Paragraph and Subject                     Date     Trans. No.


Chapter 1-0400 FAB Docketing


     Table of Contents. . . . . . .       09/04    04-03

  1  Purpose and Scope. . . . . . .       09/04    04-03

  2  FAB Docketing System . . . . .       09/04    04-03

  3  Docket Number Assignment . . .       09/04    04-03

  4  Registering Docket Numbers

     in ECMS. . . . . . . . . . . .       09/04    04-03


1.   Purpose and Scope.  This chapter describes how the Final Adjudication Branch (FAB) assigns docket numbers to case files referred for processing of a final decision.


2.   FAB Docketing System.  The FAB docketing process serves to assign a unique numerical value to each claimant involved in the FAB review process.  The assignment of a docket number allows the FAB to track decisional updates, protect the privacy of individual claimants, and process certain decisions for publishing.


3.   Docket Number Assignment.  Any case that is forwarded to the FAB for processing of a final decision must have a docket number assigned to each claimant identified in the case file.  The docket number assigned will be generated randomly in the Energy Case Management System (ECMS) within each local office of the FAB.


4.   Registering Docket Numbers in ECMS.  Upon receipt of a new claim for final decision, the appropriate personnel will enter ECMS under the case status screen.  He or she is to input a final decision (FAB RECEIVED REC DEC) status code for each claimant entry recorded in ECMS.  Upon entry of the final decision status code, a random docket number will automatically be generated in ECMS.  The docket number is generally a 4-5 digit prefix followed by the year in which the docket number was assigned.


a.   The individual entering the docket number must be careful to ensure that they do not re-enter a new docket number for a claimant who has already been docketed.  If this occurs, it will be necessary for the file to be referred to the local FAB Manager to have the second docket number removed from ECMS.