World Wetlands DayThe Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

World Wetlands Day, 2 February

What is World Wetlands Day? 2 February each year is World Wetlands Day. It marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Each year since 1997, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and groups of citizens at all levels of the community have taken advantage of the opportunity to undertake actions aimed at raising public awareness of wetland values and benefits in general and the Ramsar Convention in particular. From 1997 to 2007, the Convention’s Web site has posted reports from more than 95 countries of WWD activities of all sizes and shapes, from lectures and seminars, nature walks, children’s art contests, sampan races, and community clean-up days, to radio and television interviews and letters to newspapers, to the launch of new wetland policies, new Ramsar sites, and new programmes at the national level. Government agencies and private citizens from all over the world have sent us their news, often with photographs, and these annual summaries and 900+ individual reports, with more than 1200 images, make an excellent archive of ideas for future celebrations. 

And each year since 1997, the Ramsar Secretariat, with generous financial assistance from the private sector Danone Group, has offered a new selection of posters, stickers, videos, pocket calendars, leaflets and information packs free of charge and has suggested a unifying theme for the benefit of those who wish to use it. Here is a general guide to both the annual WWD index pages and the reports of each year's activities.

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2009


dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2008

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2008

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2007

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2007
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2006
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2006
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2005
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2005
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2004
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2004
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2003
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2003
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2002
dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2002

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2001

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2001

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 2000

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 2000

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 1999

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 1999

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 1998

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 1998

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Index for World Wetlands Day 1997

dotmulti.gif (1653 bytes)Activities reported for WWD 1997

wwd2000aus3.jpg (33363 bytes)

wwd2001-philippines.jpg (18679 bytes)

Examples of the translation and local adaptation of Ramsar materials:

WWD 2007
WWD 2005
WWD 2004
WWD 2003
WWD 2002

evian2.jpg (2371 bytes)danone.jpg (2960 bytes) Since its inception, the production and distribution of materials for World Wetlands Day have been financially supported by the Evian Project funded by the Danone Group.

For further information about World Wetlands Day or the Convention on Wetlands, please contact the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Rue Mauverney 28, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland (tel +41 22 999 0170, fax +41 22 999 0169, e-mail ). Posted 19 November 1999, updated 10 October 2008, Dwight Peck and Sandra Hails, Ramsar.