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Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
What We Are Saying
Fact Sheets and Newsletters
 - Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Releases Fact Sheets and Newsletters 2008
 - 2007
 - 2006
 - 2005
 - 2004
 - 2003
 - 2002
 - 2001

Fact Sheets and Newsletters

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Releases Fact Sheets and Newsletters 2008
--09/12/08  U.S. Surpasses Goal of Admitting 12,000 Iraqi Refugees in Fiscal Year 2008; Assistance Reaches New Heights
--08/01/08  Spotlight on a Hidden Problem: Statelessness
--06/09/08  Refugee Resettlement Program for Iraqis in Jordan, Egypt and Iraq with U.S. Affiliations
--06/03/08  Latest Figures on Iraqi Refugee Admissions and Humanitarian Aid
--05/30/08  U.S. Contributes Additional $110.3 Million to the UNHCR
--05/07/08  Refugee Resettlement Program for Iraqis in Jordan, Egypt and Iraq with U.S. Affiliations
--04/11/08  U. S. Humanitarian Assistance for Refugees and Internally Displaced Iraqis
--02/25/08  United States Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Iraqis
--01/10/08  The United States Government’s Contribution to UNRWA’s 2008 General Fund Appeal

--12/18/07  Refugee Admissions Reception and Placement Program
--12/05/07  United States Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Iraqis
--11/09/07  United States Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Iraqis
--10/05/07  The United States Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Iraqis
--09/20/07  U.S. Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Iraqis
--06/28/07  Resettlement Program for Iraqis in Jordan with U.S. Government Affiliations
--06/19/07  International Fund for Refugee Women and Children: Frequently Asked Questions
--06/05/07  The U.S. Government’s Contribution to UNRWA Flash Appeal for Emergency Needs of Palestinian Refugees in North Lebanon
--05/31/07  Spotlight on a Hidden Problem: Statelessness
--05/03/07  U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) Frequently Asked Questions - Iraqi Processing
--04/11/07  Combating Trafficking in Persons: Protecting the Victims
--03/06/07  Opening Doors, Restoring Hope: The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program
--01/10/07  Frequently Asked Questions About the Refugee Aspects of the North Korean Human Rights Act

--12/18/06  Additional United States Contributions to Support Assistance to Conflict Victims from Somalia and Sri Lanka
--12/15/06  Population, Refugees, and Migration Newletter: Winter 2006 -2007
--11/20/06  Helping to Break the Cycle: Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence
--09/11/06  The United States – A Nation Committed to Safe, Legal, and Humane Migration
--08/31/06  U.S. Assistance Projects for Lebanon
--08/21/06  United States Humanitarian, Reconstruction, and Security Assistance to Lebanon
--08/04/06  The United States Working to Advance Freedom and Human Dignity
--07/17/06  The United States Government’s Contribution to UNRWA’s 2006 Emergency Appeal for the West Bank and Gaza
--05/09/06  Refugee Admissions Program for Africa
--05/09/06  Refugee Admissions Program for East Asia
--05/09/06  Refugee Admissions Program for Europe and Central Asia
--05/09/06  Refugee Admissions Program for Latin America and the Caribbean
--05/09/06  Refugee Admissions Program for Near East and South Asia
--03/13/06  Termination of Liberian Eligibility for Priority-3 Family Reunification Refugee Admissions Processing, Effective September 30, 2006
--03/03/06  Frequently Asked Questions About the Refugee Aspects of the North Korean Human Rights Act

--12/08/05  FY2005 Funding For Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
--04/04/05  Refugee Admissions Program for Africa
--04/04/05  Refugee Admissions Program for East Asia
--04/04/05  Refugee Admissions Program for Europe and Central Asia
--04/04/05  Refugee Admissions Program for Latin America and the Caribbean
--04/04/05  Refugee Admissions Program for Near East and South Asia
--04/04/05  Refugee Reception & Placement Program

