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ETA News Release: [07/23/2004]
Contact Name: Lorette Post
Phone Number: (202) 693-3984

U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $9.2 Million Grant to National Urban League to Assist At-Risk Youth

DETROIT, Mich.—U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced a $9.2 million grant to the National Urban League to assist inner-city African American youth.

“This $9.2 million grant to the National Urban League will help at-risk, out-of-school youth access training so they can find good-paying jobs,” Secretary Chao said. “The programs funded by this grant will provide tutoring, literacy training, work experience, adult mentoring, employment opportunities and career-planning services that can help prepare these young people for a bright future.”

Through the grant, the National Urban League will bring the Youth Career Preparation Program to 15 urban sites across the country. At the sites, 1,200 youth between the ages of 16 and 24 will be involved in internships and on-the-job training to help them prepare for full-time jobs in the private sector.

The pilot demonstration will bring together the federal workforce investment system and its local One-Stop Career Centers, state and local government, business, education and faith-based and community-based organizations to ensure the success and continuation of the project.

Secretary Chao also noted the improving job prospects in Michigan. The state’s June unemployment rate dropped to 6.5 percent which continues a downward trend. The new number also represents a significant improvement over the state unemployment rate of 7.3 percent a year ago.

“These positive employment numbers are proof that the President’s pro-growth policies are working and workers are finding good jobs in Michigan and across the country,” Secretary Chao said. “The Department is announcing millions of dollars in grants that will help workers, including African American youth, access the training and employment services necessary to help them take advantage of these job opportunities.”

Today’s grant is one of several grants, totaling $54.6 million, the Department of Labor is awarding under the Youth Offender Demonstration Project. The grants are being presented to faith-based and community organizations that can best reach youth who are currently involved with the court system or at risk of involvement. The goal of the grants is to connect this segment of the community with job training programs and employment opportunities.

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