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MALDEF Vigilant On Election Day:

Attorneys will continue to block voter intimidation and disenfranchisement efforts. Press Release

Intimidation Campaign In New Mexico:

MALDEF Files Lawsuit Against Intimidation Campaign Aimed At Latino Voters In New Mexico. Press Release

pdf File   Intimidation Complaint

MALDEF Calls To Assist Homeowners:

Civil Rights Groups Call on Congress to Assist Homeowners in its Economic Recovery Package. Press Release

pdf File   Letter to House
pdf File   Letter to Senate

Johnston County Commission Appeal:

MALDEF Asks Johnston County, NC Commission To Call For Resignation Of Sheriff Based On Inflammatory And Derogatory Statements About Mexicans. Press Release

pdf File   Read Johnston County Letter

Arizona Supreme Court Ruling:

AZ Supreme Court Rejects Appeal of Vigilante Rancher who Attacked U.S. Citizens on AZ Border. Press Release

pdf File   Read Supreme Court’s Ruling

Recent California Court Ruling on AB 540:

MALDEF protects access to higher education opportunities for all California students. AB 540 Still Remains In Effect Pending Final Resolution. Press Release

pdf File   Brief of Amici Curiae In Support
pdf File   Martinez v UC Appeal Opinion
pdf File   Press Release (Spanish)
pdf File   AB 540 FAQ
pdf File   AB 540 FAQ (Spanish)

Farmers Branch Anti-Immigrant Ordinance:

ACLU Of Texas and MALDEF File Suit To Stop Farmers Branch Newest Anti-Immigrant Ordinance. Press Release

pdf File   Read Complaint

Republican Party Platform:

Republican Party Platform Reflects Anti-Immigrant Views, National Hispanic Leadership Agenda rejects platform's hostility toward immigrants. Press Release

pdf File   Senator McCain NHLA Letter

National Hispanic Leadership Agenda:

The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, which consists of 26 key national and regional organizations representing Latinos, has released its 2008 Hispanic Policy Agenda. This platform, a product of meetings and input from Latino leaders and advocates from across the nation, focuses on civil rights, economic empowerment, education, government accountability, health, and immigration.

pdf File   View 2008 NHLA Hispanic Policy Agenda

Shenandoah Hate Crime Requires National Action:

Today MALDEF and Latino community leaders in Pennsylvania held a community vigil and press conference in memory of Luis Ramirez, a 25 year old Mexican who was beaten and kicked to death. Press Release

Texas English Language Learner Students:

Major Ruling in Case for Texas English Language Learner Students. Press Release

pdf File   Memorandum Opinion
pdf File   Final Judgment

Strengthening Communities Through Education and Integration Act of 2008:

MALDEF Strongly Supports Introduction of 'Strengthening Communities Through Education and Integration Act of 2008'. Press Release

pdf File   Spanish Version

MALDEF Seeks Federal Civil Rights Investigation:

MALDEF Calls On U.S. Attorney General Mukasey To Initiate Federal Civil Rights Investigation Into Brutal Beating Death Of Mexican Immigrant. Press Release

pdf File   Read Letter

Court Blocks Local Arizona Anti-Solicitation Law:

U.S District Court in Phoenix issues a preliminary order stopping the town of Cave Creek, Arizona from enforcing an anti-solicitation ordinance that infringes on the free speech rights of day laborers in that town. Press Release

pdf File   Complaint
pdf File   PI Decision

MALDEF obtains permanent injunction against Farmers Branch, TX anti-immigrant ordinance:

On Wednesday, May 28, a federal district court issued a permanent injunction to stop another local anti-immigrant ordinance. The victory comes following similar decisions in Escondido, California; Hazleton, Pennsylvania; and Cherokee County, GA. The district court also rejected a request from the city to validate a new ordinance. Press Release

pdf File   Memorandum Opinion and Order Granting Permanent Injunction
pdf File   Memorandum Opinion and Order

MALDEF Litigation Victory in defense of the Voting Rights Act:

On Friday, May 30, a three-judge panel rejected an attack on the constitutionality of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. MALDEF intervened in defense of the Voting Rights Act on behalf of Latino voters residing in an area covered by the Northwest Austin Municipal District #1 in Texas. Press Release

pdf File   VRA Decision

Dropout Crisis in the Northwest:

