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U.S. Recognizes Montenegro as Independent State

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Washington, DC
June 13, 2006

The United States has formally recognized the Republic of Montenegro as a sovereign and independent state, following the request of its government and consistent with the provisions of the Constitutional Charter which established the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. This Charter explicitly provided means by which the people of Montenegro could express their will with respect to independence.

We congratulate the people of Montenegro for the peaceful and democratic manner in which they conducted their May 21 vote on independence.

The honor of being counted among the free and independent states of the world brings with it the challenge of protecting and advancing the freedom, rights and prosperity of all the people of Montenegro, and the responsibility to make a positive contribution to the community of nations.

The United States will be considering in the coming days Montenegro’s proposal to begin a process of establishing diplomatic relations. We look forward to continued friendship and cooperation with the people of Montenegro.


Released on June 13, 2006

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