Migrant Education Even Start

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Applicant Information


No competition in FY 2008

2006 application

The past years application for grants under the Migrant Education Even Start Family Literacy Program is not for future use except for content information.
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program requirements

The William F. Goodling Even Start Family Literacy Act (ESEA Title I, Part B, Subpart 3) specifies several required activities for Migrant Education Even Start that should enhance program delivery and assist families in meeting their individual education goals. MEES projects must:

  1. Identify/recruit families that are most in need;
  2. Ensure services to those families most in need;
  3. Screen and prepare families for participation;
  4. Accommodate participants' work schedules;
  5. Design and implement strategies that ensure attendance and support success in achieving family's educational goals;
  6. Operate year-round services;
  7. Provide high-quality, intensive instruction;
  8. Incorporate pre-school reading readiness activities;
  9. Promote continuity of family literacy to improve educational outcomes;
  10. Train project staff in family literacy constructs;
  11. Provide instruction for adults and children that is grounded in scientifically based reading research;
  12. Ensure that the majority of staff (paid through Even Start funds) who provide academic instruction are certified in the subject area they teach;
  13. Conduct regular home-based services;
  14. Coordinate with services provided under Title I, Part A; Workplace Investment Act; Individuals with Disabilities Act; Adult Education and Literacy; Head Start; and other local literacy councils, etc.; and
  15. Conduct an independent local evaluation.

Applicants must plan carefully to develop a high-quality program that provides intensive services no matter where migrant families travel to live and work.

program services

Instructional strategies build literacy and reading skills with parents and young children. Service models range from using distance learning and computer-based instruction, to instruction in creative arts, to providing life management skills. Grantees include State educational agencies, school districts, and faith-based or community-based organizations. Eligible applicants must be able to provide a comprehensive program of family literacy services that meets participant families' needs for adult basic education and ESL, early childhood education, parenting education, and interactive literacy activities with parents and children learning together. Project services must include instructional home visits, address parents' work schedules, and provide developmentally appropriate early childhood education that builds early reading skills.

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Last Modified: 01/22/2008

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