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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
November 8, 2007

U.S. – Israel Strategic Dialogue

On November 8, 2007, the United States and Israel conducted a Strategic Dialogue led by Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transportation Shaul Mofaz to strengthen the already close strategic cooperation between our two countries. The last Strategic Dialogue held between Israel and the United States took place on June 7, 2007. These talks are a manifestation of the profound historical and security ties between the United States and Israel, based on our close friendship, shared values and common interests. The United States and Israel attach the highest importance to these meetings.

The Strategic Dialogue provided a welcome opportunity to discuss a broad range of regional issues that are of great importance to both Israel and the United States. The United States Government is unalterably committed to the security of Israel.

The U.S. and Israeli teams discussed Iran’s destabilizing regional impact. They shared their latest assessments of Iran’s nuclear program and diplomatic efforts underway to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The two governments also discussed the situation in Lebanon, including the need for full implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701 and next steps in the international community's common efforts to prevent the rearming of Hezbollah.

In addition to Deputy Prime Minister Mofaz and Under Secretary Burns, other participants included, from the Israeli side: Ambassador to the U.S. Sallai Meridor, Head of Israel's National Security Council Ilan Mizrahi, Senior Director General of Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yossi Gal, Director of Political-Military Affairs at Israel’s Ministry of Defense Amos Gilad, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission Gideon Frank, Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister Shalom Turgeman, and other senior officials. The U.S. side was represented by: Treasury Under Secretary Stuart Levey, State Department Counselor Eliot Cohen, National Security Advisor to the Vice President John Hannah, NSC Director Elliott Abrams, Department of State Assistant Secretary David Welch, and other senior officials.


Released on November 8, 2007

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