310 FW 6, Identification

FWM#:    257 (replaces FWM 099, 6/30/93)
Date:       June 13, 1996
Series:     Personal Property
Part 310: Personal Property Management
Originating Office: Division of Contracting and General Services

6.1 Government Ownership Identification Markings. All Government property which is non-expendable (see 310 FW 1.9M) and non-controlled, except that exempted as provided in 6.2, shall be marked to identify it as Government-owned with the name or initials of the owning bureau or office, preceded by the initials "U.S." Motor vehicles will be marked in accordance with existing FPMR and IPMD requirements.

6.2 Exemptions.

A. Precision Equipment. Very small, delicate, or precision apparatus, which cannot be marked in a permanent manner without damage to the property, is exempt from any marking or numbering requirement. However, the numbers assigned to items of controlled property exempted in accordance with this chapter, shall be recorded in the controlled property records.

B. Museum Property. Because permanent marking of museum property is potentially damaging, items of museum collections are exempted from the marking requirements of this section.

6.3 Assignment and Display of Property Numbers. Each item of controlled property shall be assigned and marked with an identifying property number. The numbers assigned to these property items shall be entered into the controlled property records.

6.4 Items Requiring Special Identification. The following items of property shall display special identification:

A. Motor Vehicles. Except when exempted in accordance with existing GSA and Departmental regulations, motor vehicles shall display prescribed identification markings, as prescribed in FPMR 101-38.2. (See also 320 FW 4.)

B. Livestock. Livestock shall be branded or marked in an acceptable manner to indicate Government ownership.

C. Watercraft. Service identification will be conspicuously displayed on all watercraft except those used in law enforcement work. The Regional Property Administrator is responsible for coordinating the assignment of a name to inboard power boats 7.925 meters (26 feet) in length and longer. Safety markings will also be displayed in accordance with 241 FW 1 and other criteria established by the Office of Safety and Health.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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