June TV Show Spotlights Child Health and Nutrition, Proper Diet and Fitness Help Make Students Ready to Learn

June 20, 2006
Contact: David Thomas
(202) 401-1579

This month's U.S. Department of Education TV show will focus on providing children with proper diet and healthy habits that will help fortify their minds and bodies for learning in the classroom.

The program is available live from 8 to 9 p.m. EDT Tuesday on the Dish Network, certain PBS stations and numerous cable outlets. Others will broadcast the show on a tape-delayed basis. A complete listing of viewing options is available at In addition, the program will be webcast live and archived at

Tuesday's program, entitled "Child Health and Nutrition," will examine how state and federal agencies are working with schools and families to promote healthy, active lifestyles in students. The show will highlight national and local programs that encourage students to eat right and exercise; discuss the latest research on the health and fitness of America's youth; spotlight the new federal guidelines for child nutrition; and provide tips for parents on how they can ensure that their children adopt healthy habits that will help them learn and grow.

Following is an outline of the show.

  • A discussion with Dana Carr, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, U.S. Department of Education; Erica Odom, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and Kate Coler, Deputy Under Secretary, Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture about the challenges of and solutions for child health and nutrition today, including the ways in which federal agencies support schools and families in promoting healthy habits in children.
  • A profile of the Appleton Area School District's "Education for Healthy Kids" (EHK) initiative in Appleton, Wisconsin. EHK is an innovative approach to student health and fitness that-with the help of a U.S. Department of Education Carol M. White Physical Education Program grant-is gaining national acclaim for how it motivates students and promotes an overall culture of wellness through state-of-the-art fitness equipment; school, parent and community involvement; nutritious food offerings; physical education integration across the curriculum; and highly trained PE staff.
  • A segment on "healthy students, healthy minds"-eating right and staying fit in America's schools-with Chuck Heurkens, PE Teacher from Appleton, Wisconsin; Jessica Donze Black, government relations manager, American Heart Association; and Alicia Moag-Stahlberg, executive director of Action for Healthy Kids.
  • A video montage from The Biggest Generation. Produced by "Connect With Kids"-an integrated content company focused on helping parents and schools improve the social, emotional and physical well being of children-The Biggest Generation is an inspiring program featuring real children and families who are combating the forces of obesity by taking charge of their own health at home and in school.
  • A special discussion with Lara Khalil, Project Director of the "Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities" initiative in Durham, North Carolina; Tracy Fox, Parent Leader from Montgomery County, Maryland; and Jennifer Weber from the American Dietetic Association about what families can do to keep children healthy and ready to learn.

The "Education News Parents Can Use" TV series airs monthly during the school year.



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Last Modified: 06/20/2006