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Photos: Launch of the Independent Radio and Television Network (IRTN) in Iraq

The launch of the Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) in Diyala, Iraq on Sunday, March 25, 2007 was a great success. The radio station, which has been on the air since March 3, 2007, continued with regular programming with the official "launch" of the station, which took place just after noon with a live televised news cast. This is so important because the four Iraqis (2 Sunni and 2 Shia) who have been broadcasting messages of hope, peace, reconciliation, and nonsectarianism on the radio at 99.3FM, officially launched their televised newscasts to Diyala Province on local Channel 34 and, in an act of courage and bravery, showed their faces on television with their newscast and messages of nonsectarianism. [State Department photos by U.S. Embassy GO Team]

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Fact Sheet: Launch of the Independent Radio and Television Network (IRTN) in Iraq

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As four Iraqi broadcasters of the Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) of Diyala look on, a member of the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs GO Team holds up a pair of jumper cables and explains to the media how he and the four IRTN broadcasters were able to fix the broken radio transmitter with jumper cables and a 12 volt battery, literally jumpstarting the radio station back to life after months of silence on March 25, 2007.
As four Iraqi broadcasters of the Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) of Diyala look on, a member of the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs GO Team holds up a pair of jumper cables and explains to the media how he and the four IRTN broadcasters were able to fix the broken radio transmitter with jumper cables and a 12 volt battery, literally jumpstarting the radio station back to life after months of silence on March 25, 2007.
Iraqi broadcasters from the Independent Radio and Television Network of Diyala are interviewed by members of the international media at an event marking the official launching of the new independent network in Iraq on March 25, 2007.
Iraqi broadcasters from the Independent Radio and Television Network of Diyala are interviewed by members of the international media at an event marking the official launching of the new independent network in Iraq on March 25, 2007.

MNF-I Strategic Effects Communications Division Chief congratulates five Iraqi broadcasters at the launch of the Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) in Diyala Province, Iraq on March 25, 2007.
MNF-I Strategic Effects Communications Division Chief congratulates five Iraqi broadcasters at the launch of the Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) in Diyala Province, Iraq on March 25, 2007.

Five Iraqi broadcasters from the Independent Radio & Television Network in Diyala Province, Iraq pose for a photo at a ceremony officially launching the IRTN on March 25, 2007. The new network features live televised news casts and original programming for both radio and television. All of the broadcasters wore blue bands at the opening ceremony because, as the General Manager (far left) said in his remarks, they wear blue to remind themselves that the sky is their only limit.
Five Iraqi broadcasters from the Independent Radio & Television Network in Diyala Province, Iraq pose for a photo at a ceremony officially launching the IRTN on March 25, 2007. The new network features live televised news casts and original programming for both radio and television. All of the broadcasters wore blue bands at the opening ceremony because, as the General Manager (far left) said in his remarks, "they wear blue to remind themselves that the sky is their only limit."
The U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission spoke (with translator standing next to him) at the opening of the Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) in Diyala on March 25, 2007. He congratulated the Iraqi broadcasters, calling them brave and courageous patriots of Iraq.
The U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission spoke (with translator standing next to him) at the opening of the Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) in Diyala on March 25, 2007. He congratulated the Iraqi broadcasters, calling them "brave and courageous patriots of Iraq."
The Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) of Diyala as seen from the window of a landing helicopter on March 25, 2007. The smoke in the foreground was to guide the helicopter to the landing zone. At 350 meters, the IRTN has one of the tallest transmission towers in the Middle East.
The Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) of Diyala as seen from the window of a landing helicopter on March 25, 2007. The smoke in the foreground was to guide the helicopter to the landing zone. At 350 meters, the IRTN has one of the tallest transmission towers in the Middle East.

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