European Union-United States Atlantis Program

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Project Abstracts - FY 2001 Awards

Project Number Lead State
P116J010004 Carnegie Mellon University Driver Training & Safety Institute PA
P116J010007 Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. NC
P116J010009 Florence-Darlington Technical College SC
P116J010012 Iowa State University IA
P116J010013 Fox Valley Technical College WI
P116J010015 Vanderbilt University School of Nursing TN
P116J010016 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC
P116J010020 New York University NY
P116J010022 Nicholls State University LA
P116J010029 University of Miami FL
P116J010033 Samford University AL
P116J010037 Iowa State University IA
P116J010040 University of New Mexico NM


Lead Institution Partner
US Carnegie Mellon University Driver Training & Safety Institute, PA Motor Freight Carriers Association, DC
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, AK
EC Transport Training Board of Denmark Vocational Training & Working Environment Council of Transportation Sweden
Transportation and Logistics of the Netherlands

Subject Areas: Vocational Training Educational Technology

"Partnership for Innovative Safety Transport Training"

The Partnership for Innovative Safety Transport Training will investigate measures to improve the training of truck drivers by examining the most effective and efficient training methods in the United States and Europe. The partners will examine the uses of computer based training and e-learning for assessing trainees and training methods, apprenticeship practices in Europe and the United States, and identifying and analyzing global transportation trends. The goal is to develop an international program that will ensure safe workplaces and safe driving behavior when operating heavy vehicles.

Total US funding: $25,000

Gérard Meyer
Carnegie Mellon Driver Training and Safety Institute
832 Airport Road
Lemont Furnace, PA 15456

Niels H.h. Jørgensen
Bygmestervej 5,2
DK-2400, Copenhagen NV, Denmark


Lead Institution
US Regional Technology Strategies, Inc., NC
EC Danish Technological Institute, Denmark

Subject Area: Information Technology

"Comparative Analyses of ICT Programs in Denmark and the US"

This project compares the educational preparation of mid-skilled (post-secondary, pre-baccalaureate) employees in information and communications technologies (ICT) companies and occupations in the United States and Denmark. The goals are programmatic and systemic improvements in the education, training, international content, and skill standards for ICT and also a cooperative structure for on-going monitoring and sharing between colleges and education agencies in both nations. The two-year project will include a review and analysis of recent studies of skill needs, job profiling methods, skill standards, and occupational classifications and definitions. It will also include interviews of employers and vendors that operate in both countries, analyses of the content, contexts of curricula and course materials, and of the policy environments for four institutional programs

Total US funding: $103,000

Stuart A. Rosenfeld
Regional Technology Strategies
205 Lloyd Street Suite 210
Carrboro, NC 27510, USA
919 933-6699

Hanne Shapiro
Danish Technological Institute
Teknologiparken 8000 Århus, C, Denmark
+45 722 01415


Lead Institution Partner
US Florence-Darlington Technical College, SC Brevard Community College, FL
Delgado Community College, LA
Miami-Dade Community College, FL
EC Berufsbildende Schule III, Germany Le Délégué Académique aux Enseignements Techniques et à la Formation Continue, France
Milton Keynes College, England
University of Alicante, Spain

Subject Areas: International Business Distance Education

"Establishing a Multinational Consortium Using Innovative Distance Learning Technology to Prepare Workers for the Global Economy"

This multinational consortium among eight institutions located in England, France, Spain, Germany, and the United States will offer students the opportunity to earn a certificate or a diploma in International Business. In this program, four internationalized business courses will be developed and will be team-taught via interactive television by US and European instructors. Students in these courses will also work collaboratively in international teams via Internet learning groups. This approach combines the benefits of face-to-face interaction and any time, any place learning. The consortium recognizes the need to globalize education, and all of the partners are committed to internationalizing their programs to better prepare students to successfully compete in the new worldwide economy. Each of the partners brings specific cultural, language, distance-learning, and business expertise to this project.