The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles at UCLA announces its major conference confronting the Graduation Rate Crisis in All Communities with Special Focus on American Indian and Alaska Native Students. For more information: click here.

pdf File   Read Conference Agenda

MALDEF Welcomes New Board Chair:

Former Attorney General of New Mexico, Patricia A. Madrid, to Chair MALDEF Board. Press Release

Immigration Raids Lawsuit Settled:

MALDEF settles suit against Sheriff's Department regarding immigration raids. Press Release

pdf File   Otero County Sheriff's Department Operational Procedures
pdf File   Dkt #40 - First Amended Complaint

Investigate Local Law Enforcement of Immigration Laws:

MALDEF Calls on Bush Administration to Suspend Local Law Enforcement of Immigration Laws in Arkansas and Investigate Civil Rights Violation. Press Release

pdf File   Read Letter to Attorney General Mukasey
pdf File   Read Letter to Secretary Chertoff

"Truth in Immigration":

MALDEF unveils "Truth in Immigration" website to rebut the legal and factual inaccuracies about immigrants and Latinos in the United States. Press Release

Anti-Immigrant Bills:

Now Is the Time to Act Against Anti-Immigrant Bills In Congress. Pending bills would discriminate against legally authorized workers and make our communities less safe. Read More

Immigration Law Enforcement:

MALDEF Opposes Federal Immigration Powers For Phoenix Police.
Press Release

pdf File   Phoenix Police Operations Order 1.4 Statement
pdf File   Read Letter to Mayor Gordon

Texas Withdraws Discriminatory Opinion:

Texas Withdraws Discriminatory Attorney General Opinion In The Face Of MALDEF Lawsuit. Press Release

Domestic Violence:

MALDEF launches Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign.

download quicktime   Watch MALDEF'S Domestic Violence PSA Video. (English | Spanish)

pdf File   View Pamphlet
pdf File   Resource Guide

pdf File   Guia De Recursos

pdf File   Read Laul Newsletter (Part 1)
pdf File   Read Laul Newsletter (Part 2)

Domestic Violence Brochures: English | Spanish

For Domestic Violence/Family Law VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES, please go to:

Verizon Grant Awarded For Domestic-Violence Awareness:

Leading Civil Rights Groups Unveil PSAs Addressing Domestic Violence In Communities Of Color. Press Release

Desegregation Provisions:

MALDEF Argues To Protect Historic Desegregation Provisions In Texas School Districts. Press Release

FBI REPORT - Hate Crimes:

Hate crimes rise as anti-immigrant campaigns fill the airwaves and fuel anti-immigrant local ordinances. Press Release-

Hate Crime Statistics

pdf File   Spanish Version

Immigration Enforcement Pact:

Deputies may be violating civil rights of Cobb County residents.
Press Release

pdf File   Read Steer Committee Letter

Immigration Raids:

Families Sue Otero County Sheriffs Over Illegal Immigration Raids. Press Release

pdf File   Read Legal Complaint

The Honorable Albert Armendariz, Sr.:

MALDEF Mourns the Loss of the Honorable Albert Armendariz, Sr.

Press Release
LA Times Obituary

Albert Armendariz, First MALDEF Board Chairman

On the sad and solemn occasion of the passing of Judge Albert Armendariz, he is held in the highest esteem by MALDEF, the organization he helped establish four decades ago.

In addition to his familial roles as father, husband, and grandfather, he is a patriarch of MALDEF, LULAC and our finest generation of men and women whose strides for justice and equality were so meaningful to the Latino community for more than half a century following World War II. Beyond the awards and honors which were justly earned and bestowed in his lifetime, there are countless people whose lives he touched and because of his legal expertise, their families and their futures.

We at MALDEF, the next generation of lawyers and activists, and those who have a passion for and commitment for equality and fairness join many in saying goodbye to our institutional mentor and model and pledge again today to advance the causes for which Judge Armendariz devoted his life and career.

