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Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
January 31, 2006

The London Conference and the Afghanistan Compact

The London Conference for Afghanistan represents an historic milestone for the Afghan people and the international community. British Prime Minister Tony Blair is hosting over 60 delegations in a broad show of international support for Afghanistan’s future. The Conference marks a new phase of international support for Afghanistan, in which Afghanistan sets its reconstruction and development priorities and international partners provide resources and support.

The United States and the international community continue to stand with President Hamid Karzai and the newly-elected Afghan Parliament as they build a stable, prosperous, and democratic Afghanistan. Secretary Rice is leading the U.S. delegation to the Conference and announcing the U.S. pledge. The U.S. commitment also includes efforts to broaden the private sector’s engagement in the Afghan economy, an initiative that will bring benefits to Afghanistan and the entire region.

The Conference centerpiece is endorsement of the Afghanistan Compact. The Compact sets out an ambitious program for Afghan development over the next five years. The Government of Afghanistan, with the support of its international partners, is committing to specific and achievable goals in security, governance, economic and social development, and counter-narcotics.


Released on January 31, 2006

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