Total US funding: $203,000

Robert Hogan
Florence-Darlington Technical College
2715 West Lucas Street
Florence, SC 29501
(843) 661-8344

Werner Schmitz
Berufsbildende Schule III
Am Judensand 8
55122 Mainz
, Germany 0049 6131 320063


Lead Institution Partner
US Iowa State University, IA University of California, Davis, CA
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
EC Institut Agricole de Beauvais, France Dalum Agricultural College, Denmark
University College Cork, Ireland

Subject Areas: Agriculture Public Policy

"Experiential Learning for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Food and Society Nexus "

The project focuses on issues surrounding the production, marketing and consumption of food such as safety, policy, law, the development and use of functional foods, food systems, food chain management and the use of biotechnology in plant and animal production. While many institutions already incorporate an international component in their food and agriculture programs, to find solutions to the immensely complex situations facing their global systems today, more collaboration is needed between institutions of higher learning in these areas. Partners were chosen based on their commitment to globalization of food and agriculture issues, their strengths in the theme areas of food and society and because of the history of institutional collaboration among all partners. This program will build the framework that will enable institutions to help faculty and students increase their global literacy in these areas and to put in place a permanent mechanism for the exchange of students.

Total US funding: $202,991

David G. Acker
Iowa State University
104 Curtiss Hall
Ames, Iowa 50011-1050

Carole Sorreau
Institut Superieur Agricole de Beauvais
Rue Pierre Waguet, BP 30313
60026 Beauvais Cedex
, France


Lead Institution Partner
US Fox Valley Technical College, WI Macomb Community College, MI
Triton College, IL
General Motors-ASEP, MI
EC Herwig-Blankertz Schule Wolfhagen, Germany German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce/European College of Business and Management, England
Camera de Comercio e Industria Luso-Alema, Portugal
Volkswagen Coaching GmbH Baunatal, Germany

Subject Areas: Automotive Technology International Education

"Transatlantic Automotive Technology Educational Collaboration (TransAutoTEC)"

TransAutoTEC focuses upon building student-centered international experiences and relationships between associate degree automotive technology students and faculty as an integral component of the curriculum. Using Web-based technologies, students and faculty in three US community/technical colleges linked with the GM Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP) will teach and learn collaboratively with European apprentice students and faculty linked with the Volkswagen Corporation. Faculty in partner colleges will synchronize the instruction of selected units using common Web-based multimedia learning resources creating a virtual transatlantic classroom with internationally integrated peer-based learning opportunities. Advanced digital technologies including remote video/audio connections, 3D, and animation as well as chat rooms and email will be used to enhance learning and build relationships in an international context. Subsequently, transatlantic student and faculty exchanges will reinforce the technology-enabled relationships, promote cultural experiences, and continue collaborative learning in automotive technology. This project unites the practice of transatlantic exchanges and distance learning to establish an international dimension often not available in this field of vocational education.

Total US funding: $198,177

Marie Martin
Fox Valley Technical College
1825 North Bluemound Drive
Appleton, WI 54914-1643

Annegret Wengefeld
Herwig-Blankertz-Schule Liemeckestrasse 4 34466
, Germany, 0049 5692 9889 0


Lead Institution Partner
US Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, TN Queens College, NY
Western Kentucky University, KY
EC Bournemouth University, United Kingdom Upsala University, Sweden
Pohjois-Savo Polytechnic, Finland

Subject Area: Allied Health Sciences

"Developing Intercultural Competence in Multicultural Health Care Workforces"

The purpose of this program is to foster and strengthen transatlantic ties by tackling together the challenge posed by the increasing nature of the global nature of the nursing workforce. To fulfill this aim, the project will develop a program to achieve intercultural competence, based on experiential learning using simulation gaming to promote cultural awareness. This will be followed by the use of web-based materials to provide knowledge of the culture of the participating countries, with particular reference to the assessment of and provisions for meeting health care needs. There will be 48 students in all, 24 from each consortia, who will study abroad during the life of the project. It is envisioned that the program will improve the quality of human resource development; and the integration of students and faculty will promote mutual understanding between the health care providers of the European Community and the USA.

