OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Current Section

Tech Prep Demonstration Program
Fact Sheet Series 2004 - Secondary and Technical Education
Archived Information

The OVAE Fact Sheet Series highlights efforts currently underway at the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) to support the principles of the President's No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The principle(s) supported by this effort are:

  • Increase Accountability and Academic Achievement
  • Increase Options and Involvement for Parents and Students
  • Focus on What Works


Tech Prep Education began in the 1980s as a locally driven high school improvement strategy and has grown into a major national strategy for improving academic knowledge and technical skills. Tech Prep offers a replacement for the "general" course of study, a new course for vocational education, and a structured education/career pathway. The Tech Prep Demonstration Program supports Tech Prep education programs that involve the co-location of a secondary school and a community college.


Tech Prep programs combine at least two years of secondary education with a minimum of two years of postsecondary education in a non-duplicative, sequential course of study. They integrate academic, vocational and technical instruction, and utilize work-based and worksite learning.

Tech Prep programs also provide technical preparation in a career field and build student competence in math, science, reading, writing, communications, economics, and workplace skills. Programs lead to an associate's degree or postsecondary certification in a specific career field and employment placement.

The Tech Prep Demonstration Program enables consortia to carry out Tech Prep education programs that involve the location of a secondary school on the site of a community college, a business as a member of the consortium, and the voluntary participation of secondary school students. Students, schools, and teachers work to improve student achievement, meet high standards for graduation, and increase transition and persistence rates in postsecondary education.

Outcomes and Products

  • Students to complete the four year program and attain a postsecondary degree or certificate
  • Department of Education to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and identify promising practices to share with high schools and community colleges across the country.

A new grant competition will be announced in the winter of 2005.



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Last Modified: 09/06/2007

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