Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office


Endangered & Threatened Plants

Plant Resources

Find the listing and critical habitat status of species from the National Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS)

Presidio clarkia, Peter Baye, FWS
Presidio Clarkia

Get more information about species from the national Fish & Wildlife Service species information webpage.

General references about California plants are collected on our California Plant References page.

Plant Info for Kids

paw logoWe have some specially designed for species accounts for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students:

Bakersfield Cactus

Butte Co. Meadowfoam

Pallid Manzanita

Soft Bird's Beak

Last updated: September 18, 2008

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Credits: Presidio Clarkia, Peter Baye, FWS

U S Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered Species Program