European Union-United States Atlantis Program

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 Office of Postsecondary Education Home

Project Abstracts - FY 2000 Awards

Project Number Lead State
P116J000006 Black Hawk College IL
P116J000007 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs CO
P116J000008 Capital University OH
P116J000010 Florida International University FL
P116J000018 University of Pennsylvania PA
P116J000023 University of California, San Francisco CA
P116J000024 Purdue University IN
P116J000028 Princeton University NJ
P116J000036 Boston College MA
P116J000041 Warren Wilson College NC
P116J000043 California State University, Chico CA
P116J000044 Pennsylvania State University PA
P116J000053 North Carolina State University NC


Lead Institution Partner
US Black Hawk College (IL) North Central Technical College (WI)
Fresno City College (CA)
EC University of Central England (UK) Turku School of Economics and Business Administration (FI)
Université Paris X-Nanterre (FR)

"eCommerce Online Certificate"

The eCommerce Online Certificate project will maximize the awareness of US and European business cultures to students using the Internet and will focus on developing skills and competencies needed to enter and participate in the emerging digital economy for small businesses. Students will study abroad and also conduct work placements in small businesses to develop commercial websites using distance technologies, primarily the Internet. The project will result in an entrepreneurial curriculum revision in US and EC business programs.

Total Funding: 3 years, $158,889

Marty Hanson
Black Hawk College
Moline (IL)
309-796-1311, ext. 1323

Barbara Armstrong
University of Central England
Birmingham (UK)


Lead Institution Partner
US University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (CO) Southwest Texas State University (TX) (CO)
EC University of Sienna (IT) University of Vienna (AU)
Institute for Research and Intervention on Organizational Systems (IT)

"Information and Communication Technology Exchange and International Organizational Communication Program"

The project will establish an Information and Communication Technology and Organizational Communication international curriculum. New courses will be taught via a web-based classroom, connecting international teams of students working collaboratively on issues related to organizational communication. Students will take a curriculum that is focused on local and global communication knowledge and competencies and is applied to actual business contexts.

Total Funding: 3 years, $193,209

Pamela Shockley-Zalabak
University of Colorado
Colorado Springs (CO)

Sebastiano Bagnara
University of Sienna
Sienna (IT)


Lead Institution Partner
US Capital University (OH) Florida International University (FL)
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire (WI)
EC University of Tampere (FI) University of Rome (IT)
Witten Herdecke University (DE)

"Interdisciplinary Family-Focused Health Care Across Cultures"

The field of international nursing is growing rapidly in response to emerging global health care issues. The project would develop a certificate or special focus in International Health for graduate nursing students. It includes three new courses in Health Care Across Cultures available at all participating schools plus opportunities for clinical experience. Students will study health care policies in the host countries and study implications for changes in health care delivery systems at home.

Total Funding: 3 years, $185,868

Rita Butchko Kerr
Capital University
Columbus (OH)

Paivi Astedt-Kurki
University of Tampere
Tampere (FI)


Lead Institution Partner
US Florida International University (FL) New York University (NY)
University of Colorado (CO)
University of Minnesota (MN)
EC Europa-Universität Viadrina (DE) Université de Liège (BE)
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (FR)
University of Amsterdam (NL)

"Transnationalism, International Migration, Race, Ethnocentrism, and the State"

Europe and the United States are facing a critical set of issues on international migration. At no time in history are more people moving around the globe with major impact on national policies of citizenship, residency, social change, and support structures. The project will offer students the opportunity to take a specially designed curriculum at foreign universities and participate in summer institutes on transnational forces such as ongoing migration flows and long-term "foreign" populations.

Total Funding: 3 years, $208,971

Emily Copeland
Florida International University
Miami (FL)

Michael Minkenberg
Europa-Universität Viadrina
Frankfurt Oder (DE)


Lead Institution Partner
US University of Pennsylvania (PA) Illinois Institute of Technology (IL)
Southern California Institute of Architecture (CA)
EC Bauhaus University (DE) Technical University of Delft (NL)
University of Architecture, Venice (IT)

"The Global Imperatives for Architectural Education"

In architecture, the increasing globalization culture is a phenomenon of the "global village" that engenders complex issues, crossing cultural, social, and political borders. The education of future architects will increasingly be devoted to international practice. This curriculum project will focus on broadening the pedagogy and perspectives of architectural education in the US and Europe. In addition, the project will involve new information technology as a central educational medium and instrument in the design and implementation of theory and design courses.

Total Funding 3 years: $205,800

Richard Wesley
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia (PA)

Ruth Baumeister
Bauhaus Universität
Weimar (DE)


Lead Institution Partner
US University of California, San Francisco (CA) University of Texas at Austin (TX)
University of Florida (FL)
EC University of Bath (UK) Universitat de Barcelona (ES)
Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
Free University Brussels (BE)
Université Paris-Sud (FR)
Universität Hamburg (DE)

"Promoting Transatlantic Mobility of Pharmacy Students"

The purpose of this project is two-fold: to support a semester-long study abroad for undergraduate pharmacy students and to produce a self-contained learning module on the different structures of health care provision, legal medical drug issues, and the manufacture and licensing of pharmaceutical products. Students going abroad will participate in a work placement and experience first hand the study and practice of European and American pharmacoeconomic frameworks.

