The Partnerships in Character Education Project Program

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Character Education Project Abstract

Wisconsin Department of Education Abstract

Contact: Mary Kleusch
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
PO Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707–7841
(608) 266–7051

Partners for Citizenship: Wisconsin's Character Education Partnership Project

Application Number: R215V980029
Project Period: 7/1/98–6/30/03
FY 1998 Award: $200,000
FY 1999 Award: $200,000
FY 2000 Award: $200,000
FY 2001 Award: $200,000
FY 2002 Award: $200,000

This project will forge a partnership among the state department of education, 144 school districts, the Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers (PTA), and 12 regional Cooperative Education Service Agencies (CESAs). Staff development and grant opportunities will be available for partner schools to implement the character education concepts outlined in the recent Department of Public Instruction publication, A Citizenship Toolkit. This will help the schools to:

  1. adopt a core set of values that exemplify good character;
  2. create environments that are safe, orderly, and support learning;
  3. involve parents and other segments of the community in character education activities;
  4. implement strategies to build positive relationships among and between youth and adults;
  5. address societal issues such as violence and drug use;
  6. engage students??? minds and keep them connected to school; and
  7. set high expectations for the behavior of youth and adults in the school setting

The partner schools, in conjunction with community members and parents, will develop annual action plans to strategically infuse character education activities across the curriculum, in the school environment and in the community. School plans will be based on the unique needs of each district. The Department of Public Instruction and CESA personnel will coordinate regional and statewide staff development and evaluation activities to support the development and implementation of school action plans.

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Last Modified: 11/30/2004

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