2004 Parts B and C Grant Award Application Packages

Part B

  • OSEP Memorandum 04-03 to Chief State School Officers. Procedures for States to Follow in Order to Receive a Grant Award Under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for Federal Fiscal Year 2004
    download icon MS Word (104K) | PDF (41K)
  • Annual State Application Under Part B Of The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act For Federal Fiscal Year 2004.
    (CFDA Nos. 84.027 and 84.173)

    • Cover Page; Part I (Submission Statement for Part B of IDEA) and Part II (Description of Use of Funds under Part B of IDEA)
      download icon MS Word (46K)

    • Part III - Modifications to State Policies and Procedures (Checklist)
      download icon MS Word (285K)

  • Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension And Other Responsibility Matters; And Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (ED 80-0013)
    download icon MS Word (90K)

  • Notice to All Applicants Regarding GEPA Section 427
    download icon MS Word (19K)

  • EDGAR 34 CFR §76.703; When A State May Begin To Obligate Funds
    download icon MS Word (26K)
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Part C

  • OSEP Memorandum 04-02 to Lead Agency Directors and Part C Coordinators. Procedures for Receiving a Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2004 Grant Award Under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    download icon MS Word (222K) | PDF (38K)

    • Appendix A:
      Federal Fiscal Year 2004 Annual State Application Under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (CFDA No. 84.181A)
      download icon MS Word (57K)

    • Appendix B:
      EDGAR 34 CFR §76.703 When A State May Begin To Obligate Funds
      download icon MS Word (28K)

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Last Modified: 10/15/2004