Welcome Letter
en Español

June 2003

Dear Parent:

On January 8, 2002, when the No Child Left Behind Act became the law of the land, we began a new era of education in our nation's history. Democrats and Republicans in Congress joined together with President Bush in an historic agreement to improve the educational opportunities for every American child.

Accountability, local control and flexibility, new options for parents, and record funding for what works are now the cornerstones of our education system. If your child isn't learning, you'll know why. If your school isn't performing, you'll have new options and the school will receive additional help. Our commitment to you, and to all Americans, is to see every child in America--regardless of ethnicity, income, or background--achieve high standards.

No Child Left Behind puts the focus on instruction and methods that have been proven to work. It makes a billion-dollar annual investment to ensure every child learns to read by third grade. And it provides the resources for reform and unprecedented flexibility so states and local communities can get the job done.

Everyone at the Department of Education is working hard in partnership with state and local leaders to implement the reforms of No Child Left Behind. We are already seeing great progress. From inner cities to sparsely populated rural areas and everywhere in between, we are pressing on toward our common goal of making every public school in America a place of high expectations and a place of high achievement.

This guide is meant to provide you with information about No Child Left Behind. It summarizes the main provisions of the law, answers common questions, and provides information on where you can find additional resources. I encourage you to share it with your family, friends, and neighbors.

President Bush and I believe in the bright hope of your child. As we move forward, our mission is clear: an America where every child will be educated and no child left behind.


Rod Paige

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Last Modified: 01/05/2004