The Partnerships in Character Education Project Program

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Character Education Project Abstract

State Educational Agency | New Haven Public Schools

Connecticut State Educational Agency Abstract

Contact: Nancy Pugliese
Connecticut State Department of Education
165 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 713-6582

Partnerships in Character Education

Application Number : R215V960002
Project Period : 7/1/96 - 6/30/00
FY 1996 Award : $250,000
FY 1997 Award : $250,000
FY 1998 Award : $250,000
FY 1999 Award : $250,000

Through a competitive process, 16 Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) received grants to develop comprehensive character education program models. The State Department of Education (SDE) is infusing character education into state reform initiatives by providing technical assistance and professional development to implement the programs. The SDE's Common Core of Learning and Connecticut's Common Core of Teaching contain character education standards.

The SDE and the School for Ethical Education formalized a partnership through a Memorandum of Agreement. Together, the two groups coordinate statewide activities for character education and co-sponsor annual Character Education Conferences.

The focus of the project is not curriculum or program development. Rather, the focus is understanding the philosophy of character education and embedding that philosophy into the ethos of the school and community. Connecticut SDE believes that this will build, teach, reinforce, and celebrate the character ethics of Connecticut youth.


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New Haven Public Schools Abstract

Contact: Dee Speese-Linehan
250 Greene Street
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 946-7443

Building Character in Early Elementary Education

Grant Number : R215S020129
Project Period : 10/1/02 - 9/30/06
FY 2002 Award : $493,811
FY 2003 Award : $498,199
FY 2004 Award : $495,114
FY 2005 Award : $498,704

The proposed initiative is a randomized control trial of a school and community based early elementary school character building initiative whose aim is to foster early character development in young children. The specific objectives of the project will be to institute and test a character education program in grades K-3 of the New Haven Public Schools that: 1) promotes character development in early elementary aged children through knowing, feeling and acting, 2) increases the capacity of K-3rd grade teachers and aides to support and reinforce the character development of early elementary children, 3) increases the capacity of parents to support and reinforce the character development of their elementary aged children, and 4) increases the capacity of administrators to foster the character development of elementary aged children by creating a school climate and policies that reflect a commitment to the character development of their students.

Ten elementary schools will be randomized into control and experimental groups. Randomization will occur after schools have been divided into two groups based on rates of key socio-demographic (race and free lunch status) and outcome variables (number of suspensions and academic markers). Two successive kindergarten cohorts (approximately 1300 students) will be followed across the project period for three and four years respectively. The experimental and control groups will be compared at baseline and again each year. Outcome measures will include: academic readiness/performance, rates of disciplinary incidents, teacher perceptions of student's social and behavioral functioning, and student's self reports (in 4th grade) of character related perceptions and behavior. A process evaluation will also be conducted in order to measure fidelity, dosage and participant satisfaction.


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Last Modified: 11/23/2004

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