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Recreational Trails Program and
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In this issue:

Program Update - March 7, 2008

FY 2008 Apportionment and Rescission Notices

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued Notice N4510.673, Rescission of Federal-Aid Apportionments, on March 6, 2008. This Notice is to notify the States that $3,150,000,000 of unobligated Federal-aid highway funds apportioned to the States are hereby rescinded as required by Division K, Title I of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Public Law (Pub. L. No.) 110-161.

This rescission notice is different than previous notices because of requirements enacted pursuant to Title XI, Subtitle D, Section 1132(a) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-140, which requires proportionality among Federal-aid apportioned programs. This means that all Federal-aid highway program apportioned program funds will have rescissions, averaging about 11.5% nationwide, including the Recreational Trails Program and the Transportation Enhancement Activities. The States have some limited flexibility to adjust the rescissions.

There are several files directed to the FHWA Division offices, some of which are large:

  • FHWA Offices: Please contact your Federal-aid Division financial manager for further information: your official Division email should have received the Notice and attachments.
  • States: Please contact your FHWA Division office for further information.
  • Everybody else: The notices will be posted on the web at: (scroll to N4510.673).

Final FY 2008 Apportionments Prior to Rescission:

FHWA posted final FY 2008 Apportionments on February 27, 2008. These are amounts available to the States prior to any FY 2008 rescissions. See Notice N 4510.672 at

TE apportionments are in Table 11 at, but you must scroll down to the second table.

RTP apportionments are in Table 19, at, and are unchanged compared to the apportionment notice from October 1, 2007. Table 19 also shows the maximum amount available for State administrative costs and for educational costs.

Framework for Considering Motorized Use on Nonmotorized Trails and Pedestrian Walkways under 23 U.S.C. §217

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a Framework for Considering Motorized Use on Nonmotorized Trails and Pedestrian Walkways under 23 §U.S.C. 217, on February 26, 2008. The purpose of the Memorandum is to provide guidance to FHWA division offices and a consistent framework for determining when to permit an exception for motorized use on nonmotorized trails and pedestrian walkways under 23 U.S.C. §217(h)(5). This policy was developed with assistance from several Federal-aid divisions, with particular help from Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Wisconsin.

The FHWA's policy is to allow motorized use on nonmotorized trails or pedestrian walkways only in exceptional cases. Such allowances will benefit from significant data gathering and careful justification so as to not unduly impair nonmotorized operation of the trail or pedestrian walkway, or violate the expectations of adjacent or nearby property owners. An exception should be considered only when other reasonable options have been exhausted. The exception may allow limited use of segments of nonmotorized trails and pedestrian walkways, such as for 90 degree crossings, short doglegs, crossing structures such as bridges, or other exceptional circumstances. This policy delegates decisionmaking authority to the FHWA division offices, but only for decisions on a case-by-case basis.

America's Byways Bulletin: FY 2008 National Scenic Byways Program Grant Solicitation

The America's Byways Bulletin for February 2008 is at

FY 2008 National Scenic Byways Program Grant Solicitation: The Federal Highway Administration is seeking grant proposals for National Scenic Byways Program funding consideration for FY 2008. SAFETEA-LU authorized up to $40 million for this fiscal year. FHWA has decided to be more strategic in its grant awards process by targeting its resources toward projects that provide the greatest benefits. FHWA is particularly focusing on projects with demonstrated benefits for the byway traveler and invites the application of large-scale, high-cost projects that provide strategic benefits to the byway. Applications are due to FHWA division offices by April 11, 2008, and to FHWA headquarters by May 9, 2008.

Other America's Byways Bulletin stories include:

  • Tips for submissions
  • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices proposed changes. Of particular interest are proposed changes in Chapter 2D regarding wayfinding signs, Chapter 2G regarding specific service signs, and Chapter 2J regarding recreational and cultural area interest signs. See

2008 RTP Achievement Awards

The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT), a federation of national and regional trail-related organizations, is pleased to announce its 2008 achievement awards to recognize outstanding trail projects funded by the national Recreational Trails Program (RTP). This awards program is part of CRT's ongoing effort to build awareness and appreciation of the RTP, which has greatly enhanced the quantity and quality of trail experiences available to the public. We look forward to your participation. The Coalition will also be recognizing - for the first time this year - an outstanding state trail program and state recreational trail advisory committee. The awards will be presented in Washington, D.C. during Great Outdoors Week 2008 (June 9-15). We are planning to hold the awards ceremony on Capitol Hill and will encourage Members of Congress to join us in honoring the outstanding achievements of their constituents.

Please note that the deadline for nominations is April 20, 2008. If you have any questions, please contact Duane Taylor, Chair of CRT's Awards Committee, at or 703-416-0444.

American Trails will post the 2008 nomination information on its RTP Achievement Awards webpage: This page describes the awards and has winners from previous years.

American Trails' National Trails Awards Program: Deadline May 31

Every two years American Trails presents the National Trails Awards to recognize the tremendous contributions of volunteers, professionals, businesses, and other leaders who are working to create a national system of trails for all Americans. Two new awards will be presented at the 19th National Trails Symposium for Best Trails State Award and Community Service Award, among the 12 other categories. Nominations should cover accomplishments during the period of June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2008. The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2008. See for details.

State Trail Administrator Requests

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VA DCR) is beginning the process of creating a marketing piece to promote the statewide trunkline trails that are in various stages of development. Our task force liked the West Virginia Pathways to the Future Executive Summary, a 12-page, 4-color booklet. They also liked the New Jersey Trail Plan, a 22 x 25 map on one side that folds to a 6-panel executive summary one the other. Are there other examples of these communication pieces out there that other states would send me to share with our task force?

Another potential deliverable is an action plan to outline the roles and responsibilities of the lead and supporting agencies, perhaps similar to West Virginia's:

Are there other examples of succinct action plans out there that we should consider prior to launching our effort? If you have something to share, please send it to the address below. Thank you!

Jennifer Wampler, VA DCR-PRR Division,
203 Governor Street, Suite 326
Richmond, VA 23219

Transportation Planning Update Newsletter

The FHWA Office of Planning posted the joint Headquarters and Resource Center Planning Update quarterly newsletter. It includes an update of major transportation planning activities.

Upcoming Conferences

March 27-30: 2008 National Association of OHV Program Managers & NOHVCC Annual Conferences; Albuquerque, NM. See The National Association of Off Highway Vehicle Program Managers (NAOPM) purpose is to provide a mechanism for OHV program managers to share information, ideas, and develop national strategies for managing safe, ethical, and high quality OHV recreation. This conference is for OHV Program and Land Managers.

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