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ODEP News Release: [10/08/2008]
Contact Name: Bennett Gamble or Richard Manning
Phone Number: (202) 693-4667 or x4676
Release Number: 08-1356-NAT

U.S. Department of Labor salutes ‘New Freedom Initiative’ awardees for enhancing participation of Americans with disabilities in 21st century workforce

Theme: America's People... America's Talent... America's Strength!

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today recognized eight winners of the 7th annual New Freedom Initiative Award for their outstanding efforts to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The awards ceremony took place at the Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel in Washington, D.C.

"The examples and best practices that we highlight today will hopefully provide insight and ideas for different strategies to help Americans with disabilities become fulfilled, contributing members of our workforce," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao.

On behalf of Secretary Chao, Deputy Secretary Howard M. Radzely also awarded two SPIRIT (Strength, Perseverance, Integrity, Role-model, Independence, Trailblazer) Awards. One was presented to Jim Abbott, former Major League Baseball pitcher for the California Angels, Chicago White Sox, Milwaukee Brewers and New York Yankees. Abbott retired from baseball in 1999, but he is still using his talent this time to help raise awareness about the value people with disabilities bring to America's businesses. Abbott serves as the spokesman for the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy's (ODEP) PITCH (Proving Individuals with Talent Can Help) campaign.

The other SPIRIT Awardee of 2008 is Steve A. Burd, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Safeway Inc., in Pleasanton, Calif. Under his leadership, the company is committed to creating an inclusive workplace and currently employs nearly 10,000 people with disabilities. With Burd at the helm, Safeway is delivering on its commitment to be a model corporate citizen by making communities in which it operates better places for all people, including those with disabilities, to live and work.

ODEP coordinates the annual New Freedom Initiative Awards program. Introduced by President George W. Bush in 2001, the New Freedom Initiative is a government-wide effort to accelerate the full inclusion of people with disabilities into mainstream American life.

"ODEP is not here to get employers to hire people with disabilities because it is the 'nice thing' to do," said Neil Romano, assistant secretary of ODEP. "We are demonstrating to America's business that hiring people with disabilities is a good thing to do for their business — good for their corporate bottom line and ultimately good for all Americans."

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Editor's Note: A list of award winners follows this news release. Profiles are available at

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