and lease applications processed.
UIO.1.1 Effectively manage energy access, development. INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of coal lease applications processed.
UIO.1.1 Effectively manage energy access, development. INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of available offshore oil and gas resources offered for leasing compared to what was planned in the Secretary's Five-Year Plan
UIO.1.1 Effectively manage energy access, development. INTERMEDIATE UIM. Progress made in the development of a commercial oil shale leasing program by FY2008.
UIO.1.1 Effectively manage energy access, development. INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of pending cases of right-of-way permits and grant applications in backlog status
UIO.1.2 Enhance energy resource use practices INTERMEDIATE UIM. Amount (in barrels) of offshore oil spilled per million barrels produced
UIO.1.2 Enhance energy resource use practices INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of required fluid minerals inspection and enforcement reviews completed
UIO.1.2 Enhance energy resource use practices INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of required coal inspection and enforcement reviews completed
UIO.1.2 Enhance energy resource use practices INTERMEDIATE UIM. Composite accident severity ratio
UIO.1.2 Enhance energy resource use practices INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of fluid mineral safety violations (incidents of non-compliance) corrected by operators with first notice.
UIO.1.3 Appropriate Value Through Effective Lease and Permit Management INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of late disbursements.
UIO.1.3 Appropriate Value Through Effective Lease and Permit Management INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of federal and Indian royalties compliance work completed within the 3-year compliance cycle
UIO.1.3 Appropriate Value Through Effective Lease and Permit Management INTERMEDIATE UIM. Net return (in dollars) to the government through royalties-in-kind (RIK)
UIO.3.1 Reliable, safe and secure power facilities INTERMEDIATE UIM. Hydropower facilities are in fair to good condition as measured by the Facilities Reliability Rating.
UIO.3.2 Power generation management to maximize supply INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of time that Bureau of Reclamation hydroelectric generating units are available to the interconnected Western Electrical System during daily peak summer demand periods.
UIO.4.1 Safe and secure water infrastructure INTERMEDIATE UIM. Water infrastructure is in fair to good condition as measured by the Facilities Reliability Rating.
UIO.4.2 Effective water management to optimize supply INTERMEDIATE UIM. Improvement in water supply (acre-feet per year) resulting from management agreements and partnerships
UIO.4.3 Address environmental concerns INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of environmental audit findings and reviews addressed (results pertain to both water and hydropower facilities).
UIO.4.4 Delivery infrastructure and water availability INTERMEDIATE UIM. Potential acre-feet made available through completion of projects.
UIO.5.1 Provide access for grazing INTERMEDIATE UIM. Average time (average reduction, number of days) for processing and issuance of grazing permits and leases (lower number is good)
UIO.5.2 Forage use management practices INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of range improvement projects completed as planned.
UIO.6.1 Enhance responsible use management practices INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of forestry improvements (acres) completed as planned.
UIO.7.1 Provide for efficient access and production INTERMEDIATE UIM. Average time for processing plans of operation for locatable minerals.
UIO.8.1 Ensure availability of energy and mineral resource information and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE UIM. Number of targeted basins/areas with energy resource assessments available to support management decisions
UIO.8.1 Ensure availability of energy and mineral resource information and systematic analyses INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of targeted non-fuel mineral commodities for which up-to-date deposit models are available to support decisionmaking
UIO.8.2 Ensure availability of tools and methodologies to support decision making INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent of studies validated through appropriate peer review or independent review
UIO.8.2 Ensure availability of tools and methodologies to support decision making INTERMEDIATE UIM. Percent satisfaction with scientific and technical products and assistance for natural resource decisionmaking
XEO.1 Increase Accountability END XEM. Percent of reporting entities with unqualified audits
XEO.1 Increase Accountability END XEM. Percent of bureaus and offices that establish and maintain effective, risk-based internal control environment as defined by the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) and revised OMB Circular A-123
XEO.2 Advance Modernization / Integration END XEM. Percent of time that networks are operational for all users
XEO.2 Advance Modernization / Integration END XEM. Percent of completed IT projects for which customers report objectives were met
XEO.2 Advance Modernization / Integration END XEM. Percent of systems and lines of businesses/functional areas associated with an approved modernization blueprint that are managed consistent with that blueprint.
XEO.2 Advance Modernization / Integration END XEM. Percent of identified skill gaps across the workforce that are closed
XEO.2 Advance Modernization / Integration END XEM. Percent of IT systems that have Certification and Accreditation (C&A) and are maintaining C&A status.
XIO.1.1 Improved financial management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of material weaknesses and non-compliance issues that are corrected on schedule
XIO.1.1 Improved financial management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of established targets in Financial Performance Metrics met as defined in FAM No. 2003-015
XIO.2.1 E-Government and information technology management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Score achieved on the OMB Enterprise Architecture Framework
XIO.2.1 E-Government and information technology management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Stage achieved of the GAO IT Investment Management Framework
XIO.2.1 E-Government and information technology management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Score achieved on the NIST Federal IT Security Assessment Framework
XIO.2.1 E-Government and information technology management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of all bureaus and offices developing consistent records management policy
XIO.2.1 E-Government and information technology management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percentage of electronic records managed through an approved electronic records management system.
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of employees who have resolved competency gaps for specified occupational groups representing Department-wide skill needs.
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent change in Lost Production Days (LPD)
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent change in the number of employees on workers' compensation rolls.
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent annual change in the injury incidence rate at DOI
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Increase in the percentage of qualified, highly skilled, diverse candidates hired as a result of implementing specified requirements of the DOI Strategic Plan for Achieving and Maintaining a Highly Skilled and Diverse Workforce, FY2005-2009.
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Number of volunteer hours per year supporting DOI mission activities
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of organizations that have trained and developed skills for employees in collaboration and partnering competencies.
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of conservation projects that actively involve the use of skills and knowledge of people in the area, and local resources, in priority setting, planning, and implementation processes.
XIO.2.2 Human capital management INTERMEDIATE XIM. Number of facilities with multi-agency use / occupancy that coordinate services.
XIO.2.3 Organizational Reviews and Acquisitions INTERMEDIATE XIM. Number of FTE in competitive sourcing studies completed
XIO.2.3 Organizational Reviews and Acquisitions INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent savings compared to relevant GSA Federal Supply Schedule prices for contracts awarded through Strategic Sourcing
XIO.2.3 Organizational Reviews and Acquisitions INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of eligible service contract actions over $25,000 awarded as performance-based acquisitions.
XIO.2.3 Organizational Reviews and Acquisitions INTERMEDIATE XIM. Efficiencies (in dollars) achieved through utilization of core operations principles.
XIO.2.4 Performance Budget Integration INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of programs with demonstrated use of performance measures in budget justifications and decisions.
XIO.2.4 Performance Budget Integration INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent of programs that can estimate marginal cost of changing of performance.
XIO.2.5 Facilities improvement INTERMEDIATE XIM. Overall condition of buildings and of structures (as measured by the FCI) that are mission critical and mission dependent, (as measured by the API) with the emphasis on improving the condition of assets with critical health and safety needs.
XIO.2.5 Facilities improvement INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent change in the Operating Costs (operations and maintenance costs) per square foot of buildings that are Not-Mission Dependent as reported in the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) in the current fiscal year compared to the previous fiscal year
XIO.2.5 Facilities improvement INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percent change in the total number of buildings (office, warehouse, laboratory, and housing) reported as Under Utilized or Not Utilized in the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) in the current fiscal year compared to the previous fiscal year
XIO.2.5 Facilities improvement INTERMEDIATE XIM. Percentage of assets targeted for disposal that were disposed during the fiscal year.

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