Due Process and Protection:

MALDEF Requests Investigation of Judge's Actions Denying Woman Seeking Legal Protections. Press Release

pdf File   Letter To Counsel

No Child Left Behind Act:

MALDEF Regional Counsel Peter Zamora presented testimony to the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor seeking changes in the No Child Left Behind Act.

pdf File   Read Testimony

Civil Rights Act of 1957:

MALDEF's Washington, D.C. Regional Counsel Testifies Before the Senate Judiciary Committee Regarding the Continuing Importance of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

pdf File   Read Testimony  |  View WebCast

Arizona Sanctions Complaint:

MALDEF Challenges Arizona Statewide Employer Sanctions Law.

pdf File  Read Complaint  |  Press Release

Labor Ordinance:

MALDEF and Baldwin Park Day Laborers Hold Press Conference to Celebrate Repeal. Press Release

Failed Enforcement Ideas:

Bush Administration New Immigration Initiative a Rehash of Failed Enforcement Ideas, not the needed reforms. Press Release

Click here to read White House Administration Fact Sheet Improving Border Security and Immigration Within Existing Law.

Immigration And Citizenship:

MALDEF Opposes Proposal In Virginia’s Prince William County To Check Immigration And Citizenship Status. Press Release

pdf File   Letter to the Board of Supervisors
pdf File   HR Commission Letter
pdf File   Section Analysis Resolution

Laborer Ordinance:

MALDEF Obtains Preliminary Injunction Against Baldwin Park Day Laborer Ordinance. Press Release


English | Espanol

Texas Education Program:

MALDEF Challenges Exclusion Of Military Veterans From Texas Education Program. Press Release

pdf File   Read Complaint

School Integration:

MALDEF Condemns Narrow U.S. Supreme Court Ruling In Voluntary School Integration Cases. Press Release

Immigration Ordinance Challenge:

Federal Court Enters Preliminary Injunction Blocking Farmers Branch Anti-Immigrant Ordinance. Press Release

Senate Judiciary Testimony:

MALDEF President and General Counsel testifies in support of federal Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Act of 2007.

pdf File   Read Testimony

To watch a live or archived Webcast of the hearing, click here.

Immigration Bill:

Senate Immigration Bill Undergoing Changes, Strong Latino Voice Needed Next Week When Senators Are Home. Press Release

To read the the full version of the Senate negotiated bill, the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (S.1348) currently being debated in Congress pdf File   click here.

Immigration Ordinance Challenge:

MALDEF wins a temporary restraining order blocking the anti-immigrant ordinance in Farmers Branch, Texas. Press Release

pdf File   View TRO
pdf File   Plantiff's Memorandum Of Law

Civil Rights Violations:

MALDEF Joins Suit against City of Los Angeles for Excessive Use of Police Force. Press Release

STRIVE Act Bill Analysis:

The introduction of comprehensive immigration reform legislation by U.S. Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is a long-awaited and positive step toward reforming our broken immigration system.

pdf File   Read MALDEF’s Analysis

Los Angeles Police Department:

MALDEF Calls for Multiple Investigations of Los Angeles Police Department. Press Release

pdf File   Letter to Chief Bratton
pdf File   Letter to Attorney General

For more information please call: 213 629-2512 Ext. 141

Immigration Plan:

MALDEF and other Latino organizations oppose White House Immigration Plan. Press Release

pdf File   Letter to White House

Senate Bill 15:

Controversial Bill Targeting Undocumented Immigrants Temporarily Suspended. Press Release

pdf File   Read Letter

No Child Left Behind Act:

MALDEF Washington, D.C. Regional Counsel Peter Zamora testifies before Congress regarding the promise and shortcomings of the No Child Left Behind Act for English language learners.

pdf File   Zamora Testimony

View Webcast

Farmers Branch Lawsuit:

MALDEF and ACLU file lawsuit challenging anti-immigrant ordinance in Farmers Branch, TX. Press Release

pdf File   Read Complaint

Moratorium On Immigration Raids:

Groups seek civil rights investigation in letter to Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff. Press Release

pdf File   Chertoff Letter

Students’ K-12 Federal Education Rights Pamphlets:

pdf File   Federal Education Rights Pamphlet
pdf File   Derechos Educativos Federales Folleto

MALDEF Victory in Dallas Segregation Case:

pdf File   Read Decision

MALDEF Names John Trasviña President And General Counsel:

Civil rights litigator will be MALDEF's 6th President and General Counsel.

