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Lead: Secondary Lead Smelter eTool
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eTools are "stand-alone", illustrated, Web-based training tools on occupational safety and health topics. As indicated in the disclaimer, eTools do not create new OSHA requirements.

Thanks to Our Contributors

Principal Authors:
  • Bob Curtis, OSHA Directorate of Science, Technology, and Medicine: eTool Team Director
  • Edward Zimowski, OSHA Directorate of Science, Technology, and Medicine: Primary Author
  • Mel Cassidy, Cassidy Safety and Health: Primary Author, Lead Exposure Video Monitoring
  • Courtney Arrendale: Project Lead, Content Development, HTML, Photography

Principal Reviewers:
  • Maureen O'Donnell, Directorate of Enforcement Programs
  • Ira Wainless, OSHA Directorate of Science, Technology, and Medicine
  • Patrick Kapust, Directorate of Enforcement Programs
  • Matt Bole, OSHA Harrisburg Area Office
  • Dave Roccasecca, OSHA Harrisburg Area Office
  • Leonard Renner, OSHA Philadelphia Region
  • Lee Hathon, OSHA Directorate of Science, Technology, and Medicine
  • John Tapper, Gopher Resource Inc.
  • Dave Barcus, Gopher Resource Inc.
  • Michael Wright, Nation Steelworkers
  • Robert Steinwurtzel, Association of Battery Recyclers
Support Personnel:
  • HTML Presentation: 
    • Kym Pond, Now That's Creative!; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Rachelle Cottle, Double-Click Design; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Patrick Cummins; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Leighton Hill; Salt Lake City, UT
  • Graphic Design/Design Layout:
    •  Christie Stewart, DishWater Designs; Salt Lake City, UT
    •  Travis Cable, The Bridge; Salt Lake City, UT
Special Thanks:
  • Gopher Resource Inc.: site observation, photos, video monitoring
  • East Penn Manufacturing: site observation, photos

| eTool Home | Raw Materials Processing | Smelting | Refining and Casting |
| Environmental Controls | Maintenance | Engineering Controls | OSHA Lead Requirements |
| Scope | Definitions | Additional References | User Guide | Credits |
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210