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OPA News Release: [05/03/2005]
Contact Name: Angie Tang
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676
Release Number: 05-786-NAT

Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Hosts Fourth Annual Federal Career Advancement Summit for Asian Pacific Americans

WASHINGTON—U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, in collaboration with the Office of Personnel Management and ten federal agencies and partners, today hosted the fourth annual Asian Pacific American Federal Career Advancement Summit. Secretary Chao created the APA Summit, the first of its kind, in 2002 to prepare Asian Pacific Americans for senior level participation in the federal workforce.

“As our nation celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, we recognize the many accomplishments and contributions of Asian Pacific Americans.” said Secretary Chao. “The goal of this summit is to help Asian Pacific Americans in federal government build the necessary skills to advance their careers.”

Building on the successes of past summits, the fourth annual edition featured several new workshops including two new individualized Executive Core Qualifications workshops, expanded Executive Coaching and Presentation Skills sessions, mentoring sessions and discussion groups on a wide range of topics from organizational success to personal marketing. Participants have served in the government for five years or longer.

Secretary Chao observed, “The summit is all about the participants. We designed it around the three skills identified as most important to career advancement: marketing, networking and presentation. This summit brings together a menu of top presenters and experts in each of these areas to help today's attendees refine their skills and reach their goals.”

The Summit was launched in 2002 with only one federal partner. This year, 11 federal agencies and partners co-sponsored the event and 39 exhibitors recruited and promoted their employment programs. The 150 attendees at the first Summit in 2002 have grown to more than 1,200, the highest number ever, at this year's event.

The Asian Pacific American Summit seeks to increase diversity in senior positions of the federal workforce. Asian Pacific Americans comprise 4.8% of the total federal workforce and 3.2% of management positions. President Bush has appointed two Asian Pacific Americans to his Cabinet, and over 160 to high level positions in his Administration. Secretary Chao is the first Asian American woman to serve as a cabinet secretary and employs an unprecedented 20 Asian Pacific Americans at the Department of Labor.

Additional information about the summit can be found at

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