Total US funding: $183,471

Linda D. Norman
Vanderbilt University School of Nursing
Room 103 Godchaux Hall
461 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37240

Iain Graham
Bournemouth University
Institute of Health and Community Studies
Royal London House, Christchurch Road
Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 3LT
44 1202 504115


Lead Institution Partner
US University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC University of Colorado at Denver, CO
Vanderbilt University, TN
EC Mälardalen University, Sweden Jyväskylä University, Finland
Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany
Porto University, Portugal
Stockholm University, Sweden

Subject Areas: Social Services Allied Health Sciences

"Transatlantic Consortium on Early Childhood Intervention "

The transatlantic consortium on early childhood intervention aims to expand and strengthen the policy, practice and scientific base of human services for young children with disabilities and their families. It contributes to the preparation of professionals for leadership roles through cross-cultural training encompassing practical, research and policy experiences. It establishes a mechanism for ongoing transatlantic exchange of information and develops an international curricula serving as a base for the development of a joint degree program.

The three major components of the program are: a) expanding the knowledge base of students and faculty through summer institutes b) providing students exposure to different models of service delivery for children and families across various cultural, ethnic and social environments and, c) arranging placements focusing on practice and policy issues designed to promote programmatic, policy and scientific initiatives. The program enhances the preparation of professionals to assume leadership roles and to advance the cause of early childhood intervention in the broader international arena.

Total US funding: $202,895

Rune J. Simeonsson
School of Education
Peabody Hall, CB#3500, UNC
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500

Eva Björck-Åkesson Dept. of Social Sciences
Mälardalen University
Box 883. SE 721 23 Sweden
+46 21 10 14 28


Lead Institution Partner
US New York University, NY University of Washington, WA University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
EC University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, France
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Subject Areas: Political Science Law

"Comparative Federalism Graduate Training Project"

The Comparative Federalism Consortium (COMFED) will focus on the development of a shared international graduate curriculum allowing graduate students to compare the United States and European Union as political, economic and legal systems. The underlying objectives of the project are both academic and practical: to enhance scientific knowledge of the field of comparative EU-US studies, to educate a new generation of future academic and policy leaders in both the United States and the EU about the similarities and differences between the two systems, and to promote better understanding between the two sides. This program will allow students from each institution to spend a semester at a transatlantic COMFED institution, where they will have the opportunity to follow the comparative syllabus and to choose from a wide range of other graduate courses and internships relevant to their field of study. The project will also involve an annual student summer institute, a staff and student conference (held contiguously), as well as the exchange of both faculty members and policy-makers across the Atlantic.

Total US funding: $203,000

Martin Schain
Center for European Studies
New York University
58 West 10th Street
New York, NY 10011
212 998-3838

Anand Menon
European Research Institute
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT
011 44 121 414 4958


Lead Institution Partner
US Nicholls State University, LA University of Central Arkansas, AR
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, TN
Florida International University, FL
EC Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Saint-Etienne, France Hame Polythechnic, Finland
University of Luton, United Kingdom
University of Vic, Spain

Subject Areas: Business Foreign Languages

"Alliance for Cross-Cultural Understanding for Business Students"

The Alliance for Cross-Cultural Understanding will prepare business students for participation in the global economy through reinforcement of their language abilities and cultural understandings. This network will provide models to support the importance of cross-cultural education leading to successful business practices in the international marketplace. The member schools will provide intensive language training of students prior to their study in a European school or college of business. The consortium will support these exchanges with internet roundtables, internships, and culturally-based instruction in both business and foreign language courses.

Total US funding: $191,808

Anita Tully
Nicholls State University
Thibodaux, LA 70310

Betty Beeler
Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Saint-Etienne
51-53, Cours Fauriel, BP 29
42009, St. Etienne Cedex 02
, France
334 77 49 24 65


Lead Institution Partner
US University of Miami, FL University of California, San Diego, CA
University of Colorado at Denver, CO
EC Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden Roskilde University/Copenhagen University, Denmark
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Kajaani, Finland

Subject Areas: Service Learning Education

"International Post-Secondary Learning in the 5th Dimension: A Distributed Consortium Approach "

