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Budget of the United States Government

The Budget of the United States Government can be obtained through GPO Access and the Office of Management and Budget. OMB contains Budget documents from the current fiscal year. GPO Access contains Budget documents from 1996 through the current fiscal year.


The Budget of the United States Government "contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President’s budget and management priorities, and budget overviews organized by agency, including assessments of their performance." Some other budget documents are:

  • Analytical Perspectives contains analyses of specified subject areas and other presentations of budget data that place the budget in perspective. This volume also includes information on Federal receipts and collections, Federal spending, and Federal borrowing and debt.
  • Historical Tables contains data on budget receipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, Federal debt, and Federal employment over an extended time period.
  • The Budget Appendix contains information on the appropriations and funds that constitute the budget. The Appendix contains more detailed financial information on individual programs and appropriation accounts than any of the other budget documents.
  • Mid-Session Review contains revised estimates of budget receipts, outlays, budget authority and other summary information.


Some of the supporting documents are the Federal Credit Supplement, Budget System and Concepts, and Budget Amendments and Supplementals. The Budget Amendments and Supplementals are modifications to the budget due to special circumstances that could not be foreseen when the Budget was transmitted to Congress. Changes can only be made by the President and these changes are called supplementals (for the current year) and amendments (for the next, or budget year).


Additional sources of budget information include spreadsheets from the Analytical Perspectives and Historical Tables as well as the Public Budget Database, which provides account level detail for budget authority, outlays and receipts. Thomas provides the status of appropriations legislation from 1998 through the current fiscal year, and includes links to corresponding house and senate documents.

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