Total Funding 3 years: $215,202

Christopher Cullander
University of California
San Francisco (CA)

Stephen Moss
University of Bath
Bath (UK)


Lead Institution Partner
US Purdue University (IN) Oklahoma State University (OK)
Alabama A&M University (AL)
EC Technical Educational Institute of Crete (HE) Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (DK)
Hogeschool Delft (NL)
University of Hanover (DE)

"HORTECUS-Horticulture in the EC and US"

The study and practice of horticulture continues to reflect the dramatic increases in the international aspects of production, handling, marketing, and management of plant products. US institutions of higher education have been criticized for their slow response to this new global reality. This project offers opportunities for international study and work placements in the growing international agricultural world.

Total Funding 3 years: $205,311

Paul Allen Hammer
Purdue University
Lafayette (IN)

Ioannis Vlahos
Technological University of Crete
Heraklion (HE)


Lead Institution Partner
US Princeton University (NJ) University of California, Los Angeles (CA)
Rice University TX)
EC Escola Tecnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ES) The Architectural Association (UK)
Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville (FR)

"EC-US Architectural Education Network"

The last decade has seen the rapid globalization of architectural practice and the systematic movement toward a single architectural standard for professional accreditation between American and European schools. The key issues are a greater emphasis on language training for architects and the introduction of new coursework covering modes of international practice. The project will implement a series of design studios involving students from all participating institutions.

Total Funding 3 years: $209,727

Ralph Lerner
Princeton University
Princeton (NJ)

Eduard Bru I Bistuer
Escola Technica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona
Barcelona (ES)


Lead Institution Partner
US Boston College (MA) Bradley University (IL)
Arizona State University (AZ)
National Center for Simulation (FL)
EC University of Genoa (IT) Université d'Aix-Marseille III (FR)
Otto von Guericke University (DE)
Consortium for Education in Integrated Logistics (IT)

"IEPAL-Intensive Educational Program in Advanced Logistics"

An increasing number of business and technological enterprises are in need of engineers who can integrate modeling and simulation, networking, and e-commerce in supply chain management and logistics. There is a great need to augment the study of logistic operations with practical exercises, industrial case studies, and direct experience with companies involved in globalization. The project will integrate regular courses with specific seminars focused on real world challenges.

Total Funding 3 years: $203,100

Robert Sinorille
Boston College
Boston (MA)

Roberto Mosca
University of Genoa
Genoa (IT)


Lead Institution Partner
US Warren Wilson College (NC) Ohio University Southern Campus (OH)
Appalachian College Association (KY)
EC Bishop Burton College (UK) Graffschap College (NL)
Umwelt-Birkenfeld (DE)

"Cross Cultural Solutions: A Multilateral Educational Model"

The Cross Cultural Solutions project is an expandable process through which university students from the EC and the US learn essential workplace skills and leadership behaviors in a problem solving setting. The program involves students from six rural institutions in collaborative transatlantic investigations of relevant issues for equine management and environmental education.

Total Funding 3 years: 207,999

Richard Rodman
Warren Wilson College
Asheville (NC)

Robert Davies
Bishop Burton College
Beverley (UK)


Lead Institution Partner
US California State University, Chico (CA) Old Dominion University (VA)
University of Nebraska, Lincoln (NE)
EC University of Hamburg (DE) University of Glasgow (UK)
Vienna University of Technology (AU)

"US-Europe Multicultural Educational Alliance in Computer Science and Engineering"

The internationalization of trade means that multinational manufacturers must incorporate design features that address the economic and cultural needs of the international market. These industries favor a technical workforce with international training, allowing it to understand the needs of foreign clients. Intercultural differences are intensified in technical fields such as computer modeling and simulation that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. The project will develop a curriculum that increasingly is focused on solving problems for complex, international computer simulations.

Total Funding 3 years: $202,211

Roy Crosbie
California State University
Chico (CA)

Dietmar Moeller
University of Hamburg
Hamburg (DE)


Lead Institution Partner
US Pennsylvania State University (PA) Colorado School of Mines (CO)
University of Vermont (VT)
EC Université d'Orléans (FR) University of Naples (IT)
Università del Sannio (IT)
Universidad da Beiro Interior, Covilha (PT)

"Interdisciplinary/International Curriculum on Energy and the Environment: Innovative Technologies"

This project will develop an interdisciplinary and international curriculum on energy and the environment. The consortia members will develop a modular educational program that will focus on innovative ways to use energy technologies and to understand social ethical, and cultural issues associated with use of energy and the environment. Students will work in multicultural teams on multinational projects in international settings. Perspectives from experts in engineering, science, social science, and the humanities, will be made available to students.

Total Funding 3 years: $195,000

Semih Eser
Pennsylvania State University
University Park (PA)

Lusin Bagla-Gokalp
Université d'Orléans
Orléans (FR)


Lead Institution Partner
US North Carolina State University (NC) University of Massachusetts (MA)
Philadelphia University (PA)
EC Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textile (ENSAIT) (FR) Escola Tecnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa (SP)
der Rheinisch-Westfalischen Technischen Hochschule (RWTH) (DE)

"Transatlantic Textile Network"

The international consortia will enhance the ability of students to work on textile projects in transatlantic teams. To accomplish this aim, the consortia will build a cooperative network among the partnering institutions to give students the opportunity to study, to work abroad in internships, and to improve their understanding of textile commerce. The project also will involve non-mobile students through the creation of a virtual network and transatlantic student projects. Ultimately, the project will move textile education into a transnational education arena encompassing training of textile managers, engineers, and technologists who will function in transatlantic teams.

Total Funding 3 years: $202,680

Helmut Hergeth
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, (NC)

Audrey Stewart
Ecole National Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textile
Roubaix (FR)

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Last Modified: 03/22/2006

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