United States Department of the Interior

Washington, D.C. 20240

To: All FWS Employees                                                01/23/2006
From: Director 
Subject: Policy on Equal Employment Opportunities and Inclusion
An inclusive workforce is one where differences, or diversity, is valued.  Just as biological diversity promotes survival in nature, diversity is absolutely essential to the viability of the Service as an organization.  An organization cannot thrive without a diversity of perspectives, ideas, backgrounds, and strengths.  As we all continue working to identify and remove barriers to equal employment opportunities, my expectation is that a natural artifact of that will be an increase in the diversity of our workforce.  As your new Director, I am committed to making the Service a workplace that embraces inclusion and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all.  I ask each of you to join me in this commitment and to do your part. 

Each and every employee at the Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination.  When an employee or applicant is discriminated against, the work of the Service suffers, opportunities for achievement are lost, and the ability of our employees to reach their full potential is jeopardized. Moreover, significant losses are often suffered by victims of discrimination in the form of damage to their health, career, finances and morale.  I want the Fish and Wildlife Service to be not only the Nation’s premiere conservation agency, but also the Nation’s premiere employer.  

Secretary Norton’s recently re-issued Policy on Equal Opportunity and Zero Tolerance of Discrimination emphasizes that discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated.  Any Service employee who is determined to have engaged in unlawful discriminatory practices, and any employee in a position of authority who fosters an environment that allows discriminatory practices to exist, will be subjected to the appropriate disciplinary action.  Everyone will continue to be held accountable to perform duties in a manner which fosters a professional and discrimination-free work environment. 

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov
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