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 You are in: Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs: Strategic Communications and Planning > Key Policy Fact Sheets > 2006 
Fact Sheet
Bureau of Public Affairs
Washington, DC
June 21, 2006

The United States and Somalia: Working to Improve Humanitarian Situation, Prevent Terrorism

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“(We are) develop(ing) a way ahead…to achieve those four objectives: support for the Transitional Federal Institutions, support for aid to the people of Somalia, support for our efforts to prevent…terror action from Somalia and in Somalia, and to support regional stabilization…”  Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs

The United States has provided more than $85 million in aid to Somalia this year.
“The goal of the International Contact Group will be to encourage positive political developments and engagement with actors inside Somalia to support the implementation of the Transitional Federal Charter and Institutions. The Contact Group will seek to support efforts, within the framework of the Transitional Federal Institutions, to address the humanitarian needs of the Somali people, establish effective governance and stability, and address the international community's concern regarding terrorism.”  Statement of the International Somalia Contact Group June 15, 2006

The United States is working with all parties in Somalia and the international community to seek a peaceful solution and the re-establishment of effective governance in Somalia .

We have joined other interested states and international organizations – including the United Kingdom , Sweden , Norway , Tanzania , Italy and the European Union – in convening the International Somalia Contact Group (ISCG) to unify our common efforts and support positive political developments in Somalia .

We will work with the other members of the ISCG to help coordinate our policy on Somalia and support Somalia 's transitional government, known as the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs).


We are committed to working with our local and international partners to assist in addressing our common concerns regarding terrorism, alleviating the growing humanitarian emergency in Somalia , and helping the people of Somalia regain political and economic stability.

We will press to achieve our objectives of bringing social, economic and humanitarian assistance to the people of Somalia and will join with Somali parties in efforts to prevent the country from being an unstable future refuge for terrorists in the region.


We have reiterated our support for the Somalia TFIs and continue to urge all Somali parties to re-engage in a process of inclusive dialogue by working within the framework of the Transitional Federal Charter.

We are hopeful that the TFIs, the Union of Islamic Courts and others will come together in positive conversations with the intent of achieving peace, stability and development in Somalia .


We will continue to work with regional and international partners to oppose terrorism and keep Somalia from serving as a safe haven for terrorists, including al-Qaida operatives responsible for attacks on U.S. interests in the region.

We will also work with Somalia and other East African states – including Kenya , Tanzania , Uganda , Ethiopia and others – to help build better counterterrorism capabilities that will protect U.S. interests as well as the people of the entire region.

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