Choosing A School For Your Child
Revised August 2007
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'Choosing A School For Your Child' Cover

U.S. Department of Education
Margaret Spellings

Office of Innovation and Improvement
Morgan S. Brown
Assistant Deputy Secretary

Original production of this book was led by Jack Klenk, Director, Office of Non-Public Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, and Cynthia Hearn Dorfman, Director of Communications, Office of Innovation and Improvement; and funded by the Office of Parental Options and Information in the Office of Innovation and Improvement, John Fiegel, Director, as part of the Voluntary Public School Choice Program.

First published March 2005. Revised August 2007.

This book is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part for educational purposes is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, Choosing a School for Your Child, Washington, D.C., 20202.

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Last Modified: 10/10/2007