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November 4, 2008    DOL Home > Newsroom > News Releases   

News Release

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ETA News Release: [07/08/2008]
Contact Name: Terry Shawn or Jennifer Kaplan
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676 or x5052
Release Number: 08-954-NAT

U.S. Department of Labor announces debarment of immigration software company

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that it has formally debarred LawLogix Group Inc. from filing applications for permanent labor certification. The debarment will be in effect for three years. The department has determined that the San Francisco, Calif.-based company willfully has provided false or inaccurate information when applying for permanent labor certifications, and engaged in a pattern or practice of failing to comply with the terms of the application, ETA Form 9089.

"Debarring this company for filing false information demonstrates the department's ongoing commitment to safeguard the integrity of the permanent labor certification process," said Solicitor of Labor Gregory F. Jacob. "The department takes seriously its responsibility to ensure program integrity, thereby protecting employment opportunities for American workers."

LawLogix is a company that designs and sells software to businesses that utilize the permanent labor certification program. LawLogix submitted more than 100 applications using the permanent program's online filing system in the last year, apparently for the sole purpose of testing the parameters of the department's electronic processing system. LawLogix's willful misrepresentations are prohibited by the department's regulations, and are inconsistent with the company's attestation that it had met all the regulatory conditions for employing a foreign worker.

The permanent labor certification process, established by the Immigration and Nationality Act, allows employers to sponsor aliens for permanent residence (file for a "green card") to fill positions for which no qualified, willing and available U.S. workers can be found. The department's regulations set forth detailed procedures for employers to follow in filing applications seeking permanent labor certifications.

In 2007, the department issued final regulations designed to enhance program integrity, and reduce incentives and opportunities for fraud and abuse. Debarment is one tool that the department uses to achieve these goals.

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