U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
America's National Wildlife Refuge System

Volunteers and Invasive Plants: Learning and Lending a Hand

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Online Resources for Crafting A Presentation

Cartoon image of presenter.

A myriad of information sources related to invasive plants is available on the Internet. Listed below is a sampling of several good websites. These websites are divided into two categories: image galleries and invasive plant and outreach information. Many contain both images and information. Also explore the websites listed throughout the learning modules. By perusing online resources, you can generate and incorporate new ideas into the presentation.

Image Galleries

Before downloading images from a website determine if they can be used for free or for educational purposes. Look for "use" or "copyright" information on the website. This information will explain if the image can be used and how it should be credited. If this information is not available, the images can’t be used without contacting the organization or photographer who owns the image and asking for permission to use it. In general, images on government websites (in the public domain and not protected by copyright) can be used without permission but the photo should be properly credited.


In addition to searching the national websites below, explore the websites of local agencies and organizations. And, go beyond the Internet and contact staff at university extension services, federal, state, and county agencies, botanical gardens, and museums. There are many people who know a lot about invasive plants and would be happy to share that information.