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ABACIS Advanced Budget Accounting Control and Information System
ABAP Advanced Business Application Program
ABC Activity Based Costing
ABP Automatic Budget Postings
AFBACS Audit Findings Billing Collection System
ALC Agency Location Code
AOPC Agency Organization Program Coordinator
AP Accounts Payable
APP Advance Procurement Plan
AR Accounts Receivable
AUC Asset Under Construction
BFY Budget Fiscal Year
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIS Budget Information System
BL Bureau Leads
BLM Bureau of Land Management
BoA Bank of America
BOC Budget Object Class
BOR Bureau of Reclamation
BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement
BPD Business Process Definition
BPN Business Partner Network
BUDS Business Utilization Development Specialist
BW Business Warehouse
BW-BPS Business Warehouse-Business Planning and Simulation is the FBMS Budget Formulation Module
CATT Computer Aided Test Tool
CCR Central Contractor Registration
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIP Construction in Progress
CMDM Central Master Data Maintenance
CO Contracting Officer
CO Controlling, SAP Module representing cost accounting
COPS Controlling/Project Systems
COR Contracting Officer's Representative
COTR Contracting Officer Technical Representative
CPACS Civil Penalty Accounting Collection System
CR Continuing Resolution
CSI Construction Standard Institute
CUPCA Central Utah Project Completion Act
CWG Communications Working Group
DCIA Debt Collection Improvement Act
DI 1040 Web-based form for billing documents
DIAR Department of Interior Acquisition Regulations
DIP Dynamic Item Processor
DIT Disbursements in Transit
DME Data Medium Exchange
DO Delivery Order
DO Departmental Offices
DOD Department of Defense
DOI Department of the Interior
DOL Department of Labor
DSO Days Sales Outstanding
DUG Department User Group
E-Budget Electronic-Budget
ECS Electronic Certification System
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EMIS Enterprise Management Information System
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ERS Evaluated Receipt Settlement
ESC Executive Steering Committee
EVM Earned Value Management
FA Financial Assistance
FA Functional Area
FAADS Federal Assistance Award Data System
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FACTS Federal Agencies' Centralized Trial Balance
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
FBMS Financial and Business Management System
FBO FedBizOpps - Federal Business Opportunity
FBT Fund Balance with Treasury
FC Fund Center
FedReg Federal Agency Registration
FEEBACS Fee Billing and Collection System
FFS Federal Financial System
FI Financial Accounting
FIS Financial Information System
FL Functional Leads
FM Financial Management
FM Funds Management - SAP module representing Budget Execution
FMBB Budget Entry Workbench transition
FMSP Facilities Management Systems Partnership
FP Funded Program
FPA Federal Program Agency
FPDS Federal Procurement Data System
FPDS-NG Federal Procurement Data System - Next Generation
FPPS Federal Personnel and Payroll System
FPR Final Proposal Review
FSC Federal Supply Classification
FTE Full Time Employee
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FUL Full (settlements)
FWS Fish and Wildlife Service
FY Fiscal Year
G/L General Ledger
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAO General Accountability Office
GFP Government Furnished Property
G/L General Ledger
GOALS Government Online Accounting Link System
GR Gross Receipt
GSA General Services Administration
IAA Inter Agency Agreements
IDEAS-PD Interior Department Electronic Acquisition System - Procurement Desktop
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity
IGRO Issues, Gaps, Risks, Opportunities
IGTP Intra Governmental Transaction Portal
IMS Integrated Master Schedule
IO Internal Order
IPAC Intra-Governmental payment and Collection System
IR Invoice Receipt
IRS Internal Revenue Service
ISO International Standards Organization
JFMIP Joint Financial Management Improvement Program
JV Journal Voucher
LMS Learning Management System
LWOP Leave Without Pay
MAP Master Appropriation File
MAS Multiple Award Setup
MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
MM Materials Management
MMS Minerals Management Service
MPN Manufacturer Part Number
MRP Materials Requirements Planning
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
NBC National Business Center
NPS National Park Service
NSN National Stock Number
OAS Office of Aircraft Services
OCI Open Catalog Interface
OCM Organizational Change Management
OHA Office of Hearing and Appeals
OMB Office of Management and Budget
ORCA Online Representations and Certifications Application
ORR Operational Readiness Review
OS Office of the Secretary
OSCT Outstanding Status Code Table
OSM Office of Surface Mining
OWCP Office of Workers Compensation Programs
PALS Property Accountability Ledger System
PALT Procurement Action Lead Time
PBC Prepare by Client
P-Card Purchase Card
PCAS Project Cost Accounting Code
PCC Paper Check Conversion
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PDF Portable Document Format
PER Periodic (settlements)
PIID Procurement Instrument Identifier
PMO Project Management Office
PMP Property Management Partnership
PMR Project Management Review
PMS Payment Management System
PO Purchase Order
PPA Prompt Pay Act
PPIRS Past Performance Information Retrieval System
PR Purchase Requisition
PROJ Project
PRR Production Readiness Review
QA Quality Assurance
RICEF Development Object (representing the Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, and Forms)
SD Sales and Distribution
SES Service Entry Sheet
SME Subject Matter Experts
SOW Statement of Work
TDY Temporary Duty Travel
TRR Technical Readiness Review
UA User Acceptance
USSGL United States Standard General Ledger
VMM Vendor Master Maintenance


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