A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Joseph F. Johnson, Jr., Ph.D.
Director, Compensatory Education Programs

Effective March 12, 2001, Dr. Joseph F. Johnson, Jr. became Director of Compensatory Education Programs, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education with the United States Department of Education. The Compensatory Education Programs Office is responsible for the administration of over $8 billion dollars in federal programs designed to promote improved achievement in schools that serve low-income children.

For the past six years, Dr. Johnson was the Director of District Support and Services at the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin. In that role, Dr. Johnson organized and directed studies of high-performing/high-poverty schools and districts. The lessons learned from these studies were used to shape technical assistance and other support efforts that are helping Texas schools improve academic results. Dr. Johnson co-directed Texas' Comprehensive Regional Assistance Center (the STAR Center). As well, he provided oversight leadership to the Texas Center for Accelerated Schools, the Texas AVID Center, the Texas Office for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, the Texas Head Start Collaboration Project, and the Texas Education Improvement Network. At the same time, he advised the federal government on legislation and regulations concerning the education of children who live in poverty. Similarly, he has served as a consultant to several state departments of education and many school districts.

Prior to the Dana Center, Dr. Johnson was the Senior Director of the Division of Accelerated Instruction at the Texas Education Agency. In this capacity he directed state and federal education programs (including Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) in a manner that encouraged schools and school districts to use those resources to accelerate the learning of their students. Before coming to Texas, he directed the special education program for the Carlsbad Municipal Schools in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Also, he served as a classroom teacher in San Diego, California.

Dr. Johnson earned a Ph.D. in educational administration from the University of Texas at Austin's Cooperative Superintendency Program. He earned a Master of Arts in education from San Diego State University and graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. In 1987 Dr. Johnson received the Special Educator of the Year award from the New Mexico Council for Exceptional Children. In 1993 and in 2000 he received the Educator of the Year award from the Texas Association of Compensatory Education. He is the author of numerous publications including the book, Hope for Urban Education: A Study of Nine Urban Elementary Schools, which was recently released by the U.S. Department of Education. Revised 3/19/01

This page last modified November 1, 2001 (edg)

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