Read Press Release

MALDEF Defends Voting Rights Act:

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund filed a motion in a District of Columbia federal court requesting to defend the Voting Rights Act against a legal challenge that seeks to strike it down. Press Release

pdf File   Read MALDEF’s intervention papers

Voluntary Integration Programs:

On October 10, MALDEF filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of 16 national and local Latino organizations. At issue in the two cases, Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 and Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education, is the continued authority of local school districts to take voluntary action to reduce racial segregation and isolation in their schools. Press Release

pdf File   Read Brief

Fried Frank/MALDEF Fellowship:

Apply for the Fried Frank/MALDEF Fellowship. This four year program, which includes two years at Fried Frank and two years at MALDEF, is an excellent opportunity for third years or recent graduates currently in a judicial clerkship to gain valuable litigation experience at a prestigious New York law firm and litigate on behalf of the Latino community as a civil rights lawyer at MALDEF. For more information click here.

MALDEF Honors Judge DeAnda:

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) community mourns the passing of Hon. James DeAnda, a co-founder of the organization in 1968, and one of the legal giants of his generation.

MALDEF and the DeAnda Family have established the Judge James DeAnda Fund at MALDEF to support our litigation.

Contributions may be sent to:

634 South Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014

MALDEF Leaders Awarded Top Honors From National Hispanic Bar:

MALDEF President and General Counsel John Trasviña named Lawyer of the Year; Board Member Kevin Johnson named Law Professor of the Year.

Press Release

Federal English-Only Laws:

MALDEF Testified Before House Committee Against Federal English-Only Laws. Testimony At Congressional Hearing Underscores Harm Of Official English.

pdf File   Read Testimony

Voting Rights Victory In The U.S. Supreme Court:

High Court strikes down redistricting map, upholds Latinos' right to vote. Press Release

Supreme Court finds Texas discriminated against Latino Voters in Violation of the Voting Rights Act. Nina Perales, MALDEF Southwest Regional Counsel successfully argues that the redistricting plan violates the Voting Rights Act.

pdf File   Supreme Court Oral Argument
pdf File   Supreme Court Decision
pdf File   MALDEF Merits Brief
pdf File   MALDEF Reply Brief

MALDEF Files Segregation Suit:

Lawsuit alleges ESL used as a proxy to discriminate against minority students in Dallas public school. Press Release

pdf File   Read Complaint.

US v Texas:

Latino civil rights organizations file legal action to improve bilingual education programs in Texas. Press Release

pdf File   US v Texas Motion.

Problems voting? Call NALEO hotline:


Find your voting info here
5 things
pdf File   English Version
pdf File   Spanish Version

MALDEF'S 34th Annual
National Los Angeles Awards Gala

Thursday, November 13, 2008

pdf File   Download Invite
Domestic Violence Awareness Month

MALDEF Launches Domestic Violence Bus Ads in Los Angeles

Know Your Rights on Election Day.

Read More

The Truth About AB 540:
Still Providing Educational Opportunities for All Californians.

Read More


Call on Congress to Support the "Strengthening Communities Through Education and Integration Act of 2008".

Read More

Scholarships - Lista de Becas

Cesar Chavez:
Important new resource about the life and legacy of Cesar Chavez.

MALDEF is a founding partner in the Campaign for High School Equity.

The MALDEFian is our weekly e-communication with our community, friends, and allies speaking to the litigation, policy, and education issues of the day.

Join The Mail List

  Important Information

Texas Higher Ed: MALDEF releases report on "Top Ten Plan". Press Release

pdf File   View Post Grutter Report

Judge Albert A. Peña

MALDEF Shares In Loss Of Co-Founder And Life Long Civil Rights Leader Judge Albert A. Peña.

Scholarship Info
English Version
Spanish Version
Voting Rights
Latino School Desegregation Efforts in the Pre- and Post- Brown v. Board of Education Era
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MALDEF National Headquarters  ·  634 S. Spring St., 11th Floor  ·  Los Angeles, CA 90014  ·  (213) 629-2512

       · MALDEF is a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
       · Marcos y María ® are registered trademarks of Steven W. Brown

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