[Federal Register: May 14, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 94)]
[Page 24295-24296]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests

AGENCY: Department of Education.

ACTION: Submission for OMB review; comment request.


[[Page 24296]]

SUMMARY: The Director, Information Resources Group, invites comments on 
the proposed information collection requests as required by the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before 
June 13, 1996.

ADDRESSES: Written comments should be addressed to the Office of 
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Wendy Taylor, Desk 
Officer, Department of Education, Office of Management and Budget, 725 
17th Street, NW., Room 10235, New Executive Office Building, 
Washington, DC 20503. Requests for copies of the proposed information 
collection requests should be addressed to Patrick J. Sherrill, 
Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue, SW., Room 5624, 
Regional Office Building 3, Washington, DC 20202-4651.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrick J. Sherrill (202) 708-8196. 
Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may 
call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires that the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) provide interested Federal agencies and the public an 
early opportunity to comment on information collection requests. OMB 
may amend or waive the requirement for public consultation to the 
extent that public participation in the approval process would defeat 
the purpose of the information collection, violate State or Federal 
law, or substantially interfere with any agency's ability to perform 
its statutory obligations. The Director of the Information Resources 
Group publishes this notice containing proposed information collection 
requests prior to submission of these requests to OMB. Each proposed 
information collection, grouped by office, contains the following: (1) 
Type of review requested, e.g., new, revision, extension, existing or 
reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of the collection; (4) 
Description of the need for, and proposed use of, the information; (5) 
Respondents and frequency of collection; and (6) Reporting and/or 
Recordkeeping burden. OMB invites public comment at the address 
specified above. Copies of the requests are available from Patrick J. 
Sherrill at the address specified above.

    Dated: May 8, 1996.
Gloria Parker,
Director, Information Resources Group.

Office of Educational Research and Improvement

    Type of Review: New.
    Title: Quick Response Information System (QRIS).
    Frequency: One-time.
    Affected Public: Not-for-profit institutions; State, local or 
Tribal Gov't, SEAs and LEAs.
    Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden:
      Responses: 4,308.
      Burden Hours: 3,228.
    Abstract: This is a request for system clearance for the QRIS 
survey system which consists of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) 
and, as of Fall 96, the Postsecondary Education Quick Information 
System (PEQIS). FRSS primarily conducts surveys of the elementary/
secondary sector and public libraries while PEQIS focuses on the 
postsecondary education sector. The FRSS and PEQIS were established (in 
1975 and 1991 respectively) to meet quick turnaround data requests of 
the Department of Education and others with requirements for education 
data that are not available elsewhere and are needed to formulate 
policy; to make legislative, budgetary, and planning decisions for 
existing programs; and to develop new programs. The surveys are 
characterized by short survey forms with short response time and 
typical sample sizes of around 1,000. It is anticipated that about five 
surveys will be conducted under QRIS per year.

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

    Type of Review: Revision.
    Title: Forms clearance package for the Projects with Industry 
    Frequency: Annually.
    Affected Public: Business or other for-profit; Not-for-profit 
institutions; State, local or Tribal Gov't, SEAs or LEAs.
    Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden:
      Responses: 101.
      Burden Hours: 4,040.
    Abstract: The purpose of collecting compliance indicator data on 
the Projects with Industry program is to comply with the Congressional 
mandate to assess project performances based on evaluation standards as 
established under the 1986 Rehabilitation Act Amendments.

[FR Doc. 96-11967 Filed 5-13-96; 8:45 am]