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Fact Sheet
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Washington, DC
October 25, 2004

Sudanese Refugees in Chad

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Refugee Numbers*

Sudanese Refugees in Chad


Sudanese Refugees in Established Camps in Eastern Chad


Established Camps in Eastern Chad


Sudanese Refugees in Chad/Sudan Border Areas (not in established camps)


New Refugees Who Cross Weekly Into Chad from Sudan


*Numbers are based on UNHCR estimates and initial camp registrations.

As a result of the ongoing conflict in Darfur, thousands of Sudanese have fled their country to seek refuge in neighboring Chad. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is assisting some 186,000 Sudanese refugees living in 11 established camps in eastern Chad and the refugees who still remain in the border areas. In order to provide better security and services, UNHCR continues to move refugees from the border to camps, but some prefer not to move. With the end of the rains, reports continue to indicate a potential for additional large-scale refugee flows into Chad if the situation deteriorates further in Darfur. The situation in most of the camps is beginning to stabilize, but water availability is diminishing in some. The relief effort is still fragile.

United States Government Assistance to Eastern Chad (Fiscal Year 2004 and Fiscal Year 2005 to date)

U. S. Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Protection and Assistance


World Food Program (WFP)

Emergency Food and Airlifts


International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Transportation, Camp Management


United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)/NGO Implementers

Emergency nutrition, Water/Sanitation



Flight Operations



Community Services, Psychosocial Interventions, Capacity-Building


International Medical Corps (IMC)

Primary and Mental Health


International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Camp Management, Health, Protection


Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Camp Management


U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Food for Peace


World Food Program (WFP)



USAID/Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance


United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)






Humanitarian Assistance Providers Supported by the United States Government

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is providing refugee assistance at five established camps in the northern border area: Oure Cassoni (near Bahai/Cariari in the North sector); Iridimi (east of Iriba in the North sector); Touloum (south of Iriba in the North sector); Mile (northwest of Guereda in the Central North zone); and Kounoungo (southwest of Guereda in the Central North sector). UNHCR is also providing some assistance to the settlement at Am Nabak (south of Iriba in the North sector); it was due to be moved to Mader but water availability has proved to be a problem. In the Central Zone, UNHCR has three established camps: Farchana, Bredjing, and Treguine (all east of Abeche in the Central sector). Further to the south, two camps have been established at Goz-Amer (southeast of Goz Beida in South sector) and Djabal (southwest of Goz Beida in the South sector). UNHCR plans to open one to two additional camps and has identified potential sites.

In Darfur, UNCHR provides support for activities focused on protection monitoring and assistance for displaced Sudanese and technical assistance in campsite selection and management.

World Food Program (WFP) is providing emergency food assistance to Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad, including blanket supplemental feeding for all children under five and for pregnant and lactating women. 25,000 vulnerable Chadian hosts are also being assisted.

UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) manages programs for water and sanitation, education, child protection, and primary health care.

International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is supporting the Chadian Red Cross with trucking operations to move refugees from the border areas in particular. IFRC has also undertaken camp management responsibilities in Treguine, a new camp near Farchana/Bredjing.

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is working in eastern Chad with the Chadian Red Cross to provide Sudanese refugees with the tracing and Red Cross message service to enable relatives to contact each other between Chad and Sudan.

In Darfur, ICRC provides support for activities focused on protecting civilians, restoring family links, providing emergency aid (basic household items, water and sanitation facilities, and food, where necessary), treating the wounded and sick, and promoting international humanitarian law (IHL) among the authorities, armed forces, militias, opposition groups and civil society. ICRC is carrying out its activities in partnership with Sudanese Red Crescent and coordinating the response with the IFRC, German, and Spanish Red Cross Societies.

NGOs Funded by State/Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration

AirServ provides transport of people and goods to the eastern border, which is extremely remote and challenging logistically, especially during the rainy season, which has made some sites inaccessible by road.

International Medical Corps (IMC) provides primary health, mental health, and nutrition programs to refugees located at Kounoungo, Mile, and Am Nabak/Mader camps.

International Rescue Committee (IRC) provides camp management, emergency primary health care, environmental health, nutrition, and protection services to refugees at Oure Cassoni.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) supports the work of a local Chadian NGO, Secadev, in providing basic camp infrastructure, environmental protection programs, community services and education currently at Touloum, Farchana, and Kounoungou camps.

CARE supports community services, psychosocial interventions, and capacity building programs in Iridimi, Mile, Bredjing, and Am Nabak camps.

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