This project is organized around a consortium of internationally distributed university-school community collaborations in which university students engaged in professional preparation for the helping professions participate in the 5thDimension (5thD), technologically rich after-school programs located in local institutional settings, as a course-related practicum experience. The local communities constitute complex socio-cultural learning systems, and their contexts are used as arenas for studies of interaction, communication, learning, and development amid a rich mix of cultural and linguistic diversity. University faculty and students collaborate on educational models, while working "hands-on" with school children and school-community volunteers. The project focuses on four themes: (1) undergraduate and graduate curricula connected to participation in local 5thD community sites where students from a variety of academic disciplines apply and reflect upon the curricular content of their professional preparation; (2) student mobility associated professional preparation curricula; (3) development and exchange of curricular modules and shared teaching assignments between participating universities; and (4) use of technology in a geographically-distributed social learning context.

Total US funding: $202,299

William E. Blanton
School of Education
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124-2040

Berthel Sutter
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Soft Center
Box 520, SE 37225
Ronneby, Sweden


Lead Institution
US Samford University, AL
EC University of Maastricht, Netherlands

Subject Area: Humanities

"Transatlantic Cooperation for Problem-based Learning in the Humanities"

This project will support humanities' faculty at Maastricht University in the Netherlands and Samford University to work together to develop problem-based learning (PBL) modules in their curricula. Over the next two years, they will develop 16 PBL modules. These modules will be field tested in their respective curricula and internationally peer reviewed through the Samford PBL Course Portfolio National Peer Review Center. Following the peer reviews, the modules will be disseminated throughout the US. This is a seminal project for American higher education since PBL in undergraduate education is still in its infancy, and PBL in the humanities is almost non-existent. The University of Maastricht has long-term experience with PBL in the humanities. Samford University has developed considerable expertise in using PBL to reform humanities education. This project combines the interests, talents, and experiences of two international pioneers in humanities PBL.

Total US funding: $103,000.00

David Chapman
Samford University
800 Lakeshore Dr
Birmingham, AL 35229

Lies Wesseling
University of Maastricht
Kapoenstraat 2
6211 KW Maastricht


Lead Institution Partner
US Iowa State University, IA University of Virginia, VA
University of Florida, FL
Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education, VA
EC University of London, United Kingdom University of Barcelona, Spain
Aalborg University, Denmark
MirandaNet Fellowship, Czech Republic & United Kingdom
Oracle Corporation, Europe
Universal Forum of Cultures Education Project, Spain & International

Subject Areas: Education Educational Technology

"ILET: International Leadership for Educational Technology"

Experts in multimedia, cultural studies, and distance education will develop a certificate in Intercultural Educational Technology within Ph.D. programs of six partner universities. The components of the certificate are: comparative study of educational technology systems, policies, and applications; language and cultural learning activities; project work and/or internships that require application of theories and technological skills to real life challenges; and an intensive international course. Thirty students and twelve staff will study and teach abroad and collaborate with many more in the project's innovative web-based learning environments, supported by professional communities and commercial experts. The project will broaden the impact of the EC and US cooperation by 'training the trainers' of faculty involved in open and distance learning.

Total US funding: $194,516

Niki Davis
Iowa State University
N108 Lagomarcino Hall
Ames, IA 50011

Andrew Brown
University of London Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H OAL, UK
+44 020 7612 6224


Lead Institution
US University of New Mexico, NM
EC University of Cadiz, Spain

"Bilingual Virtual Student Support Services Model"

The proposed project seeks to design, develop, and implement a seamless bilingual virtual student support service capability to be demonstrated at the University of Cadiz in Spain and the University of New Mexico in the US. Once the software and personnel integration has been shown to be functional, the prototype system will be made available to all European Community and US universities as a part of the proposed dissemination plan of the project. The realization of this project will result in an increased level of virtual infrastructure enabling universities to properly support English- and Spanish-speaking students who seek access to any university's online coursework.

Total US funding: $49,993

Richard Howell
The University of New Mexico
1634 University Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87131, 505-277-6006

Jose Navarro
The University of Cadiz, Spain
11519 Puerto Real
Cadiz, Spain

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