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With One Eye on the Sky
Who are NASA's Earth Explorers?

The student thinking about El Niño. The scientist studying climate. And the farmer looking at satellite pictures. All of these people are Earth Explorers. They're all curious about how Earth works. This is a story about a NASA Earth Explorer.

Nominate an Earth Explorer!

Do you know someone who would be a good subject for this series? We're looking for students, teachers, scientists and others who are working with NASA Earth science data and imagery to better understand our home planet. Send your nominations to Dan Stillman:

Photograph of Abigail standing next to a telescope
Image above: Abigail is this month's NASA Earth Explorer. Credit: NASA
Abigail has always liked science. She enjoys looking up at the sky, and staring at the stars.

She grew up in New Jersey. Her dad began teaching her about science when she was little. She even remembers learning science facts when she was 5 years old.

In seventh grade, Abigail found out about NASA's S'COOL program. S'COOL stands for Students' Cloud Observations On-line.

"I loved astronomy and all things NASA-related," Abigail said. S'COOL was a chance "to help NASA."

S'COOL is a project where students look at the clouds and the weather. Scientists compare what the students see with NASA data. Students and scientists help each other to learn more about clouds and climate.

Abigail was really excited about S'COOL. She started to look at clouds and write reports for her science classes.

Working with NASA has inspired Abigail to explore science even more. This summer, she will go to camp with other kids who love science. In the fall, she will go to a new school that teaches advanced science classes.

What might the future hold for this Earth Explorer? Abigail wants to go to a science college after high school. When she grows up, Abigail wants to be a NASA scientist.

For now, Abigail says she will keep on exploring and studying the world around her.

See previous Earth Explorers articles:
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Katherine Lorentz, NASA Langley Research Center