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Extension of Work Authorization for TPS Recipients
from Burundi, Sudan, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Liberia, and Somalia

  • The Secretary of Homeland Security is authorized to grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to eligible nationals of designated countries. Countries may be designated that are suffering the effects of an ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions within a country.

  • TPS beneficiaries may remain in the United States and obtain work authorization during the period for which a country is designated under the TPS program.

Honduras and Nicaragua

On October 1, 2008, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) formally announced an eighteen-month extension of the TPS designation for eligible Honduran and Nicaraguan nationals from January 6, 2009 to July 5, 2010. Unlike the prior extension of TPS for Honduras and Nicaragua, the Federal Register notices announcing the latest TPS extensions do not automatically extend previously issued employment authorization documents (EADs). Eligible TPS beneficiaries must apply to USCIS for extensions of their EADs, and pay the required application fee for such extensions, during the 60-day registration period. Re-registration is limited to persons who have previously registered with USCIS for TPS under the designation of Honduras and Nicragua and whose applications have been granted by or remain pending with USCIS.

Will my current EAD that is set to expire on January 5, 2009, automatically be extended for six months?

No. The Federal Register notices do not automatically extend previously-issued EADs. DHS is announcing the extension of the TPS designation of Honduras and Nicaragua and establishing the re-registration period at an early date to allow sufficient time for DHS to process EAD requests prior to the current January 5, 2009 EAD expiration date. You must file both your Form I-821 and Form I-765 during the 60-day re-registration period. Failure to apply during the re-registration period without good cause will result in withdrawal of your TPS benefits. DHS strongly encourages you to file as early as possible within the re-registration period. 

May I request an interim EAD at my local USCIS District Office?

No. USCIS will not issue interim EADs to TPS applicants and re-registrants at USCIS District Offices. Interim EADs may only be issued by the Vermont Service Center.

What documents may I show to my employer as proof of employment authorization and identity when completing Form I-9?

After January 5, 2009, a TPS beneficiary from Honduras or Nicaragua who has timely re-registered with USCIS as directed under the October 1, 2008 Federal Register notices and obtained a new EAD may present his or her new valid EAD to his or her employer as proof of employment authorization and identity. Employers may not accept previously issued EADs that are no longer valid. Individuals also may present any other legally acceptable document or combination of documents listed on the Form I-9 as proof of identity and employment eligibility.

  • Employers are reminded that the laws requiring employment eligibility verification and prohibiting unfair immigration-related employment practices remain in full force.
  • For complete information about the October 1, 2008, extension of TPS designations and the automatic six-month extension of EADs, please see the Federal Register Notices. Honduran Notice and Nicaraguan Notice.
  • For detailed TPS information on the DHS website, please click Honduras or Nicaragua.

El Salvador

On October 1, 2008, through a Federal Register notice the USCIS formally announced an eighteen-month extension of TPS for eligible Salvadoran nationals from March 9, 2009 through September 9, 2010. Unlike the prior extension of TPS for El Salvador, the Notice does not automatically extend previously-issued employment authorization documents (EADs). Eligible TPS beneficiaries must apply to USCIS for extensions of their EADs, and pay the required application fee for such extensions, during the 90-day registration period. Re-registration is limited to persons who have previously registered with USCIS for TPS under the designation of El Salvador and whose applications have been granted by or remain pending with USCIS.

Will my current EAD that is set to expire on March 9, 2009, automatically be extended for six months?

No. The Notice does not automatically extend previously-issued EADs. DHS has announced the extension of the TPS designation of El Salvador and established the re-registration period at an early date to allow sufficient time for DHS to process EAD requests prior to the March 9, 2009, EAD expiration date. You must file during the 90-day re-registration period. Failure to apply during the re-registration period without good cause will result in a withdrawal of your TPS benefits. DHS strongly encourages you to file as early as possible within the re-registration period.

May I request an interim EAD at my local USCIS District Office?

No. USCIS will not issue interim EADs to TPS applicants and re-registrants at USCIS District Offices. Interim EADs may only be issued by the Vermont Service Center.

What documents may a qualified individual show to his or her employer as proof of employment authorization and identity when completing Form I-9?

After March 9, 2009, a TPS beneficiary under TPS for El Salvador who has timely re-registered with USCIS as directed under this Notice and obtained a new EAD may present his or her new valid EAD to his or her employer as proof of employment authorization and identity. Employers may not accept previously issued EADs that are no longer valid. Individuals also may present any other legally acceptable document or combination of documents listed on the Form I-9 as proof of identity and employment eligibility.
  • Employers are reminded that the laws requiring employment eligibility verification and prohibiting unfair immigration-related employment practices remain in full force.
  • For detailed TPS information on the DHS website, please click El Salvador.


On October 29, 2007, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the termination of TPS for eligible Burundi nationals effective May 2, 2009. Employment Authorization Documents with a November 2, 2007 expiration date have been automatically extended via the Federal Register notice until May 2, 2008. For detailed information, please click Burundi.


On August 14, 2008, the USCIS announced an extension of TPS for eligible Sudan nationals for eighteen months, through May 2, 2010. Eligible Sudanese are required to re-register with USCIS by October 14, 2008. USCIS also automatically extended the validity of employment authorization documents (EADs) held by Sudanese nationals in current TPS status from Nov. 2, 2008 to May 2, 2009. This six-month extension will allow sufficient time for eligible TPS beneficiaries to receive their new EADs without a lapse in their work authorization. For detailed information, please click Sudan.


On March 12, 2008, the USCIS announced through a Federal Register notice an extension of TPS for eligible Somalian nationals for eighteen months through September 17, 2009. DHS also automatically extended the validity of EADs held by Somali TPS beneficiaries. Their EADs have been extended from March 17, 2008, the date the EADs were originally set to expire, for an additional six months through September 17, 2008. DHS will issue new EADs to eligible TPS beneficiaries who timely reregister by May 12, 2008, and apply for a new EAD. For detailed information, please click Somalia.


On September 12, 2007, President George W. Bush issued a Memorandum directing the Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, to defer the enforced departure ("DED") for 18 months, through March 31, 2009, of any qualified Liberian national (or person without nationality last habitually resided in Liberia) who is under TPS as of September 30, 2007.

Who is eligible to receive an automatic extension of his or her EAD from September 30, 2007 to March 31, 2009?

Liberian TPS recipients issued EADs on a form I-776 and that bear an expiration date of September 30, 2007, are automatically extended to March 31, 2009.

What documents may a qualified individual show to his or her employer as proof of employment authorization and identity when completing Form I-9?

Through March 31, 2009, Liberians (and persons having no nationality who last habitually resided in Liberia) who are eligible for DED, may present a copy of the Federal Register Notice regarding the automatic extension of employment authorization documentation, along with their Form I-766 (EAD) bearing the notation ``A-12'' or ``C-19'' on the face of the card under ``Category,'' and having an expiration date of September 30, 2007, on the face of the card. In the alternative, any legally acceptable document or combination of documents listed in List A, List B, or List C of the Form I-9 may be presented as proof of identity and employment eligibility.

For detailed information on the DHS website regarding the Liberian DED, please see the Liberia Fact Sheet and the DED for Certain Liberians Questions & Answers.

For detailed information regarding Liberian TPS, please click Liberia.

Worker Hotline: 1-800-255-7688 • Employer Hotline: 1-800-255-8155
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