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Abbondondelo, Joseph A. -- Technical Sergeant, Army Air Forces/Corps Veteran
World War II - Italy
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Abele, Carl W. -- First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces/Corps Veteran
World War II - United States; Schweinfurt, Germany; European Theater
Abel, Richard E. -- Staff Sergeant, Army Air Forces/Corps Veteran
World War II - Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana; Fort Meyers, Florida; Lowry Field, Colorado; Italy; Balkans; Germany; additional locations
Aboulafia, Samuel -- Second Lieutenant, Army Air Forces/Corps Veteran
World War II - Italy
Abraham, Cornelius -- Staff Sergeant, Army Veteran
World War II - Lafayette, Louisiana; Luckenwalde, Germany
Abraham, Thomas A. -- Private First Class, Army Veteran
World War II - England; Northern Ireland; Normandy, France; Bitburg, Germany
Abrams, Alvin -- Private, Army Veteran
World War II - Belgium; England; France; Germany; Luxembourg
Achen, Norman Wesley -- First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces/Corps Veteran
World War II - Santa Ana Air Base, California; Marana Field, and Luke Field, Arizona; Barstow, Florida; Debden, England; Frankfurt, Sagan, Stalag Luft III, and Nuremberg, Germany
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Acton, Raymond Francis -- Corporal, Army Veteran
World War II - Fort Meade, Maryland; Fort McClellan, Alabama; North Hampton, England; Le Havre, France; Belgium; Germany
Adair, William G. -- Major, Army Veteran
World War II - Philippines; Fort Benning, Georgia
Adams, Norman C. -- Major, Army Air Forces/Corps Veteran
World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War - England; North Africa; United States
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Adams, Richard Francis -- Corporal, Army Veteran
World War II - Europe; Italy; France; Germany
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  The Library of Congress >> American Folklife Center
   May 26, 2004
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