The Partnerships in Character Education Project Program

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Character Education Project Abstract

California State Department of Public Instruction Abstract | San Francisco Unified School District | Alameda County Office of Education

California State Department of Public Instruction Abstract

Contact: Marleen Allin
California State Department of Public Instruction
721 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 319-0232

Partnerships in Character Education Program

Application Number : R215V950006
Project Period : 9/1/95–8/31/00
FY 1995 Award : $250,000
FY 1996 Award : $250,000
FY 1997 Award : $250,000
FY 1998 Award : $250,000

Five elementary schools and five middle schools in diverse locations and environments developed models to implement the goals of character education by changing the attitudes of the school community and bringing about positive change. Each school received training stipends, resource materials, and substitute teachers. Other technical assistance activities included partners, contracted support, and peer coaching to develop the teachers into team leaders. Teachers participated in approximately 6 days of training each of the 4 years.

An evaluation of the project was conducted using multiple measures of student behavior, such as the number of student suspensions, test scores, and attendance. It also included teacher observations and surveys of the attitudes of students and their parents. Pilot schools reported that students reflect more positive attitudes, and that there is an increased sense of school community among students, teachers, administrators, staff, parents, and other community members. School staff noted a more positive school climate. They are continuing to use such programs as "Kudos" or "Good Apples" to recognize good citizenship, as well as "Safe Playground," which emphasizes the importance of good citizenship and courteous behavior both inside and outside the classroom.

Two Web sites disseminate information and support regarding each school's model and the effectiveness of each one as applied to their five different school settings. Additionally, Character Education materials appear on the Web site ( The Center for Law-Related Education also created a Web site ( that contains information regarding character education, highlights from the project schools, additional resources and materials, and discussion regarding frequently asked questions and suggestions for implementing a character education project.

To further publicize the project, 2 project newsletters were mailed to over 5,000 districts, county offices of education, schools, groups, and individuals. Twelve newspaper and journal articles covering the goals and progress of the project were published over the 4 years of the project. Articles written by nationally recognized character education experts were reprinted in the publication entitled Social Studies Review, Fall/Winter 1997, which featured character education issues.


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San Francisco Unified School District Abstract

Contact: Davida Desmond
555 Franklin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 241-6156

Caring School Community Character Education Program

Grant Number : R215S020141 Project Period : 10/1/02–9/30/06 FY 2002 Award : $232,200 FY 2003 Award : $388,900 FY 2004 Award : $385,800 FY 2005 Award : $421,700

The San Francisco Unified School District, in collaboration with the Developmental Studies Center of Oakland, CA, proposes a four-year project to implement and evaluate the Caring School Community (CSC) character education program in a sample of sixteen elementary schools that serve low-achieving, ethnically diverse student populations. The CSC program was derived from the Child Development Project (CDP), a model prevention, character education, and positive youth development program. The CSC program combines those elements of CDP that are most directly focused on enhancing the sense of the school as a caring community among students, staff, and families. Research has consistently shown that increasing students' sense of school community enhances their "bonding" or "connectedness" to school, which in turn has been shown to have positive effects on their social and ethical development, academic motivation and performance, and involvement in problem behaviors.

The initial year would be used for planning and capacity building, and conducting baseline assessments of students and teachers at all sixteen schools. The schools would then be randomly assigned to condition, yielding an initial group of eight program and eight comparison schools. Teachers at the eight program schools would implement the CSC program for two years. The eight comparison schools would serve as a wait-list control group, with staff at these schools receiving staff development and beginning to implement the program during the final year. Annual assessments of students and teachers at all sixteen schools would be conducted in the spring of each year.


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Alameda County Office of Education

Contact: Evan Goldberg
313 W. Winton Avenue
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 670-4233

Project Heart, Head, Hands (H3) Grant Number : R215S020182 Project Period : 10/1/02–9/30/06 FY 2002 Award : $494,094 FY 2003 Award : $535,697 FY 2004 Award : $529,909 FY 2005 Award : $529,385

Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE), in collaboration with four urban school districts in the East Bay-Hayward Unified School District, West Contra Costa Unified School District, Fremont Unified School District, and the Oakland Diocese-is developing and researching a comprehensive character education program that integrates the development of character traits/virtues, social/emotional skills, and service to the community. These elements are referred to as Heart, Head, Hands. Believing that these three elements will have a multiplicative effect on students and the school community, we have labeled the project "H3". Project H3 has been developed in collaboration with the California State University-Hayward (CSUH) and University of California-Berkeley (UCB) Schools of Education.

Project H3 implements an integrated, comprehensive character education curriculum in schools that have demonstrated their commitment to implementing Project H3 with fidelity. The program will annually target K-6 students in three cohorts of eight schools; adding 200 teachers and 5,000 students each year. This strategy of gradual implementation will allow a reasonable, but ambitious, schedule for training and implementation, and it will also allow a quasi-experimental design to be developed with matched samples of students across schools at various stages of implementation.

Evan Goldberg from ACOE will serve as Project Manager. Dr. Andrew Furco of UCB who will be the principal investigator for the project will conduct research on Project H3. Program evaluation, led by Dr. Amy LaGoy of Hatcheul Tabernik and Associates, will measure the effectiveness of overall program implementation and student and school-level outcomes.


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