--11/30/04  Combatting Gender-Based Violence (GBV) FY 2004
--11/29/04  Sudanese Refugees in Chad
--11/29/04  Sudanese Refugees in Chad [pdf file--30.0KB]
--10/25/04  Sudanese Refugees in Chad
--09/29/04  Sudanese Refugees in Chad
--09/29/04  Sudanese Refugees in Chad [pdf file 114KB]
--03/17/04  FY 2004 PRM Guidelines for NGO Projects: Assistance for Iraqi Refugees and Returnees
--02/19/04  PRM Guidelines for Submission of Proposals for FY 2004 Assistance Programs in the South Caucasus
--02/09/04  FY 2004 PRM Guidelines for NGO Projects: Emergency Relief for Afghan Refugees and Returnees
--02/05/04  Prevention of Gender-Based Violence
--01/26/04  Refugee Women, FY 2003
--01/16/04  Non-Governmental Organization Guidelines for the Balkans, FY 2004
--01/16/04  Refugee Admissions Program for Africa
--01/16/04  Refugee Admissions Program for East Asia
--01/16/04  Refugee Admissions Program for Europe and Central Asia
--01/16/04  Refugee Admissions Program for Latin America and the Caribbean
--01/16/04  Refugee Admissions Program for Near East and South Asia
--01/13/04  Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Guidelines for Non-Governmental Organizations: FY 2004
--01/07/04  PRM Response to the Congressional Earmark: Combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV) FY 2003

--12/18/03  Refugee Resettlement Program for Lao/Hmong Resident in Thailand
--10/17/03  FY 2003 PRM Guidelines for NGO Projects: Relief for Iraqi Refugees and Returnees
--07/21/03  Response to the Afghan Crisis
--07/18/03  U.S. Government to Expedite Refugee Processing Since September 11, 2001
--07/17/03  FY 2003 Balkans Fact Sheet
--06/25/03  Guidelines for Submission of Proposals for Activities in the North Caucasus
--06/18/03  U.S. Refugee Admissions and Resettlement Program (Participants)
--04/14/03  Response to the Afghan Crisis
--04/04/03  FY2003 PRM Guidelines for NGO Projects: Emergency Relief for Iraq Refugees and Returnees
--03/06/03  Response to the Afghan Crisis
--02/11/03  FY2003 PRM Guidelines for NGO Projects: Emergency Relief for Afghan Refugees and Returnees
--02/05/03  Somali Bantu Refugees
--02/04/03  Response to the Afghan Crisis

--11/25/02  Refugee Admissions Program for Latin America and the Caribbean
--11/25/02  Refugee Admissions Program for Near East and South Asia
--11/19/02  Refugee Admissions Program for Africa
--11/19/02  Refugee Admissions Program for Former Yugoslavia
--11/19/02  Refugee Admissions Program for the New Independent States and the Baltics
--09/30/02  Response to the Afghan Crisis
--09/04/02  The Balkans
--08/27/02  Response to the Afghan Crisis
--07/09/02  U.S. Contributes An Additional $12.4 Million to Feed Refugees
--05/08/02  Initiative on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
--04/12/02  Response to the Afghan Crisis

--10/25/01  PRM Response to the Congressional Earmark: Combating Sexual And Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) FY 2001
--10/25/01  State/PRM Humanitarian Assistance to Afghans -- FY 2001
--10/17/01  U.S. Refugee Admissions and Resettlement Program
--10/12/01  America's Fund for Afghan Children
--06/11/01  Sudanese (Kakuma) Youth
--04/01/01  U.S. Refugee Admissions and Resettlement Program
--03/01/01  African Refugee Admissions Program
--03/01/01  Latin America/Caribbean Admissions Program
--03/01/01  Near East/South Asia Admissions Program
--03/01/01  New Independent States and the Baltics Admissions Program
--03/01/01  U.S. Refugee Admissions Program: Eligibility for Refugee Processing Priorities FY 2001
--03/01/01  U.S. Refugee Admissions and Resettlement Program
--03/01/01  U.S. Refugee Admissions and Resettlement Program (Participants)
--03/01/01  Who Is A Refugee?

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