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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > ILAB   

Child Labor Timebound and Education Program Agreements Signed with Tanzania and Zambia

Thomas Moorhead visited Tanzania and Zambia from September 6 - 13, 2002. Deputy Under Secretary (DUS) Thomas Moorhead visited Tanzania and Zambia from September 6-13, 2002. While in Tanzania, DUS Moorhead discussed the implementation of the Department of Labor-funded Timebound Program (TBP) and signed an agreement of collaboration with the Ministries of Education and Labor. This $9.4 million program implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Education Development Center (EDC) is aimed at reducing the number of children participating in the worst forms of child labor (including commercial sexual exploitation, mining, domestic work, and commercial agriculture) and increasing access to basic quality education. In Zambia, DUS Moorhead announced a $2 million grant for two non-governmental organizations (American Institutes for Research and Jesus Cares Ministries) to implement child labor education programs. In addition, Mr. Moorhead signed a letter of agreement with the Government of Zambia on the implementation of the child labor education programs. The trip included a field visit to child labor projects aimed at removing children from hazardous work as well as meetings with ministry officials, employer organizations, and community groups.


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