Migrant Education--High School Equivalency Program

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The National High School Equivalency Program (HEP) and College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) Association is dedicated to ensuring that migrant and farmworker youths have access to earning GEDs and postsecondary education opportunities. The National HEP-CAMP Association Web Page provides general information about the HEP and CAMP programs as well as links to individual directors of HEP and CAMP programs across the country.

General Demographic Information on Migrant Workers and Agriculture

National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) - The U.S. Department of Labor is the only national information source on the demographics and working and living conditions of U.S. farmworkers. Since the NAWS began surveying farmworkers in 1988, it has collected information from over 25,000 workers. The survey samples all crop farmworkers in three cycles each year in order to capture the seasonality of the work. The NAWS locates and samples workers at their work sites, avoiding the well-publicized undercount of this difficult-to-find population. During the initial contact, arrangements were made to interview the respondent at home or at another convenient location.

U.S.Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Survey (NASS), Census of Agriculture - The census of agriculture has been a complete accounting of United States agricultural production.


General Education Publications and Products - The U.S. Department of Education publishes a wealth of information for teachers, administrators, policymakers, researchers, parents, students, and others with a stake in education. Learn more about publications available through the Department.

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Last Modified: 07/31/2008