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Press Statement
Sean McCormack
Washington, DC
April 11, 2008

U.S. Condemns Use of Violence against Opposition Supporters in Zimbabwe

We condemn the use of violence and intimidation by Zimbabwe security forces and ruling party ZANU-PF supporters against regime opponents since the March 29 elections. These incidents appear to target individuals who voted against ZANU-PF candidates during the elections.

There is no place for violence or intimidation in a democratic society. We call on the government to immediately desist from perpetrating these acts, exhibit restraint, respect human rights, and allow the electoral process to continue unfettered. We call on the international community to monitor the situation and gather information for those responsible for violent acts.

We believe the Southern African Development Community (SADC) governments should heed the calls of concerned individuals and civil society throughout southern Africa and step forward to demand that President Mugabe’s government cease employing tactics of violence and intimidation directed at citizens who desire only to peacefully exercise their political rights. This weekend’s SADC Heads of State meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for the region’s leaders to demand an end to these vicious tactics, as well as urge Zimbabwe’s Electoral Commission (ZEC) to release the presidential election results without further delay. We strongly commend the SADC for spearheading this important meeting, which we hope will help put an end to the brutality and resolve Zimbabwe’s post-election impasse.


Released on April 11, 2008

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