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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs > Releases > Fact Sheets > 2005 
Fact Sheet
U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
July 18, 2005

U.S.-India Economic Dialogue: Strengthening Information and Communication Technology Cooperation

The extent and depth of U.S.-Indian cooperation in the development and formulation of policy in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector has recently made significant progress. A key underpinning of our deepening bilateral economic partnership has been the demand for enhanced electronic connectivity between our two countries. India has become a key market for many information communication technology products made in the United States, while the United States is an important consumer of Indian IT-enabled services.

The launch of the United States - India Information and Communications Technology Working Group Working Group recognizes the impact that this sector has on the future of our bilateral economic partnership. It will focus the strong interest that exists on each side to enhance understanding and share perspectives on developments in the information and telecommunications sectors, leading to tangible accomplishments and problem solving. The participants will consist of appropriate representatives from each government in close coordination with the private sector.

The dialogue will seek to address outstanding issues and opportunities that can benefit through a more regular and structured dialogue process. These include explorations of further policy development, commercial opportunities and obstacles and matched goals in multilateral settings such as the World Summit on the Information Society, the International Telecommunication Union, and the World Trade Organization. In particular, the Working Group will explore ways that investment and regulatory regimes can be developed to maximize development of the sector, provide meaningful market access opportunities, and support robust competition.

Officials from India and the United States have participated in exchanges of high-level delegations, training opportunities, regional conferences and ongoing sharing of information and perspectives. The U.S. Government, through the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Trade Representative's Office and the Federal Communications Commission, has established productive working relationships with counterparts in India, including the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), and the Ministry of External Affairs. The extent and quality of the discussions continue to grow, resulting in mutual understanding and concrete benefits.

As a cross-cutting theme, the Information and Communications Technology dialogue will aim to support the overall objectives of the Economic Dialogue which include: better coordination of discussions and activities between the two governments, soliciting the support of private sector stakeholders and incorporating their views into government decisions and actions concerning the bilateral economic relationship. The dialogue will complement the work of the existing High-Technology Cooperation Group and the Cybersecurity Forum.

The United States encourages liberalization of telecommunications markets worldwide and supports standards that are open, interoperable, non-discriminatory, and demand-driven. The U.S.- India Information and Communication Technology Working Group promises to be a good example of how regulatory dialogue and increased transparency can benefit both countries and recognizes the role of information and communications technology in promoting sustained economic growth and strengthening the U.S.-Indian economic partnership.

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