School Choice
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No Child Left Behind  School Choice Fact Sheet -- Helping Families By Supporting and Expanding School Choice (Jul 03, 2008)
School Choice fact sheet for parents and families.
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No Child Left Behind  Non-Public Education School Choice Fact Sheet -- Non-Public Education: A Vital Part of U.S. K-12 Education (Jun 30, 2008)
School Choice fact sheet for non-public education parents and families. This fact sheet provides an overview of non-public education in the U.S. as well as information on the participation of the non-public school community in Federal education programs.
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D.C. School Choice Opportunity Scholarships Expand Options for Families (Jun 16, 2008)
The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program is part of a unique, locally-developed three-sector initiative to reform D.C.'s public schools, replicate high-performing charter schools, and provide scholarships to some of Washington's poorest children.
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La selección de una escuela para su hijo -- TOC (Oct 11, 2007)
"La libre elección de escuela forma parte de la estrategia de dar a todos los niños una educación excelente."La Secretaria de Educación de EEUU Margaret Spellings
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Choosing A School For Your Child -- TOC (Sep 19, 2007)
"...School choice gives you more opportunities to achieve your expectations for your child." U. S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings
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No Child Left Behind  Choices for Parents (Feb 27, 2007)
A section of the No Child Left Behind website where one can discover all of the facts about choice in No Child Left Behind.
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No Child Left Behind and Charter Schools: Giving Parents Information and Options (Apr 05, 2006)
Charter schools' emphasis on accountability, flexibility and local control make them attractive educational alternatives for many families.
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No Child Left Behind  School Choices for Parents (Jan 12, 2006)
This page provides parents with definitions for school choice options.
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No Child Left Behind  Public School Choice Online Toolkit (Jan 04, 2006)
This page describes the public school choice web-based toolkit of resources for developing and implementing public school choice in a local school district. It also explains the public school choice provision of No Child Left Behind and describes the choices available, such as magnet and charter schools.
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School Choice for Student Success (Dec 06, 2005)
This page provides an overview of the school choice provision of No Child Left Behind. This is the School Choice for Student Success brochure in English.
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Family Resource Centers -- Voluntary Public School Choice (Sep 14, 2005)
This page contains information and links to the Voluntary Public School Choice program family resource centers.
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Editor's Pick  Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records--DC Choice Program Evaluation; Notice of a new system of records [IES] (Apr 23, 2004)
Public comment is invited on a new system of records for the DC School Choice Incentive Program. Comments due on or before May 24, 2004.
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Editor's Pick  Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests; DC School ChoiceIncentive Program [OII] (Apr 14, 2004)
This Program provides low-income parents that reside in DC with expanded options for acquiring a high quality education for their children. To be eligible for scholarships, participating students are DC residents and their household income does not exceed 185% of the poverty line.
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Editor's Pick  Notice of proposed information collection requests;DC School Choice Incentive Program [OII] (PDF) (Feb 27, 2004)
Notice of proposed new information collection request. This Program provides low-income parents that reside in DC with expanded options for acquiring a high quality education for their children. To be eligible for scholarships, participating students are DC residents and their household income does not exceed 185 percent of the poverty line. Comments due on or before April 27, 2004.
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Editor's Pick  Notice of proposed information collection requests;DC School Choice Incentive Program [OII] (Feb 27, 2004)
Notice of proposed new information collection request. This Program provides low-income parents that reside in DC with expanded options for acquiring a high quality education for their children. To be eligible for scholarships, participating students are DC residents and their household income does not exceed 185 percent of the poverty line. Comments due on or before April 27, 2004.
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Questions and Answers on Choice and Supplemental Educational Services (Aug 18, 2003)
Answers to frequently asked questions about school choice and supplemental educational services under No Child Left Behind.
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Libre elección de escuela pública: Referencia Rápida para Padres (Jul 29, 2003)
Spanish version of questions and answers that explain public school choice are under the law, and easy steps for getting your child the tutoring and extra help needed.
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Public School Choice: Quick Reference for Parents (Word Version) (Jul 07, 2003)
Questions and answers that explain public school choice are under the law, and easy steps for getting your child the tutoring and extra help needed. (Word Version)
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Public School Choice: Quick Reference for Parents (PDF Version) (Jul 07, 2003)
Questions and answers that explain public school choice are under the law, and easy steps for getting your child the tutoring and extra help needed. (PDF Version)
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Public School Choice: Quick Reference for Parents (Jul 07, 2003)
Questions and answers that explain public school choice are under the law, and easy steps for getting your child the tutoring and extra help needed.
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Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Introducción y perspectiva general (Jun 04, 2003)
An introduction to No Child Left Behind.
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No Child Left Behind  Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Una guía para los padres (Jun 04, 2003)
This guide is meant to provide information about No Child Left Behind. It summarizes the main provisions of the law, answers common questions, and provides information on where you can find additional resources.
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No Child Left Behind  No Child Left Behind: A Parents Guide (Jun 04, 2003)
This guide is meant to provide information about No Child Left Behind. It summarizes the main provisions of the law, answers common questions, and provides information on where you can find additional resources.
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Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Fuentes de mayor información (Jun 04, 2003)
Resources for more information on No Child Left Behind.
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Preguntas y respuestas sobre Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Libre elección de escuela y servicios educativos suplementarios (Jun 04, 2003)
Questions and Answers on No Child Left Behind: Choice and Supplemental Educational Services
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Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Títulos de la Ley de 1965 de la Educación Primaria y Secundaria (Jun 04, 2003)
Titles of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
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Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Una guía para los padres (PDF) (Jun 04, 2003)
This guide is meant to provide information about No Child Left Behind. It summarizes the main provisions of the law, answers common questions, and provides information on where you can find additional resources.
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Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Secciones claves del Título I (Jun 04, 2003)
Key sections of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, relating to parental participation
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No Child Left Behind: A Parents Guide (PDF) (Jun 04, 2003)
This guide is meant to provide information about No Child Left Behind. It summarizes the main provisions of the law, answers common questions, and provides information on where you can find additional resources.
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No Child Left Behind  Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Referencias citadas (Jun 04, 2003)
Cited references for No Child Left Behind: A Parents Guide
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Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: Carta del Secretario Paige (Jun 04, 2003)
A Dear Parent letter from Secretary Rod Paige related to No Child Left Behind
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No Child Left Behind  Preguntas y respuestas sobre Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás (Jun 04, 2003)
Questions and Answers on No Child Left Behind
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February 2002 Satellite Town Meeting Online Resources Home: Charters, Magnets, and Choice: Expanding Options for America's Parents (Feb 11, 2002)
February 2002 Satellite Town Meeting Homepage, with links to resources, networks and panelist information.
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Charter, Magnet, and Choice online resources for the February 2002 Satellite town meeting (Feb 06, 2002)
Organizations and links for parents interested in charter and magnet schools, as well as school choice
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Panelists for the 2002 Satellite Town Meeting Online Resources webpage (Feb 06, 2002)
Panelists for the February 2002 Satellite town meeting
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No Child Left Behind Links for the February 2002 Satellite Town Meeting online resources page (Feb 06, 2002)
No child left behind links for the February 2002 Satellite town meeting
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Networks for the February 2002 Satellite Town Meeting online resources webpage (Feb 06, 2002)
Network resources and links for the February 2002 Satellite town meeting
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