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Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
September 28, 2001

Sanctions on India and Pakistan

In a Presidential Determination signed on September 22, President George W. Bush waived sanctions on India and Pakistan.

India and Pakistan

Glenn Amendment -- ALL WAIVED

  • Prohibit assistance under Foreign Assistance Act, U.S. Government credit, credit guarantees and "other financial assistance" by departments, agencies, or instrumentalities of U.S.
  • Direct U.S. to "oppose" non-basic human needs loans, financial or technical assistance through International Financial Institutions.
  • Bar export licenses for U.S. Munitions List items and certain dual-use items. (Individual waiver previously granted for helicopter parts to India.)
  • Prohibit government defense sales under Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Military Financing. (Individual waiver previously granted for equipment for Pakistan’s forces serving in United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone UNAMSIL).

Pakistan only

Export-Import Bank Act prohibits Export-Import Bank guarantees, insurance and credits to any non-nuclear weapons state that detonates a nuclear device. WAIVED. (Previously waived for India).

Pressler Amendment prohibits military assistance and transfers of military equipment or technology unless President certifies Pakistan does not possess a nuclear explosive device. WAIVED.

Symington Amendment blocks use of Foreign Assistance Act or Arms Export Control Act funds for economic assistance, military assistance or International Military Education and Training, assistance for Peacekeeping Operations, or military credits or guarantees to any country which receives from any other country nuclear enrichment equipment without safeguards. WAIVED.

Section 508 of Foreign Operations Appropriations Act bars assistance under that Act to any country whose duly elected head of government was deposed by military coup.

Section 620 (q) of the Foreign Assistance Act and Section 512 of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act (Brooke Amendment) bar certain assistance for countries in default on U.S. Government loans.

Missile Sanctions under Arms Export Control Act bar U.S. Munitions List and dual-use export licenses and U.S. contracts for two years for entities involved in transfer of Missile Technology Control Regime-class missiles and technology. Imposed on specific Pakistani entities in November 2000 and September 2001.

Entity List for Pakistan and India

The Commerce Department's "Entity List" is published in the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (Supplement 4 to Section 744, see It was developed to help U.S. exporters identify foreign end-users that require individual export licenses for certain sensitive U.S. commodities and technologies of proliferation concern. A number of Indian and Pakistani entities are on this list. Their status was not affected by the recent waivers. The list continues to be reviewed.

Released on September 28, 2001

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